Why dream of cleaning Dream Miller, Freud Tsvetkova


It is human nature to do household chores, put things in the house of comfort and cleanliness, if he wants to live in comfort. Why dream of cleaning, we learn to dream books audited.

General interpretation

Cleaning represents a number of actions related to the change in the current situation. For the dreamer, this means that it tends to change. He wants to live in the new format of its space, updating all around. Changes can relate to both the general conditions of existence and appearance of the sleeping.

If the results of work to clean up the room you are very pleased with, then in reality you are on the right track and will easily cope with the challenges ahead. Notable improvements can be seen in the near future.

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wipe the floor

Sweep away cobwebs and dust from corners dream woman as a sign of improving its relationships with loved ones. jealousy period, mutual claims and grievances long past, you are on your way to a life of harmony and idyll.

What else to expect from the harvest in a dream

  • Wash someone else's apartment - your support and attention will need someone from the family.
  • Sweep the floor, and then realize that you do it in an unfamiliar your room - in reality take lightly the responsibility of someone else, but then he will regret hasty decisions.
  • Clean the lawn around your own home - for whatever reason to move away from friends and acquaintances, to lose family relationship with his family. This situation insulates you from communicating with those who are dear to you, and brings some discomfort. Call my parents, meet friends - this is really what you need now.
  • Throw clutter in the attic - free from unnecessary thoughts and feelings of regret, to leave behind a pipe dream. A period of rethinking reality. You began to accept the reality more objectively, to understand what you really need for a sense of happiness. Increase the chances for self-realization.
  • Sweep the basement - to understand the real problems of their situation. You will be able to adequately assess and allocate existing resources. Your independence will be competent enough to solve complex problems, and not have to resort to the help of outsiders.
  • Get out on the graves of their ancestors - a good sign. You will feel a strong connection to family that will give you more strength, energy and optimism.

Author dreams

Yuri Longo

Cleaning in a dream personifies the desire to get rid of the accumulated problems and unresolved tasks. The moment has come to pay time to the cases that you have been postponed for a long time. It should be determined clear terms and take into account the goals, real in its performance. Do not care for all urgent problems immediately. Stick up a certain step by step plan. Only so you are able to realize all the plans by our own, without resorting to the help of others.


He dreamed of admiring the result of work after the order of order - in reality you are at the stage of temporary suits. Fate gives you the opportunity to gain strength, energy and work out your favorite things. But you should not relax. This is just an intermediate moment in life before new trials and difficulties. Be always ready for active activities, keep an excellent physical form so that the non-standard life situation does not find you surprise.

They acquired in a dream by assistants who actively participate in the cleaning process, - in reality, try to collect the team of like-minded people. To implement your ideas, we need allies on which you can always rely. That is what will be disturbed in the coming days. But the search for associates will take a lot of time and effort.

Contemplate the process of guiding cleanliness in your home or office, and do not apply any effort - sleep indicates your mediocreness and indifference to your own business. You have long used to what others do for you, but at the same time you get quite good dividends. It should be remembered that the situation can be extremely changed, it will require maximum concentration and complete dedication. Otherwise, you may lose financial independence and your niche in free market relations.

Miller's dense

Woman cleaned their own home, sweeping the floor and wash the windows - a sign of good relations in the family, peace and well-being. Do this together with children in a dream means mutual understanding with siblings. Your upbringing gives loyal fruits, children meet obedience and care of each other.


Contempted dust and dirt in their own home, but not to take anything to eliminate it - reveal the chance to solve the problem in a timely manner, requiring your attention. Your low-level position, laziness, lack of priority, strategic goals makes life boring and mediocre. Umplified opportunities can lead to deep disappointment and finally root your pessimism.

Sigmund Freud

Cleaning in a dream marks the actions of the dream to eliminate the problems associated with the health of the genital organs. Wet room cleaning indicates an obstacle to the desire to have children. For a woman, such visions mean all sorts of troubles and cases of restoring childbearing functions. Pregnancy for such a lady will be a complex and long-awaited process.

Mature lady throw out old things or clothing released from fashion - a sign of dissatisfaction with his own appearance. You are very worried about the first signs of aging, you are striving to take careless measures to eliminate them. Own attractiveness takes you so hard that you do not notice the dissatisfaction with the sex life of the spouse. Perhaps self-confidence will come after regular intimate intimacy with the beloved.

A man get rid of unnecessary trash in the house dreams of problems associated with sexless powerlessness or impotence. It should be not postponed the development of the ailment, but immediately apply for advice to a specialist.

David Lof.

Cleaning can personify the subconscious desire for the internal purification of its energy, getting rid of the old habits, evil addictions. It is an opportunity to clear the place in life and in the shower for something very necessary and light.

Update housing in a dream, changing the color and texture of the floor, walls, - a sign of change of residence, city, and even the country. You are on the threshold of cardinal change. You want to ask yourself a new vector of development by creating more comfortable conditions for existence. Close to well support your ideas.

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