Conspiracy at the beauty of the old New Year


January - unique month, filled with a succession of events. This feature of the winter months gives it a powerful positive energy. Various magic rites, performed in January, have shown to be of practical efficiency.

Well established various ceremonies held in the Old New Year (13 January 14). The purpose of conspiracies, read on that day can be different. She usually are:

  • fulfillment of desires;
  • financial well-being;
  • success and good fortune;
  • the beauty.

It plots the beauty under the Old New Year, I decided to dedicate this article.

Conspiracy at the beauty of the Old New Year as a means to enhance the visual appeal

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beautiful girl

From the practice I can say that to magically turn often the fairer sex. As you know, the ladies of any age are very sensitive to the issue of visual appeal. Happy are those women and girls whom God has blessed with natural beauty. Unhappy feel those who are less fortunate. Nondescript, gray appearance strongly influences women's self-esteem, deprives it of attention from the opposite sex, and it's important for every lady!

As for men, most of them are fairly tolerant to the external data. However, among them there are many who want something to change in itself. And this will help the magic of the Old New Year.

Of course, the drastically change their physical properties using plots at the beauty will not work. However, the magical rites will help to get the inner charm, fill your eyes shine and movement - easily.

Plots on the beauty of the Old New Year will change the attitude of the people around them, make the Executive more attractive in their eyes. Significant advantage of such ceremonies - their safety and the absence of adverse effects.

How to become more attractive with the help of a conspiracy on the beauty of the Old New Year?

Conspiracy to help flourish girlish beauty

The target audience - young girls. The plot gives the performer the beauty of the whole year. It can be read until 14 January.

conspiracy to young girls

The ritual will need a key water. The girl must pour her into a cup, and put it on the head of his bed on the night of January 13-14. Waking up in the morning of January 14, a cup with water must be taken with his left hand, not rising from bed, and then pronounce a plot:

"I will stand, God's slave, with a soft, rummaged by the Virgin and Jesus Christ, I'll go to the gate, I'll go to the key, I want to get the Wilders. To be in order to, she brought her face, red-ruddy, Belolyitsa Krasya-Maiden, and not Chernigolka what. Everything so that, I see me, my beauty praised, gifts gave, about love spoke. It was that grooms like cows in the herd. Before the girl-beauty, such a whole year was until the conspiracy comes. Amen!"

After reading the conspiracy, half the cup water needs to have a volley, and use another to use for water procedures - to get yourself from my head to toe. It is impossible to wash on this day.

Female marriage conspiracy on beauty

Conspiracy for young girls. Pronounce in the morning of January 14, after wake up. It is not necessary to get up from bed. Text:

"With a soft lunch to the lake with a clean, with the blessing of the parents. I am painted water in the well of heavenly. It is more precious than the Golden Persdian Water. Miley stone chambers, silver cups. That water is beauty. In it, I am a white face. Well done with young, old men, the men of the elderly, the old women, the girls, the victims of the Red Sun, the morning of the morning, the month of the red sun, seem to the elderly. It would seem beauty my every and all per hour, in a minute, every day, every day. Would she go all on the heart, eye. Amen".

There is a plot for the year. If the performer is desired, it can be updated for the next year.

Male plot for beauty on the old new year

Conspiracy designed to use young guys. Thanks to him, a young man will seem beautiful for the people around him. Duration - year. If necessary, you can update annually.


A conspiracy is pronounced by analogy with the female - the morning of the old new year after awakening. Text:

"I, God's slave (your name), born mother of his mother, the church is generous and the Krasnoye deprived, call to help, so that everyone praised me, so that everyone loved me. Bless, Lord! On the way, on the way I will go. There is a shop there, merchants in that shop trade in all sorts of goods in that shop trades: kumaches and sitses, velvet and silks. I do it, God's slave (my name), looked at it, looked like, fading. My face - the sun is red, I closed with clear a month, the heavenly stars were sprinkled. And I would be so red, my beloved, cute and beautiful. I would have been clispberry, and the old men, the old men, and the old men, and young men, and good young men, and the Red Maiden girls. I would look like, I would have fallen off the day every day and an hour each, a minute every second every day. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen!"

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