Best and happy signs about sneezing and sneezing by day


Sneeze - most nations have a good sign. Pedantic British developed a whole system to make sneezing in time. Russian gatherers will try to keep up and gathered a whole set of rules and adopted with sacific. The sneezing was considered the sign of the gods from most ancient civilizations.

Ancient Greek philosophers have no doubt that sneezing is not a nose, but a human mind, makes it susceptible to fresh ideas and inspiration. In part, they are right, with sneezing for a short time, the supply of the brain with oxygen is improved.

With a certain habit of intelligent exercises, especially in the controversy, requiring an instant reaction, at the time of chiha, the brain is really able to give an unexpected and interesting thought. Some scientists and speakers even wore a special long and subtle feather, which were tested in the nose, provoking inspiration.

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Enter the day of the week and time:

MondayverTherennikShtrevdympyatarSubbotavinasy 00: 00-01.00 01: 00-02.00 02: 00-03.00 03-04-04.00 04: 00-05.00 05: 00-06.00 06: 00-07.00 07: 00-08.00 08: 00-08.00 08: 00- 10.00 10: 00-11.00 11: 00-12.00 12: 00-13.00 13: 00-14.00 14: 00-15.00 15: 00-16.00 16: 00-17.00 17: 00-18.00 18: 00-19.00 19: 00- 20.00 20: 00-21.00 21: 00-22.00 22: 00-23.00 23: 00-00.00

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Basic Signs about sneezing

  • To sneeze during a conversation - an additional argument to your words. Note confirms that you are talking to the truth. The happiest time for sneezing - in the morning to breakfast. This means that the whole day will be successful and happy. Surrounding in the morning - get ready for the most pleasant and unexpected surprises.
  • To sneeze, starting a new business - to good luck and successful fast completion of work.
  • During reflection - to a new, fresh idea, which will be exclusively delirious and useful.
  • On the wedding day, but before saying the oaths - to a happy marriage.
  • During meals - the sign of promotion to find a faithful friend in the very near future, you will get acquainted with an interesting person, if you initiate the initiative.
  • In the New Year, during the battle of the Kurats - the next year will be for you special, unusual, filled with amazing events.
  • In the bath, in the sauna - to the money. In the pool - to cash spending.
  • To the addition of finance, gifts sneezes and cat.
  • In the rooms and in the cabinets - to luck. And on the street or in the corridor - to annoying oversight.
  • If in response you hear the wishes of health, it is for luck, profits, dream performance.
  • If someone is going to sneeze, you need to have time to make a desire. The louder will succeed, the greater the likelihood of the desire.
  • If someone sneezes you, he can infect you with his destiny. Well, if it is a rich and successful person with an interesting and exciting life. Among women, even there is a belief that a happy offspring can be secured with a sacific.
  • Stereness during the disease is considered a good admission and means a high probability of rapid recovery.

Signs of different nations

  • A series of chikhov in Irish signs - a reason to drink immediately. Blinking, according to Irish, drives trolls, elves and other evil spirits, which will not approach a drunk person. The British believe that this way a person pays for too bold expectations and in vain hopes. Russians believe that the unclean, who tried to file a bad idea. In general, despite the considerable distance between the countries, it can be noted that the ideas of Russian and Irish are similar.
  • Scots treated the first sneezing of the baby with a special trepidation. It was believed that a newborn child should be protected from evil forces in every way, a mountainous spirits can be taken or replaced. But only before the first silence. The baby sneezed - it means that he could no longer replace him, he learned himself to defend themselves from the unclean alone.
  • The spoiled and vitality of the Romans believed that every time it was indulging, somewhere born a dazzling beauty. It was assumed that both stereateness and the birth of beauties - the tricks of the young Amur or Cupid - the playful God of Love.

The sneezing of the famous researcher will take, proverbs, sayings and traditions Daly

  • Early in the morning - to a good day.
  • Up to noon - to a date.
  • Day - to excellent fresh thought.
  • In the evening - to drinking.
  • At night - to luck in love.
  • Wake up of sneezing -k surprise. To a sudden trip, visit guests, award or unforeseen spending.


  • Monday is a pleasant event, joy, surprise.
  • Tuesday is a useful meeting or interesting observation.
  • Wednesday - listen to news, learn something useful.
  • Thursday is a good day for profitable shopping.
  • Friday - a date, an interesting meeting, many different events.
  • Saturday - Make a desire.
  • Sunday - you need to help friends, guests, meeting.

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