Money tree Signs and superstitions, what flows and falls


Around the money tree and superstitions are more than around many other plants. Proper care for this plant, which is in someone's home, will bring the family wealth, prosperity and happiness. Also, the crack can show which energy currently prevails in the dwelling, and tell about what is waiting for the inhabitants of the house in terms of financial stability.

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It is believed that the most close energy relationship between the monetary tree and the dwellings are established when it is grown by his own hands from a seed or a small process. For this plant is even more than for others, attention is important and care. It is necessary to adhere to the following will take:

  • With Tolstanka, it is worth a truly make friends so that it assists in maintaining material well-being. To do this, we should have maximum attention and care. This indoor flower loves communication - it is worth telling him about his financial problems and thank for the help. It is best for this that the environment is suitable.
  • It is necessary to take care that dust did not accumulate on the plants on the sheets, it harms both from an energy point of view, and objectively adversely affects the health of Tolstanka.
  • Place the pot with this plant is best in the southeastern part of the apartment. However, it is necessary to ensure that direct sunlights do not fall on it.
  • Periodically, it is worth binding bills to the monetary tree or have them between leaves. From time to time it is worth changing them to new ones.


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It is believed that the money tree cannot be placed next to the electrical appliances, and vice versa. In particular, this applies to TVs, microwaves and mobile phones. The fact is that this technique takes itself a positive energy plant.

This plant loves red - it enhances the energy impact of money. An excellent solution will be attached to Tolstanka in the Vazon of Red Coloring. You can also tie it or the plant itself with a red ribbon.

With each passing or the money received in other ways it is worth separating one coin and for some time put it on the ground next to the money tree. This will strengthen the beneficial effect on material well-being.

The score love not only money. It will help to increase the chances of gaining wealth, the periodic recalculation of money-tree leaves will help. This process can be combined with rubbing dust - in this way, you will combine the plant care and the involvement of money.

Installing a coin in a pot

There is an excellent way to significantly increase the energy of money in the long run. At that moment, when you plant a thickness in a pot or a vase, a few coins should be placed in the ground.

Several ways of conducting a ritual:

  • Coins in any quantities have a pot on the bottom before filling it with soil and plant a money tree.
  • According to another belief, the coins must be a fixed amount, namely three pieces. In this case, the energy of the plant will be the strongest and focused.
  • If you believe the supporters of the Feng Shui, the coins should be a clear amount, namely - eight.
  • Another way is to put three coins under the vase itself.

Money Tree

Money tree blossom - value

Fat - a plant that blooms quite rarely. It is necessary to show the best care for this room flower so that this moment will come as soon as possible, since during flowering it has the greatest power of influence on finance. Also blossoming foreshadows soon enrichment.

Another bonus, which can be obtained at the moment when the plant blokes, is the opportunity to make desires, which will be most likely. It is best to suit material dreams and ideas. Residents of the house during this period will make a profit from a wide variety of unexpected sources.

Why dies money tree

It is not necessary to panic and worry to panic and worry, finding a symbolic value in the death of the money tree and the foresight of the financial collapse. Such an annoying trouble can happen to any room plant.

To begin with, it is worth paying attention to the following points:

  • How correct was the care.
  • Compliance with the optimal level of moisture and temperature.
  • Fertilizer frequency.

You should adjust your own plant care. If the changes made to anything will not lead to anything and the plant will continue to disappear, it is worth cut off the healthiest process and re-put it, growing a new money tree.

Growing tree

If your Tolstanka has some leaves dried and fall, it's a good sign, as they symbolize gemstones. It is worth collectively assemble them and carefully store in your wallet to attract additional profits.

If dried and lay down all the leaves, it is an unkind sign. However, its consequences can be prevented by conducting such events as a plant transplant and its additional fertilizer.

Money tree as a gift

A common question is whether the money tree can be given. It has an unambiguous answer: a tea tree is a great gift, especially if it is presented to the wedding.

This plant will play not the last role in the financial welfare of the future family. The bandaga of the red ribbon will help simultaneously give it a gift view and strengthen the energy.

Also, the tape of scarlet or red is worth tied to the tree several bills, beautifully twisted into the tube. It is important to give this flower, having only the brightest thoughts and pure intentions. Wishes of well-being and happiness should be sincere and joyful.

Many believe that the monetary tree cannot be made and transfer from home to the house, as this action will lead to the deterioration of the financial situation and who gives the plant, and who accepts a gift. If you believe in this accept and fear it, a tree taking person can pay a small symbolic sum. It will save both from all kinds of risks.

Also superstitious people are not recommended to throw out a tea tree - it is better to give it to someone or put on the windowsill in the entrance.

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