Having lost the clock, remember about accepting, because it is a guide to action.


Lose hours - not the biggest trouble. If you believe the signs, quite interesting events may follow. And you should not assume that the loss of the clock will definitely turn the time loss.

If you lost the clock, according to accept, on your way there will be a serious obstacle, which will prevent the finish of the already started affairs and will slow down the conclusion of new transactions. The time for you as if stopped, and events cannot move and develop. This is the collapse of all your hopes for the future, because you are not at all the future. Horror, a nightmare, and how from such an interpretation of events do not go into panic!

Clock on hands

But let's think when such a sign could be born. Surely a long time ago, when the clock people saw mostly in the city towers, and their loss could well mean the end of everything. The earthquake damaged the mechanism, the enemy core destroyed the tower - this is an occasion to fall into despair and say goodbye to all his dreams.

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But we live in a more favorable time, and the loss of wristwatches will not lead to a catastrophe. On the contrary, the modern interpretation of this sign is talking about the release of negativity from the accumulated years. People loving hours will never forget them and drag with them everywhere. All information, and bad, and good does not disappear without a trace, but settles somewhere in time, including on your clock, symbolizing the time. It turns out that having lost the clock, you broke up with a mass of negative information. Now is the time to start a new life without repeating the previous mistakes. Fate gave you a chance, do not miss it.

Perhaps you have chosen a model not very suitable for yourself, and the clock will prefer to disappear from your life to not harm. Young women should not wear square clock with angles, they are suitable oval or round models. Hard squares are suitable for targeted men who can fight circumstances. If such a clock lost the girl, together with them she got rid of the coming problems, and in the future she would not have to solve unbearable tasks.

Your watch fell into the water - get ready for a long trip, in which you will need a more sophisticated model, for example, with several time zones. If the clock was buried in the sand, something unusual, unexpectedly happened. In the coming days, be a little more attentive and calculate the events to step forward, so as not to hover in trouble or have to prepare them.

If you have lost the clock that got from parents, that is, the whole era, it means that it's time for steep changes, and it's time to change the old clock to new, modern to keep up with the times.

Time is not waiting

You found lost someone's hours - you have an extra, more precisely, free time. You can briefly dissolve and go to your loved ones, because on the usual day you do not have no moment on it.

Wrist watch

If you are still alone, the clock will remind you that you should not waste time, it's time to look for your love. Look at the people around you, most likely, you just do not notice the signs of attention and hint of your faithful fans.

The clock is a happy find, now you can make a virtually any desire, and it will surely come true. And if it does not come true, it turns out, you migrated something impossible.

People not only lose, but also throw out their watches. If you picked up a broken chronometer, do not rush to rejoice, from this minute you will need a maximum effort to save life at the same level. Final arrows - a signal that time has stopped for you. You will advance forward with effort, how through the water. But do not throw the started, otherwise you never return to it anymore, and many of your undertakings that have already been spent the lot of time and money will remain unfinished.

Broken clock should not be raised at all. Cracks on the dial symbolize the split in the family. It is better to leave such a find in place or throw away away, where no one will find it.

Golden, silver watches, like other expensive models, get dangerous. Of course, you can take a chance and leave find to yourself. Only not the fact that she will bring you good luck or wealth. As you know, the clock accumulates all the information as coming from the outside and coming from the owner. If the dear toy lost the cheerful, kind and at the same time rich man, feel free to use the find. Together with the clock, part of its positive energy will go to you. But something suggests that among the rich and successful little good and cheerful. It is better to look for the owner, in this case you can count on a generous remuneration.

In no case keep the house broken clock, even the walls, even wrist. All signs converge in one - the broken clock symbolize the time stop, or in a modern interpretation - a long stagnation in any fields of activity. If after a fall on the clock, at least one crack was found, try to quickly change the damaged part, well, the stopped clocks that are not repaired, unambiguously send to the garbage or sell the master on parts.

If an old or sick person lives in your house, suddenly touched from the wall clock foreshadowed his ambulance death. But if there is no candidate for this sorrowful role, your family is waiting for the worsening of the material situation, that is, a serious loss, unexpected dismissal, bankruptcy.

Happy hours do not observe

The clock can not be given to anyone and in any way. With the giving such a gift, you will never be close friends. It is believed that the donated hours take part of life from the owner. And the more expensive the chronometer, the more time he will take.

Watches as a gift

It happens, in a pile of gifts, you simply did not notice the clock or for some reason do not dare to abandon the unwanted present. Then try not to use these clocks in the house. Carry to the garage, hang in an open gazebo or from the outside of the house. Let the whole negative deal in the wind.

Many think that without hours they fall out of the usual rhythm and can no longer comply with the requirements of modern life. They are confident that, not knowing the exact time, it is impossible to appear in time to meet, catch the train or on a date. But remember the nature of our inner biological clocks, which nature awarded us, listen to them - and in the morning you will be afraid without any problems, come on time to work and never be late for a date.

And before falling into panic, pouring tears and cancel important meetings, see yourself under your feet. Perhaps you have not lost the clock yet, and just chose them.

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