How to find out the floor of the child even during pregnancy


Many young parents awaiting the firstborn are very interested in how to determine the sex of the child for folk signs. Someone else during the wedding begins to guess who will be the first to be born in the freshly baked family. Sometimes the newlyweds do not even plan to acquire the baby, at least in the first two or three years from the marriage, and the guests try to give the sliders and stuff them with coins and bills. If more money is in the rosary sliders, the first girl will be born, and if in blue, respectively, the boy will appear first.

Methods for determining the sex of the kid


The ability to learn half a child more reliably than with the help of will receive, the parents appeared recently. Now it is not only possible to consider it with the help of ultrasound diagnostics, but also get a photo for memory.

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But far from every little baby it turns out - for example, it may be incorrect. Some parents deliberately refuse to diagnose ultrasound. Therefore, ways to clarify the floor of the child with the help will take everything as popular as in former times.

The definition of the floor may occur even by gaitting a pregnant woman, as well as its appearance. Even if young spouses do not believe in signs, the majority still listens to the interpretation of relatives on this topic. Check the accuracy of the predictions they will have to be very soon.

How to determine the gender of the toddler in the appearance of the abdomen

During pregnancy

Basically, elderly relatives are engaged in the predictions of this kind. They have enough one look at the increasing belly of the future mother to determine who can hide inside. At about 20 weeks of pregnancy, it reaches sufficient for this value. If the belly is slightly inclined to the right or sticks out the "cucumber", in it, most likely, a boy, a neat tummy means a girl.

If you try to explain this fact from a popular point of view, there will be a confirmation of the coincidence and the experience of older relatives. But on this score there is a healthy opinion - the abdomen is depends largely on the size of the child and the location in the womb.

Most often, the fruit of the male is larger, which causes it to be crowned from the belly. Cases when notes did not work, rare. In addition, there are other opinions on this. Applying different signs and contacting the experience of people understanding this, you can try more reliably to find out who exactly inside the abdomen.

If the future mother feels bad

It is believed that with strong toxicosis, the pregnant woman wears inside a male baby. From relatives you can hear the opinion that the boys allegedly more coarse and "do not regret" the mother, but gentle and delicate girls do not deliver such problems. But in practice, toxicosis can at first disturb enough strongly - regardless of the gentle of the baby.

The other sign is common - a woman who is in his belly girl, changing the skin strongly, can spoil the skin, pigment spots appear. At the same time they say that the daughter takes the maternal beauty.

Hand leather and gait

Mothers, pregnant daughter, rarely when pregnancy changes the skin of the hands. When pregnancy, the boy is more often dry and even cracks. This is an explanation and from a medical point of view - with skin fat girls produced more, the hands still look beautiful, care for them is easy. But our ancestors by observing a long time ago found out this feature.

If a pregnant woman expects a son, an increasing belly is not easy to determine - it is still easily moved and gracefully. But during pregnancy, the girl mom when walking a little rolls up with the side on the side. According to this decision it is easy to guess what the floor is kid.

Mood of pregnant

There are signs that relate to the well-being of a woman and her mood. According to the pregnant son, the son is constantly in a state of light euphoria. Hormones, which are distinguished during pregnancy girls, are brought, on the contrary, to a stateless, flexible, increased irritability is not uncommon.

Often throws in the heat, swell legs? So, you have to wait for the boy. If, on the contrary, there is a permanent chill, the mother often frustrate, this is a sign that daughter will appear.

Divination, with which you can find out the floor of the baby

How to determine the floor

Find out the gender of the baby using gadas.

Take the Mother's Wedding Ring (or any ring belonging to it). In the thread of red in it. Over the belly of the underlying woman, hold the thread with the ring - if it is swinging in a circle, a girl will appear on the light, if from side to side, boy.

Pregnant Ask Show Hands. If she does it up the palms, she will have a daughter. On the contrary - respectively, the son.

You can try to repay the time of conception. If it happened at the very beginning of the menstrual cycle, there will be a girl.

If you ask for a pregnant woman to take the key in your hands and she grabbed his elongated part, she will have a son.

The listed divisions are quite simple in performance, but the sex of the child can be determined with great reliability.

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