The meaning of the anxia is character and fate


Like a greater number of modern female names, common in Russian, the name of the ancondition has an ancient Greek origin. In Russia, it appeared and spread from the moment of adoption of the Orthodox faith.

Initially, the male form of this name - Anisios, which occurred from the Greek word "Anisis", which was translated into Russian as follows: "Executed, completed." Thus, the name of the anxia means "executing" or "final".

Of the positive traits of nature, the following can be noted: the anxia is solid and decisive, can achieve the goals set, mentally balanced, and sensuality is well developed in it.


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Self-assessment at the owner of this name is high, often even overestimated, but it is unlikely to become a problem, since she has enough mind not to show this quality in society. In the company of friends or working team, it will be held adequately. Emotionality in it is combined with judgment.

Humor ancassium humor looks less attractive in the eyes of the surrounding people, which most often has the character of sarcasm. Unsupported her calmness only seems so - behind him the strongest nervous tension may be hidden, and if the emotions take the top, the scandal is not avoiding.

A variety of variations name

The name of Anisia has various abbreviated and derivative forms. One of the brief forms of name is Anya, identical to the reduction on the name of Anna. Other reductions are as follows: Anisa, Oya, Asya, Aniya, Anissyushka.

Synonyms named after Asya: Anusya, Oniusi, Oniskia.

Fate girl named Anisia

In early childhood, Aniya will be a positive, benevolent and vigorous girl. Thanks to good nature and prime character, she will quickly acquire friends in any team. The ability to diligently treat work and general hard work will be traced from an early age.

Parents, educators and teachers will endlessly appreciate it for these qualities. Also an anxia, ​​even small, is embodied responsibility. If she assumed any obligation, it will certainly be fulfilled. Such behavior that is not characteristic of other children will surprise many.

In school years is good performance, preferring to humanitarian sciences. Early starts to read. Literary interest does not fade in her later life. It does not neglect the exact sciences, showing no less success in them, but they do not cause such enthusiasm in it.

Young woman

In adult life, her character practically does not change. This woman will be a good, kind and sociable, ready at any time to help the one who needs it. It will try to try to find a job in the soul, but will show diligence even in the uninteresting area.

Careerist Anise, as a rule, does not become. But thanks to hard work, quickly rises through the career ladder. In the circle of colleagues, respects and multiple buddy relationship awaits her.

Various characteristics of asi.

Few aware that the anxia is truly capable of deep sadness. The surrounding people who are accustomed to watch it in the active and fun arrangement of the Spirit are confident that she cannot be bad. This is due to the fact that in a bad mood, it is simply not shown in society.
  • Planet Patron - Saturn.
  • Talisman tree - Elm.
  • Zodiac sign - Capricorn.
  • Animal talisman - Sweet.
  • The talisman plant is thistle.
  • Stone Talisman - Onyx.
  • The name of the name is dark green.

Name Day and Angela Day Anisia celebrates once a year - January 12. On this day, the Holy Martyr Aniosia-Virgo is revered.

Asya and Lyubov

The main thing for an anxia is to feel the sincerity of the partner. This girl is from those who believe in love at first sight. Clearing, manifestation of interest, marks and romantic dates have a special meaning for it. She is able to break the relationship because of the slightest suspicion of deception.

It is impossible to call it alolyubka - the parting is experiencing indifferently, not focusing, finds new partners and enters new romantic relations. If she, together with his man, turned out to be in the center of attention, against his own willus will give him a lot of reasons for jealousy.

If it does not go to marriage, the financial well-being of the partner does not have a special meaning for it. At this stage, the main thing for it is interest. As soon as the gray weekdays will be asked, the anxia will immediately go.


Much more responsible manifested in the choice of spouse. In this matter, Asya will not allow themselves to take a rapid decision. She sticks to such a position that you first need to stand on your feet.

At a young age, her attempts of young people take advantage of its excessive gullibility. At first it may hurt her, but, in general, it will affect positively - she will acquire an experience that will continue to save from errors.

Family life Asi.

This woman, being married, can boldly claim the status of an ideal wife. Most often married quite late, after which its behavior and values ​​change radically. The family from this point is standing at the head of the corner. For the sake of children and the spouse, ready to go absolutely to everything.

Anxia is also an excellent hostess. In her house, there are always many guests - it can be common friends, relatives and other people. All who will be in their house will plunge into the atmosphere of comfort and will not be able to resist the treats that she skillfully prepared.

Her talents in the field of cooking will appreciate everything, since, besides the fact that it prepared very tasty, Asya is distinguished by the ability to fully serve the table. Anxia is also a wonderful mother. Children feel friendly support and understand that they can trust her any secret - Mom will not swear, but will certainly help himself. Children can devote all their free time.

A real blow will become a spouse for her. It will pass a lot of time, she will suffer greatly, but in the end forgive him, giving the chance to start everything from the beginning. It gives attention to parents, not forgetting from time to time to kill their gray weekdays.

Successes in work and business

As a rule, still sitting on a school bench, Asya already knows what profession it will dedicate his life. Thanks to its openness and hard work, it may receive any desired position, but the leading posts, as a rule, do not seek.

Her personal qualities contribute to the establishment of friendly and trusting relationships in the working team, thanks to which colleagues will always come to her aid. From Asi will be a good lawyer, a historian or designer.

Because of the regular need for communication, she should choose the appropriate case. It is also necessary that the work is paid worthy. After the marriage and the birth of children, it may take to the household for some time with their heads, but over time, it will still feel craving for its realization of its potential.

Male name compatibility

Anxia is compatible with many male names, but the most favorable union has a smart and enterprising Anton, always able to entertain Gleb, strong Stepan, wealthy Alexander and sincere Ivan.

Less successful relationships will be collaborated with Zakhar, Igor, David and Anatoly. Marriage or romantic relationships with these men will not bring fun and open Ace of happiness.

Famous carriers name

Among the owners of this beautiful and rare name are such famous women as:

  • Anice fat - the court lady of Catherine first.
  • Anisia Bolotina is a revolutionary movement.
  • Anice Bulakhova - Opera Artist.
  • Anice Solunskaya - Christian Holy.

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