Red thread on the wrist: how to tie and what prayer read


Protective amulets and wubblers accompanied humanity throughout the history of its existence. Which means a red thread on the wrist, how to tie it and what prayer to read, - read about everything in the presented material.

red thread

From the history of Talisman

Recently, the red thread often can be seen on the wrists of representatives of show business. Of course, this fact was not without the attention of the fans of their creativity. And now hundreds of fans began to imitate their idols and wear cherished string on hand, regarding it most often as a fashion accessory and not having an idea of ​​its real purpose and opportunities.

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Meanwhile, the thread is one of the most vintage faiths whose history is rooted in Kabbalah (teaching in Judaism). Kabbalist believed that it had powerful protective properties and is able to reliably withstand any negative energy effect (slohalu, damage, envy).

Examples of using this talisman are traced in the traditions of other peoples. Our great-grandmothers were treated with the help of a red woolen thread of the diseases of the joints and bones. In India, this attribute is part of a wedding ceremony. And the Japanese and the Chinese believe in a summary of the invisible red thread bonding two halves, which together are destined to pass a life path.

Requirements for Obereg.

Red thread on the wrist, how to tie, prayer

Wearing a proud title of talisman deserve far from every rope. It is believed that the thread acquires the functions of a protective talisman if:

  • Made of natural wool . Natural wool without synthetic additives is a material that has a healing and beneficial effect on the human body.
  • Painted precisely in red . Such tones symbolize the danger in any manifestation.
  • Purchased for money . The thread obtained as a gift, protective their abilities loses.
  • The strongest and workers are heragging from Jerusalem . They possess the energy of the Holy Land. You can buy it for the symbolic price on this site.

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So that the woolen guard could withstand destructive bad energy, on the wrist, it should be tied to someone from his relatives (close) people, the thoughts and actions of which exactly do not contain any negative towards the carrier of the talisman (most often it is a native mother). The process of tying bracelet is accompanied by a special prayer. This prayer gives the amulet its protective force.

How to tie a thread and what to read prayer

A protective talisman in the form of a red thread is taken on the left wrist, since it is precisely the left hand of a person is considered to be accepting, the energy (negative - including) enters it into the human body.

According to the Kabbalistic tradition, during the tie of the facing amulet on the wrist of the media, it is necessary to make 7 nodules. Chosen such a number of nodes is not accidental: it personifies 7 days of the week, during which the amulet must perform direct responsibility. However, some people are limited to the entire pair of nodes - this option will also be admissible.

The most famous prayer when tie a thread - "Ben Patty Yosf" . It is possible to pronounce it in Russian translation, and it sounds like this:

Red Thread: Prayer

The prayer "Ben Patty Yosf" is pronounced exactly 7 times - one time on each of the 7 nodules.

There is also another prayer text - "Ana Bacoah" . If "Ben is Patty Iosf" is read specifically when tie the threads, then this verse differs from it because it has more versatile meaning and known as a general prayer for protection.

In Russian transcription "Ana Bacoach" has the following sound:


Not rebeling and reading this prayer translated into Russian:


Printing the sacred text has its own specific features. Each it is designed for one nodule: the first line is read - the first node is tied, the second line is the second node, etc. The last - the eighth - the line is pronounced at the very end when all 7 nodules will be made on the woolen thread. After reading the final line, the charm is considered ready and starts its service.

Orthodox prayer

As the red thread gained popularity in the Orthodox Christian tradition, Orthodox prayer texts appeared, accompanying the rite of stagnation of the protective bracelet on the wrist. For example, this prayer may read:

Red Thread: Orthodox Prayer

The talisman manufacturing rules using higher text presented remain unchanged: the nodules need to do 7, the words of prayers are also pronounced seventy. In addition, before the ritual, it is recommended to read any Orthodox prayer ("Our" Father ") is perfect.

For the history, appointment and ritual, see this video:

What to do if the thread broke

It is often happening that the protective bracelet is torn. If this happens in the process of its manufacture, then the ritual with the tying nodule and reading the prayer should be started from the very beginning.

If the finished charm comes into disrepair, such a fact can only testify that the red thread took away from its owner to trouble or severe damage. In this case, the amulet carrier must thank the sincere protection and assistance mascot, and then burn it into a burning candle flame.

Sometimes a person who is on his wrist of a native Amulet may notice that he suddenly stopped communicating with anyone about someone from a relative environment. It is not worth upset because of this, because thus the red thread saved his carrier from the bad energy promise that proceeded from this person, prevented its negative impact.

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