Interesting facts that reveal the meaning of Lily


I want to know about your name all: the story of his emergence, which means his influence on character and fate. To obtain these knowledge, you must familiarize yourself with several sciences: psychology, astrology, numerology, Chinese teachings and perceive them in one. We will reveal all the secrets about the value of the name of Lily.


History of origin

Translated from Latin Lilia means "white flower" or "lily".

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Common options: Lilit, Liliana, Lily. In different countries there are features in sound. The French name is Lily, the British - Lila. Jews appeal to her - Lilah. Abbreviated versions: Lileka, loan, loyal.

There are several versions associated with the name of the name:

  • Latin origin, consonant with a flower of the same name;
  • In biblical parables, the name of Sosanna is found, meaning "lotus", "White Lilia";
  • He has Hebrew sources, Lilith in translation sounds "Night, Spirit, Darkness";
  • associated with the Tatar name Leila.

From legends about the famous Hercules, we learn about his mother Alcmen. To protect the newborn baby from the persecution of Juno, she hid it in a dense shrub. Having learned about his location, Junoon approached the specified place, saw a defenseless child and decided to feed it. Hungry Hercules strongly bitten her for the chest. The goddess pushed the baby. Splattered milk spread throughout the sky, and part of the drops fell to the ground and turned into flowers - lilies.


The name affects the formation of characteristic features in a person. But to argue that their presence is an indisputable fact, incorrectly. At certain periods of life, different character strokes are manifested.

Children's and Youth Years


Lily grows inquisitive cheerful child. She loves to fantasize, since childhood has a dream, allowing it to stand out in society.

It is easily in contact with others, has a cheerful, cheerful character.

The girl admire, pay a lot of attention. The beauty and softness of the name of the name contribute to the appearance of spoilness, capriciousness. The first signs of egoism, self-love begin to manifest. To achieve the goal of Lily, hesitates tears.

In school years, Lily turns into a purposeful girl. In class, it comes prepared, all orders performs carefully.

Positive features can be noted:

  • optimistic;
  • decency;
  • dedication;
  • the presence of a sense of humor;
  • dreaminess;
  • unselfishness;
  • Communicability;
  • excellent memory;
  • friendliness;
  • The ability to listen to someone else's opinion.

Character of adult woman

During the recurring period, Lily acquires independence. She strives to get new knowledge. She is interested in new projects. She has organizational abilities.

She is always ready to come to the aid of a close person, leaving his own business, to patiently listen to him, give a useful advice.

If a woman prefers the name of Liliana, the authority is gradually manifested. This applies to or family life, or the direction of effort to achieve career growth.

Lily is not evil, does not save the resentment, quickly forgets them.

Main features:

  • sociability;
  • kindness, caring;
  • affection;
  • Performance;
  • stubbornness;
  • diplomacy;
  • charming ability;
  • Sentimentality (she likes to watch the series and read books about long-suffering love);
  • The desire to achieve the goal.

But an adult woman in the soul remains a child. She gives the scandal if something does not suit her. To achieve its goal, standard methods will apply: will pretend to be a patient or offended.

How is the fate of lily

In her life there are all sorts of problem situations. But the presence of strong will, ingenuity, the flexibility of the mind and charm helps her overcome obstacles.

Career, business

The lil in some cases is waiting for disappointment in the specialty received, she has to change the profession. In the presence of career growth prospects, it will show its qualities of discipline, scrupulousness, will try to achieve the desired one.

A woman does not like responsibility in work, appreciates punctuality, in senior positions there is a demanding. But she likes to work in the team more.

It is suitable for creative professions or with elements of analysis. Possible options:

  • actor;
  • designer;
  • makeup artist, hairdresser, stylist;
  • photographer;
  • lawyer;
  • accountant;
  • manager.

An occupation of a favorite thing is an important factor in the disclosure of her talent. The material side is not the main point in choosing a profession.

Love, family, marriage

At the beginning of the path in relations with men, Lile is found betrayal, deception, lack of response. With the achievement of maturity, it will learn to choose its half. Honesty and loyalty - the desired quality for its chosen one.

The family is committed to leadership, excessive independence, but the decision of household problems prefers to shift on the spouse. Lily - Chiorel.

Successful marriages when the husband is older. She likes smart, secured satellites of life. He goes towards her desires, shows care, gives gifts, ready to endure whims.

Gradually, it turns out of selfish, narcissistic, spoiled woman in a household, loving husband's husband.

For a successful marriage, men with names are suitable: Alexander, Vladimir, Evgeny, Victor, Vadim, Stanislav, Felix, Konstantin, Roman.

The low probability of a happy marriage with Cyril, Paul, Nikolai, Denis, Anton, Oleg, Edward. Relationships will not be collaborated.


Lilian has strong health. It is active and fresh. Possible problems - kidney disease.

What else needs to know about lilies


  • Jasper (gives positive energy, attracts good luck, well-being, wealth);
  • Emerald (adds wisdom, coolness);
  • Rodonit (awakens feelings, contributes to the development of talents);

The house recommends to have objects made from jasper. They will protect against envious and gossip, bring consent and mutual understanding in the family.

Lile patronizes the planet - Mercury. Women show the ability to foreign languages. They often become translators, journalists, marketers. But with them you should not share your secrets, they love to suck.

Brown color. The explosive nature of these people leads to the emergence of difficulties in their lives. They do not always listen to other people's advice, confident in their right.

Favorable signs - Virgo, Aquarius.

Orthodox saints with the name Lily not. Women's names are celebrated in the days of the saints with the name Susanna:

  • May 15;
  • 2, 19, June 20;
  • 24 August;
  • 10 September;
  • December 28th.

Selects the date close to the birthday.

Famous media names


  • Let's remember famous people with the name Lily.
  • Ethel Lilian Voynich is the famous English writer.
  • Lilia Lebedeva is a Russian artist.
  • Lily Tolmachev - actress.
  • Lilia Shevtsova is a Russian political scientist.
  • Lilia Castopayeva - Gymnast.
  • The professions correspond to the characteristics of the name.

Conclusion: The meaning of the name affects the fate of a person. After studying the relationship of all factors, it is possible to influence the development of character.

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