Note: The pigeon hit the window and flew away


Of all the birds, the pigeons are mostly fighting in the windows, the often provoke the attacks of panic and various unpleasant thoughts in humans. There is a huge number of birds associated with birds, while many of them differ opposite interpretations. It is very interesting to sign when the pigeon hit the window and flew away. It's time to find out what she is capable of foreclosure and to what news should be prepared.

Note: The pigeon hit the window and flew away 5756_1

Interpretation of signs

Our ancestors believed that every bird flewing into the dwelling had a certain purpose.

So, for example, Soroki on their long tail brings news, and owls testify to the ambulance tragic death of someone from the family members in which they fly. Also proposed several options for the interpretation of beliefs about pigeons, which beats in the window:

  • If quite recently (less than 40 days ago) died close For you a person, in the form of a pigeon, his unaccificed soul could appear. If you believe, then in this case, a pigeon with a motley wings or snow-white dove will arrive;
  • Dove of black color which furious beats about the glass indicates bad news;
  • If the pigeon behaves calmly - walks along the windowsill, while no concern is, it may indicate news that will not deliver to you negative emotions, but at the same time will definitely surprise.

Bird hit the window at work

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There may be a situation that your working days will be broken by the appearance of a pigeon in the window. What is it?

Many people relate to such an event quite skeptical, without having any mystical meaning in it or, on the contrary, considering it a warning about the approaching changes.

Those who believe in the signs of birds claim that the white pigeon that appears foreshadows good news. The black dove that shocks the window and immediately flies, indicates problems in the working sphere, a possible reduction.

Note: The pigeon hit the window and flew away 5756_2

Death dove that crashed into the window

Sometimes it also happens to such a sad end of this situation, which cannot but push on bad thoughts regarding future events. The man superstitious will definitely interpret it as a bad sign and foresight of very bad news.

Skeptics immediately begin to look for logical explanations of such situations and come to the conclusion that the pigeon simply did not notice the window glass and crashed into it.

Whatever it was if you saw the death of dove and are very worried about this, be sure to pray and the health and well-being of your relatives and loved ones, thereby recalling possible troubles.

Bulletins from the parallel world

Our ancestors believed that the pigeon is a soul of a deceased person. And if she unexpectedly appeared to you in the birds of birds, it should be prayed to calm the deceased and order a fortyst in the church (you can simply put a candle for rest). This belief is due to the fact that the pigeon is a biblical bird. It was the pigeon who brought a noose and his family the good news about the soon salvation during the World Flood.

Note: The pigeon hit the window and flew away 5756_3

At the beginning of the last century, the pigeon symbolized the world around the world, also his image was associated with May holidays. Oral folk legends associate a couple of birds with sweethearts, therefore there are still signs, according to which the pigeon brushing near the window may indicate an ambulance quarrel or separation with a loved one.

If the bird hit the glass, but at the same time it is not in a hurry to fly away, it should not be aggression towards it. Carefully watch what will be the behavior of the first messenger. It is likely that it will perform for you a kind of sign over.

If a dark color bird is dishepted out into the window, exhausted, it says about the bad Westims, you need to be morally ready for possible trouble. Lane advised at this time to ask for help from the depths of their subconscious, which would answer if it was a simple coincidence, the stupidity of the bird or a message from the parallel worlds.

It is very bad if the pigeon beats about the glass before the appearance of blood, - in the near future the person is waiting for the disease, even the death of a close relative is not excluded.

If the pigeon hurt yourself

Also noticeably the appearance of a pigeon, which is badly fighting about the window and breaks the glass. Although this is a belief, if you believe skeptics, goes far in past times, because today in homes are usually installed strong windows.

If the bird hit the glass and lost a lot of his plumage, this signament has a certain number of interpretations:

  • There will be significant changes that divided your life on "to" and "after", you will have to go through a lot of things, and probably your views on life will be changed;
  • should be prepared for bitter regret and disappointment;
  • Get ready for distant news that make you wander.

Believe it or not in the admission of dove - your personal business. No one has the right to impose their convictions to another person, but in any case it will not be superfluous to listen to folk wisdom, the centuries carefully stored and carefully transmitted from one generation to the next one.

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