Zodiac Sign Scales - General Characteristics, Description Men and Women


Such a sign of the zodiac as scales is famous for its balanced character and friendliness. But there are negative features: a tendency to constant doubt, throwing in search of a light ideal and lack of dedication. Let's talk about those who were born under the sign of the scales, more.

general characteristics

Scales - very pleasant people in communication. They will always help a friend, you can easily and ease with them.

Scales zodiac sign Description

Major traits of scales:

  1. Do not suffer frames and restrictions. Freedom for them is the most important thing in life, so if they are trying to deprive it, the scales literally "fucked", losing their life.
  2. Beautiful interlocutors. They can easily and easily lead a conversation, will always support the good word and extends the hand to help in need.
  3. Lovers of beautiful, aesthetes. Created to improve the surrounding space around themselves. Their house is usually a sample of beauty and style.
  4. Balanced and calm, they are almost impossible to take out. But if you managed to browse the scales, be sure: you will stop exist for them, for they do not tolerate the violators of their personal peace.
  5. May be too lazy and slow. In the head they always have a lot of ideas that are capable of generating from the air. But it is very rarely brought to the end because of the natural inclination in everything doubt and seek excuses.
  6. Desperate debaters. Be until the latter stand on your own, even if they are not fundamentally right. Personal opinion is above all. Because of this, they can enjoy egoists.
  7. Could concentrate, focusing their attention completely in fact, are engaged in. But only if this is a favorite and brings true pleasure.
  8. All life strive for happiness through the achievement of harmony. Therefore, it is among the scales a lot of spiritually developed people. They love meditation, psychology, infinitely study their consciousness and processes occurring in it.
  9. Aristocrats. Typically, these people are immaculately brought up with good manners. They are not ashamed to go into society, they know how to file themselves and hold with extraordinary advantages.
  10. Creative and talented people. It is very important for them to disclose your feeling of excellent through painting, poetry, literature. music. And, you must admit, it turns out that weights are simply excellent.
  11. Incorrigible optimists. Negative thinking is not about weights. They are looking for and find positive in everything, even in the smallest, ordinary things. They charge such a configuration and others who are not able to resist the prevalence of representatives of this zodiac sign.

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Next, consider the characteristics of the nature of men and women of scales.

Description of men-scales

If your spouse, a friend or relative - scales, you should know about its features, to better and harmoniously build relationships.

Scales Zodiac sign Characteristic

What is characteristic of men-scales:

  1. Adore to give advice, for sure they know everything! If you do not want the quarrel, it is better to agree, but you can remain with my opinion.
  2. It will never adapt to your expectations and bright hopes. Therefore, either take it as it is, or look for someone else.
  3. It is very rational, because of what may seem insensitive. But this is far from that. Male-scales may inside the passion of passions, but will not show it because he believes that excessive sensitivity is lower than its dignity.
  4. Charming, can charm any. But at the same time, it is not necessary to hope for his serious intentions. Loves the man-scales rarely, but immediately for life. And before the meeting with his real love, there will be many fleeting novels, maybe even somewhat immediately at the same time.
  5. If you want to be with such a man, must completely obey his will. It does not tolerate female dominance and will always be the head of the family. In this and his plus - you do not have to be a strong woman, you can fully trust your partner.
  6. Contradictive nature. Can change your opinion several times on the day. But this does not mean that it is impossible to rely on it. Just he is always looking for an ideal solution to any problem.
  7. If the man-scales "went to herself", it will be very difficult to finish it and attract attention. Yes, and you should not do this. Just wait until he returns to the real world of his reflection, and then discuss urgent things.
  8. Favoring a man-scale, you will find yourself behind a stone wall of love and care. He is alolyub, never betrayed and will not be offended, although you have to put up with some unpleasant features of his character.

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A woman born under the sign of the scales is an incredibly harmonious and solid person. Self-development is the meaning of her life. It will never be bored with her, you will endlessly open all the new faces of her character.

Libra, the zodiac sign

Important characteristics:

  1. Almost always looks flawless. Beauty and aesthetics, the desire for improvement, the ability to submit themselves and the pupils make a real lady from women. Therefore, it will not be ashamed to seem to appear even in the very exquisite society.
  2. Loves dresses and feminine things, seeks to fit your fictional ideal. Sometimes this desire can turn into some narcissism.
  3. He loves himself, people and the world as a whole. Therefore, in her society is nice. She is an excellent interlocutor who is able to support and talk on intellectual themes, and shatter with girlfriends about women's nonsense.
  4. Socially and merciful, for everyone will find consolation. Hears, will help the word and affair. Beautiful friend.
  5. In a relationship, it may be shackled, unpredictable, because of him, men with her are quite difficult. It is not clear what to expect from this girl.
  6. Smart and seeks to develop their intellectual abilities. But because of this, it can be difficult with men who do not reach this level. If you can silent at the right moment, it will not be the price.

Weightedness, rationality and outstanding mind of the scales together with their charm and attractive appearance are always attracted to representatives of this zodiacal constellation of people.

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