Sketches of ants in the house - Ants are actively running around


Suddenly appeared ants in the house - a sign, with the help of which nature gives us various signs. If you know how such a sign of fate is decrypted, you can learn from this a lot of benefits: to predict the coming events, affect the surrounding reality and change your destiny. Nature, especially these days, does not come into contact with the life of a person and his housing just like that.

The main value of the signs

Currently, many people are equated with other pests and parasites insects, such as cockroaches or bugs. Inhabitants of the houses, finding these creatures in their dwelling, running for insecticides to bring them as soon as possible. However, since ancient times, ants in the house were considered a good admission, and our ancestors did not drive these creatures from homes or from courtyards.

Ants are family insects. They have their own hierarchy, a clear separation of all roles and responsibilities. They closely follow their offspring, guard him and relieve dangers. Based on this, such interpretation is built out that ants in the house contribute to the establishment of family relations. Soon, the spouses will stop quarrel, stop if they were, treason.

Ant and cookies

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Also, according to antique beliefs, if the ants are actively running in your home, in the near future you will have improved material well-being, the source of which can be very unexpected.

It is possible to pass the monthly income, both all working family members and someone alone. It may also be to get an inheritance or a lottery gain. And there is a relationship between the amount of ant and the size of the wealth in the future.

Old belief

In the past times, everything was completely different - people did not embarrass small insects running through the dwelling. Everything was the opposite - residents of the house could be seriously concerned about the lack of ant. Such an attitude was due to domestic circumstances.

The floors in the hut were either earthen, or wooden, but it was impossible to call them dense. Therefore, for forest sanitary, there were no obstacles that do not allow to penetrate the human dwelling.

The presence of Muravyov was perceived as a symbol of well-being and prosperity of the family. It was believed that ants are not able to take care only in the house where negative energy reigns. If there were disagreements between family members, the households swore or offended each other, the ants left this unfavorable place.

Nobody in the older times did not think about sending ants from the hut, since this action entailed to scare away good luck and wealth. Nowadays, it can be treated in different ways. If the ants do not interfere with households, they can be simply ignored, as they are not delayed in a person's dwelling for a long time. However, if they deliver discomfort, they are easy to withdraw, and you should not believe in bad.

Other challenges about ants in the home

There are some more belief about this phenomenon. It is worth familiar with them to understand how it is better to behave, having seen in her house that Muravyov.

Sketches of ants in the house - Ants are actively running around 5810_2

  • In ants in the house you can not swear and scandaling - you can stick to the house of trouble and scare away from yourself good luck. Return scenes undesirable in any case - even in the absence of these insects. However, their appearance and faith in this will accept, perhaps tempt people to keep emotions under control.
  • Favorable sign - ants that settled not in the dwelling itself, but near the threshold. Such a phenomenon foreshadows good news and pleasant guests. In no case do not give them legs. Do not hone out, because in the fall or much earlier they will go away.
  • No less favorable sign is an anthill who appeared in the middle of a garden or yard. This sign promises the owners a quiet life in full prosperity and prosperity. According to beliefs, the anthill is the most powerful energy mascot that protects the site and the house from evil, negative energy and other unpleasant phenomena, so do not break, twist or break it.
  • According to another legend, the ants bite only the unkind people who make evil deeds, or those who lead a vicious life. Therefore, if your conscience is clean, you should not fear it. However, if you were still bitten by one of the Sanitary Forest, it is worth thinking about your daily behavior.

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