Meaning, origin of the name, character and fate of agate


Russian name Agatha comes from the Greek name Agathos. In ancient Greece, this name, as a rule, was given to good, light and, along with that, stubborn girls. To this day, it is believed that the owner of this fault name is calm, friendly, at the same time logical and sufficiently solid women.


Names name

This name is widespread in Europe. There are its options such as Agatha, Aggie, Agi, Agueda, Agathe. In Russia, Agatu Laskovo is called Agafya, Agafyushka, Yeah, Agasha, said.


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Agasha is kind, patient, she loves to be a soul company. She knows what she wants, and no one is needed to achieve the target goals - it is independent and is in a state of harmony with the world and with himself.

Agatha is open to everything new, she likes to speak self-development from the young age. She is observed and attentive. Despite the openness of the world, Yeah, as a rule, focuses solely on himself: on their feelings from interaction with the world.

Agafiam is hard to show such strong emotions as joy or grief, in her soul it can reign chaos, but it never suits something that it hurts. At the same time, Agatha - a woman hospitable and seeking to create a family hearth, she since childhood dreams of Visit his own nest.


As a rule, in childhood Agata - a quiet girl, trying to avoid noisy collective games, she likes peace and loneliness, she does not like to go to kindergarten.

However, as soon as the girl begins to study at school, there is a wonderful reincarnation in the tongue and the first starter. The school reveals the potential of a fun, sociable person in it. Agafya prefers girls to the company of boys in which it can easily become a leader. At the same time, the girl can be quite difficult to share intimate with other people, despite the proposally demonstrated. She is from those people who have a wide range of communication, but to trust prefer the closest.

Agate is easily learning, because the carriers of this name from nature are superbly developed logical and analytical thinking. Therefore, adult Agafia is a cold-minded girl with strong ambitions and clear awareness, which she wants and how to get it. She is a true leader, an advocate of justice, she likes to protect weak people and animals.

In love, women with the name Agat usually are extremely lucky. She knows how to give love and get it instead. She feels happiness, creating homemade comfort by cooking culinary masterpieces, raising children.


The color of Aguafia is purple, he symbolizes the leadership start, well-developed intuition and the desire for power.

Planet affecting agate - uranium. Thanks to communication with this planet, Agatha has a love for change, innovations and ability to listen to their own inner voice.

Zodiac sign name - Aquarius. Women under the patronage of this sign are distinguished by internal tranquility and restraint.

Stone amulet - amethyst.


Day Angel

Name Day Agafya celebrates 4 times a year, according to the saints of the Sretensky Monastery:

  • 6th January;
  • January 10;
  • 18th of Febuary;
  • 11th of November.

Days of Angel

Aspects of life


Thanks to developed leadership abilities, Agatha is able to build a successful career in politics and business. She knows how to manage people and motivate them to follow her. Agafier delivers the pleasure of self-development, thanks to which it can master almost any profession.


The carrier of this beautiful name has the ability to attract the attention of men with their unrestrained energy and life. However, the relationship of a woman with this name with a man can "stumble" about the jealousy of Agafia. She loves to control everything, and the man is no exception. Therefore, the choice of a faithful chosen one is what Agasha is ready to spend many years to carefully find his ideal. The man she believes becomes the happiest man in the world.


Usually agate from birth has good health, excellent immunity. However, in adolescence, there may be disruption of the gastrointestinal tract, and in the adulthood Agafya may face varicose veins and violations of the hormonal background.

Compatibility in relations with other names

Women with the name Agata have a greater probability of compatibility with men wearing names: Maxim, Arseny, Mikhail, Nikolay, Andrei.

An excellent girlfriend Agata can become with Anastasia, Maria, Anna, Barbaroos.

Famous media names

Women who worn by Agatha and left a trail in history:

  • Agaphia Palermal and Agafya Akvilaskaya - fought for Christ faith in the III century;
  • Agatha Christie - a brilliant British writer (1891-1976);
  • Agata Barbara - State, Public Actor, President of Malta (1923-2002);
  • Agatha Mutzing - the Russian-Lithuanian model and actress (1989 - present time).

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