See in a dream of a pregnant woman with a belly - what does it mean?


Pregnancy - Higher happiness for a woman. So the People's Solver says, and the representatives of the beautiful half of humanity themselves fully agree with this opinion. Waiting for a child is just a miracle. This is a real step towards a new life. Dreams in which women see themselves pregnant, also cause their joy. But the value of such dreams is far from always unambiguous, although it carries most often a positive subtext.

See in a dream of a pregnant woman with a belly - what does it mean? 5754_1

Pregnancy in a dream as a harbinger of happiness

Interpreters of dreams are unanimously inclined to the point of view that the meaning of such dreams is directly related to the period of visible pregnancy, the age of a woman and its life position. Also, much depends on the nature of the sensations that the girl is experiencing, seeing herself in a dream in an interesting position.
  • The girl is at the later date and stays in the perfect location of the Spirit. . The surrounding environment does not matter, the meaning of the dream of this does not change. Such a dream serves as a sign of fast pleasant changes in life. Perhaps it will be marriage or serious career successes.
  • Early gestation Mean the emergence of interesting perspectives in life. It may also be associated with work, but most likely refers to the implementation of any talents. For example, if a woman draws well and is fond of this kind of art, then ambulance and glory is possible on this field.
  • Waiting for a child directly connected with female health, so if Girl sees in a dream a prosperous pregnancy in late terms This is a signal to get rid of some disease. Most likely, it is associated with the nervous system or digestive tract.
  • If there is a favorite man next to you in this dream This is a sign of a safe family life. Such a dream is usually preceded by a large quarrel with his spouse. She can be so serious that the case can reach the thoughts about the divorce. The dream in which you are in the late or middle time, while holding the hand of the lover, speaks of a rapid reconciliation.

There are causes of such dreams that are not related to future events. For example, if a woman passionately wants to give birth to a child, she does not avoid such sleep. Especially often it is manifested in a situation where the girl has no permanent partner. Perspectives will be pregnant a little, but nature takes its own, passing this cherished dream in dreams.

When pregnancy in a dream to trouble

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At least such dreams and serve as a good sign, but there are exceptions that enloles trouble. The peculiarity of pregnancy in a dream lies in the fact that it does not foreshadow heavy losses or diseases. Most often, these dreams serve as a warning against rash deeds or reckless solutions.

Olga Muscovite was 68 years old when she saw this dream. The term of pregnancy was great, but nothing good had nothing to expect.

The fact is that if such a dream comes to women who have passed a childbearing age, then it indicates the rapid changes in life, and very unpleasant.

It also took three weeks as Olga entered the conflict with her son. It ended in the fact that the woman almost left without housing and livelihood.

Sleep with pregnancy seen by a girl who has not reached the active phase of puberty, also means trouble. For children, such dreams come less frequently, this is due to the peculiarities of their psyche. But if it happened, then you need to be alert. For example, one girl who saw himself in a dream "in position," entered into a serious conflict with his classmates. As a result, she became an outcast.

See in a dream of a pregnant woman with a belly - what does it mean? 5754_2

Pregnant man

It is worth saying a few words about the representatives of the strong sex. It sounds, of course, wildly, but a man can also see himself in a dream at the later gestation. It always leaves an unpleasant precipitate on the soul, because the hormones are not going anywhere - pregnancy is unnatural for a man. But there are no reasons for concern, it's just a dream. And if you consider the moment that a similar dream for a man is a good sign, you can also rejoice.

Men's pregnancy in a dream can mean the rapid appearance of offspring. If the spouses are crowded in the church, then a very durable connection is established between them. Higher forces give to understand a man with the help of a dream that his spouse is pregnant. Yes, the method, of course, is strange, but its accuracy can envy any extrasens.

Another reason for such a dream for a man is an increased sense of responsibility for their loved ones. It arises with financial problems when there is nothing to feed his wife and child. If a person has given such a dream in this situation, he is not a husband, and the present treasure, a stone wall!

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