The value of the male name Kir is his character and fate


It is not necessary to confuse two consonant, but different names of Cyrus and Kirill.

The name of Cyrus was born in Persia, where it was uttered differently - "Kurush", which means "sunny". Gradually spread to other countries, a little changing pronunciation: in England - "Sayres", in France - Sirus, Italy has changed the name - "Chiro", Spain took the name from Italy by changing the first letter - "Siro" in it After Italy, the name spread in Portugal - "Sira". It came to Russia under the name "Kirios", which reduced to Cyrus.

Name pronunciation in different countries

Options in Russia: Kirushi, Kirunichik, Kirchchik, Kirk, Kirych, Kirch, Kirulya, Kirios.

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The patronymic of the children owner of this name: Kirovich, Kirovna.

It can be both male and female name.



The character of Kira is deciphered by letters:
  • The first letter "K" speaks of the endurance and strength of her owner.
  • The second letter "and" testifies to peacefulness, the goodness of the Spirit.
  • The last letter "P" means that its owner is irreconcilable, brave, independent, confident.


From early childhood, Kir is ready to go to a lot to win, lesions suffer hard. Because of pronounced leadership qualities, it is bad for the team, it is necessary to teach him from the very childhood to teach him to reduce selfishness and dispatch the accumulated energy. Having hated permissiveness, Cyrus can become cruel.

Cyrus for life remains persistent, self-confident, arrogant, a purposeful person who knows what he needs to achieve this. Loves when they admire, trying to produce on others, hit, surprise. Despite these strong qualities, Cyrus remains a kind, sensitive person who care about the weak and disadvantaged, but skillfully hides from those who surround these qualities behind the mask of composure.

A family

Cyrus from nature is endowed with special charm, romanticism and enjoys success at the opposite sex, hitting them with its non-original and immediacy. It is hard for his family life because of the desire to be the main one in the family. He is suitable for a duplicate and patient wife, who will agree to live according to his charter, otherwise avoiding serious conflicts in the family of Kiru will not succeed.


In adulthood, Kir greatly owns emotions, it will not be easy to bring it out of itself, to manipulate it either. Criticism thrown into his address provokes Kira to even more decisive steps. Does not allow anyone to doubt his words, decisions, does not shift responsibility for his actions on other shoulders, therefore, it seeks difficult tasks to solve alone.

Due to the analytical warehouse of the mind, Cyrus is perfectly disassembled in the technique. Thanks to the developed intuition, makes the right choice and easily achieves goals. In the sports field can achieve high results due to the desire to win.

The main goal in work is to achieve high results. Kiru is suitable for any work where you need to move, act, achieve results, for example, in the field of marketing and sales, advertising, traveling. The owner of this name must go ahead all the time, develop, otherwise it will be fast and turn into a gloomy and dissatisfied pessimist.

The man in a suit


Little kir almost never sick, but in adulthood, problems with the stomach can begin, you need to follow food. Cyrus loves to engage in different sports, especially moving. The body, fortified by sports, rarely sick, in the case of Cyrus, is quickly amended. It should be fear of physical injuries.

Horoscope for the name Kir

Aries - fits into any company with his communication, the ability to be friends, but does not know how to trust friends.

Taurus - often acts thoughtlessly, does not listen to anyone, he defends his opinion to the latter.

Gemini - I do not know how to make friends, it is bad for contact, with a personal life is not laid because of these qualities.

Cancer - is afraid of making decisions, weakly-speakers, is not capable of cruelty, but dreams of becoming a leader.

Lion - bright organizational abilities, tacty. Pushes people with sharp changes of character, flashes of aggression.

Virgo is an interesting, diversified person formed with an excellent imagination. But not the leader, is not popular with the opposite sex.

Scales - does not like to attract attention, no one out of friends allocates, communicating with everyone equally, attentive to the trifles. Serious and reasonable man.

Scorpio - externally angry, aggressive, and inside a good, sensitive person. Great father and husband.

Sagittarius - pleasant in communication, lives on conscience. Easily draws out of his life of the unsure and weak spirit of people.

Capricorn - can take immediately for several cases and always brings them to the end. From it will come out excellent boss.

Aquarius - introvert, loves loneliness. For the sake of loved ones will go to all.

Fish is an incorrigible dreamer, but little business brings to the end. It looks like an optimist, and inside a pessimist, seeing the negative.

Compatibility with female names

  • In business.
Good: Maria, Daria, Catherine, Alice, Yana, Alina, Vasilisa.

Bad: Anna, Ksenia, Victoria, Kira, Elena, Natalia, Hope.

  • In love.

Good: Maria, Daria, Julia, Yana, Anastasia, Tatiana, Irina.

Bad: Anna, Ksenia, Kira, Natalia, Diana, Olga, Evgenia.


  • The name of the name is raspberry, emerald, brown.
  • Planet - Jupiter.
  • Zodiac sign - lion, Capricorn.
  • Element - air.
  • Mineral Talisman - Sapphire, Hyacinth.
  • Totem animal - deer.
  • Plant - Lavender.
  • Happy day of the week - Thursday.
  • Tree - oak.
  • Metal - tin.
  • Favorable numbers - 1, 3, 4, 12, 13.

Famous people with the name Kir

Famous people

  • Cyrus Bulychev - Russian Writer of Children and Adult Fantastic Books.
  • Konoplev - Russian physicist.
  • Cyrus II Great - Persian King.
  • Cyrus Dally - American actor.
  • Cyrus Thomas is an American entomologist.
  • Kir Nesis is a Soviet zoologist, a hydrobiologist.
  • Cyrus Stefan Serb is a Serbian composer who lived in the 14th century.
  • Kir Alexandria is the first doctor in Alexandria, the Christian saint, the patron saint of Kir.

Day Angel

Church name: Kirill

Meaning of the name: Sun, sunny (Read the full meaning of the name Cyrus)

Nearest Name Day Kira: May 21

Name day

strong>Kira in 2021 for the church calendar
  • January 21


  • February 13


  • June, 22


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