Signs and superstitions: Is it possible to keep the decor's flower in the house


The inhabitant of the rainforest flower The Decembrist is known as a carrier of controversial glory, since associated signs may be benevolent and bad. Possessing its own energy, the green friend is capable not only to enrich the room with oxygen, but also to predict events associated with households. With good care, a homemade plant pleases the greenery of foliage and buoy paints of flowers.

Bright flower

What is the uniqueness of a tropical plant

The unusual species of a bush for home breeding is known under several names - the cactus of Skluberger ordered his scientists, in everyday life, the Decembrist is called Varbarina oblique, cancer, christmas cactus. The reason for the name of the Decembrist is associated with the features of blossom, it is for December that it is time for the appearance of red or bright pink flowers on flat bright green stems with spines.

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The plant with hanging down stems, absorbing the energy of the hosts of the housing, informs them about future events with their appearance.

The main sign about the flower reports: what the Decembrist looks like and the homely atmosphere. A rabid green bush symbolizes the paw and calm in family life, fading flower foreshadows bad events in the house.

Diversity accepts and superstition

The worst superstition is associated with the sudden flower death. If, with proper care, the Decembrist begins to dry out or suddenly dies, it is a warning inhabitants of the dwelling about the funeral ceremony in their home. According to esotericists, the wilting of the cactus can be interpreted by two.

  • The perishable plant is associated with a conductor who takes into the world of dead someone from family members. Let us not be destined to come true if there are no pleasant people in the house.
  • A suddenly dried bush can be a precursor sudden tragedy in the house. In ancient times, people believed more superstitions, so the deceiving plant was accused of tragedy.

Even today, individual lovers of living plants are afraid to keep the Decembrist flower at home, so as not to provoke a deadly danger. Some color breeding experts do not advise to keep at home Cactus Slubberger impressionable people. Although superstition is only a warning, the plant cannot cause death.

White flower

Decembrist flower: good signs

Equally absorbed atmosphere at home, bright green bushes with dense glossy leaves feels the appearance of even the slightest change in the fate of the inhabitants of the apartment. In gratitude for proper care and timely watering, the Decembrist gifts his mistress by predictions about the variables expected on the family horizon.
  • Cactus, blooming in schedule, is considered a good admission pointing to the good atmosphere of habitat. The family is usually famous for love and mutual understanding, the right upbringing of children.
  • According to the rules, the bush should bloom in December. If buds bloomed the New Year night or during the first month of winter, the sign foreshadows a good and happy year filled with pleasant events.
  • It happens that the Decembrist blooms before the established period. Such a sign promises pleasant dating or good changes in life. Perhaps it will be an inheritance from a long-range relative.
  • According to the signs, the flower demonstrates an instant reaction to uninvited guests with bad thoughts. To calculate the unfair, you will have to remember your recent guests. This is not necessarily a secret enemy, but a person with bad energy.

If the cactus of Slubberger pleased with blossom in April, wait for financial difficulties. However, it is not necessary to scare, overcome temporary difficulties will help patience and hard work.

Flower Decembrist: Negative Superstition

Since the Christmas cactus has a powerful energy potential, it absorbs the energy of the home atmosphere. Thanks to the feeling of vibrations on a thin level, the living organism of the plant reacts to not yet accomplished negative events, changing their condition. This was the reason for the appearance of not only positive, but also negative folk adoption and superstitions about the bush of the Decembrist.

  • If the flower blooms much later than the prescribed period, this is a warning about the ambulance in the family. Superstition is connected not only with trouble at work or at the place of study, late color may indicate a fast family conflict, illness, monetary difficulties.
  • Another negative superstition is associated with flowering. If a green pet, despite the ideally created conditions, did not please the mistress with flowers, it is a sign of the upcoming difficult period. If the color still appears, the bad events will change luck.
  • The flower of the Decembrist is dangerous for men, they are uncomfortable and hard in the house where this beautiful cactus started. According to superstitions, Kostik seeks to get rid of a man in any way, affecting the energy level. Therefore, the ladies are risking to stay without elect, and girls - without a father.

Do not blindly trust superstitions, the reason may not be in a flower or signs. This is a warning that it is important to pay attention to personal relationships either the hostess has connected its fate not with the man.

Home flower

Flower Decembrist and Astrology

Astrologers associate Cactus Slubberger with the creative side of human life. However, the plant is considered a symbol of contradictions due to leaves:

  • The pointed form of foliage reminds the arrows, and the Decembrist himself looks harsh and intense;
  • The flower causes a sense of admiration soft to the touch by leaves and unusually beautiful flowers.

The unity of opposites, according to astrologers, the Decembrist indicates people that there is always the possibility of repaying any conflict and establishing contacts. To do this, change your attitude towards others.

Esoterics advise to decorate a colorful bush of a small child room. According to the signs, the energy plant affects the formation of creative abilities. Each inhabitant at home, where the flower of the Decembrist passed on, will be able to develop plastic movements and speech, master the art of the right expression of his thoughts. Thanks to the energy of the plant, creative ideas will acquire a positive orientation.

If you want the Decembrist blooming, ensure a peaceful environment at the place of residence. If you are afraid of the death of family members, which the plant allegedly foreshadows, send a green pet to the office. On the non-residential territory, the ability to predict the negative from the cactus will disappear, and the bright appearance of the Decembrist will decorate the interior of the workplace.

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