Zodiac Sign Scorpio - General Characteristic For Women and Men


Scorpio is under the patronage of the planet Pluto and the water element. This is a contradictory and bright zodiac sign, whose characteristics can lead to amazement. Also, the Zodiac Sign Scorpio is influenced by the planet Mars, which characterizes his warlikeness and merciless. But is it terrible scorpion? Consider a detailed description in the article.

Scorpion Zodiac sign

Scorpion planets

The duality of the character of Scorpio is based on the effect of two planets - pluton and Mars. Pluto gives this sign with the ability to penetrate into the deep essence of things on the verge of clairvoyance, Mars makes a militant and aggressive character. Pluto gives mysteriousness and mystical charm to a poisonous creature called Scorpio - it is endowed with natural magnetism and charm.

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Mars gives decisiveness to actions, fearless and incredible energy. Scorpions are distinguished by a rapid temperament and passionate manifestation of their nature. At the same time, the Lord of the Underworld, Pluto has another influence on its wards - emphasizes the gloom and a tendency to depressions. Nimuality and alienation together with magnetic attraction form contradictory and dangerous nature of scorpion.

The influence of two planets on the character of Scorpio in the end gives a fearless person, ready to steal to go to the target target and reach it by any paths. These are very complex unrelatives that seek to suppress and submit everyone around. They are able to sow around themselves chaos and destruction, little caring about the feelings of other people. And the destruction they carry for the sake of destruction, without putting any goals!

A sadist, ruthless tyrant and dictator can be obtained from Scorpio. These people can easily betray, enter into a criminal conspiracy and become terrorists.

However, not everything is so simple with scorpion, since it affects another planet - Venus. Thanks to Venus, this contradictory zodiac sign is endowed with magic charm and attractiveness. This is a hearty, capable of driving a partner crazy. Due to the romantic recklessness, scorpions can plunge into passionate and stormy novel, after which the partner remains exhausted and exhausted.

Effect of water element

How does water affect the formation of the character of scorpion? Since the water element will lead to the feelings and emotions of a person, Scorpio perceives the world around the world from the sensual side. Often the emotions that he is full, become destructive, but the scorpion is not able to subordinate the emotions of the mind - and is not going to do it.

In winter, water in the reservoirs becomes ice, so the feelings and sensations of scorpion are literally permeated with cold. This is a cold passion and anger on the verge of madness. At the same time, scorpions have increased sensitivity to the manifestation of subtle energies, these are good intuites.

Scorpios differ in the tendency to idealism and are ready to put life in the struggle for their ideals. Persistent in achieving the goals of scorpion can only be envied. These are solid, as ice, perseverance crystals and purposefulness. At the same time, the properties of water give them fluidity, which is expressed in adaptation to any conditions and the ability to contend obstacles. If necessary, the scorpion can turn into a stormy flow of water in its path.

Water is characterized by changeability, so in the life of Scorpio there are no stable moments - it is always ready for radical changes in his life. The insightness of Scorpio does not always help him in life situations - he reckles the essence of any person at a time, so finding friends with such a gift is incredibly difficult. Scorpio does not tolerate false and hypocrisy, and if notes these qualities in man, breaks the relationship.

Scorpio - zodiac sign description


Description of the sign of Zodiac Scorpio is inconsistent with inconsistency and complexity. It is obliged to influence the diverse planets, which are included in his horoscope. The main features of the scorpion character are:
  • Dustiness in the presence of logic;
  • Reckless courage in prudence;
  • frankness in the presence of hidden motives;
  • loyalty in the presence of egoism.

Scorpions perceive the world exclusively in black and white colors, they do not recognize the flickering of the semi-heartment and the sound of soft transitions. Therefore, when observing the behavior of Scorpio, it can be noted that it is constantly striking in extremes and does not tolerate any compromises.

With all his tendency to the gloomy mood, they never disappear and seek new opportunities to implement plans with any failure.

To his dream, scorpions are coming out.

With all this, scorpions do not rush to hand-to-hand for each occasion. They are able to endure many things, but brought to the boiling point, they are attached to the opponent and strikes with incredible power.


Men of this sign can be called the most passionate lovers and hearts. They are emotional and sensual, can beautifully express their admiration for the partner and seek her limitless devotion. However, they do not allow partner to influence their decisions and are always independent of judgments.

Love for freedom and independence manages scorpions, so attempts to submit or break will be useless. Scorpio is capable of expressing his opinion without obstructants, without worrying about the feelings of those around people, while he does not believe that someone offended.

If your favorite is scorpion, be prepared for a turbulent emotional life and forget about spiritual peace. It is impossible to conquer the location of scorpion by pretending - he sees a partner through. Do not try to take his right to leadership in relationships - it is useless.

It should also be taken care of not to give the slightest assumption of infidelity: in this case a grand scandal with humiliation and insults will be followed. To cry and call to the mercy of scorpion is useless - it does not react to tears and sobbing.

Try to keep the mysteriousness of your nature with all their might. If Scorpio is studying his partner thoroughly, she will simply lose all interest for him.

To keep scorpion, you need to have a random will, grand patience and all-consuming love.

Characteristic of Scorpio


They are mystically attractive and mysterious, contain an uncooked secret and magical charm. Women scorpions are filled with self-esteem and infallibility. The contradiction of the nature is expressed in mysteriousness in full sincerity, passionality with external irrepustability. Scorpiys may look like a snow queen, but at the same time the partner will burn from passion to them.

Her movements are deceptively soft, like a panther. For the softness of the paws are hidden deadly hazardous claws. Her facial expressions and shelters are full of hidden meaning, which is impossible to guess. With all its grace and grace, scorpion is hard as steel. Her sharp mind can cause a deep wound, and the decisiveness of actions - to discourage anyone.

When communicating with a scorpion woman, we should not expect ordinary hysterical attacks, the sea of ​​tears and reproaches - this will not. You will simply believe that the witches exist if they did not believe in it before. You will see our own eyes, as you can simultaneously love and mad hate.

At the same time, the Scorpio's wife will demonstrate devotion and sacrifice, if loves her husband. She will do everything for his career and raising. Of course, the calculation includes its own comfort, but the help of scorpion will be truly invaluable.

Do not try to change it, then you will greatly regret it with an unreasonable act. The gradation of the scorpion will calculate instantly, and the scandal will be similar to a small atomic war. Australia Scorpion is also useless - she goes in the life of the winner. Therefore, before putting on a wedding ring on a finger, weigh everything for and against.

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