What dreams TV in modern dreams and interpretations of the main values


TV in our life is a wide window into the world. A huge plasma on the wall capable of accommodate Veld and Sello from the canal about animals and travels, a tiny screen on the refrigerator, a bubbling news in half with the TV shows - all this gives a special shade of life.

And we can choose that from this manifold will enter our consciousness, will change life, will affect our choice in the supermarket. A TV in a dream is a sign of the relevance of consciousness, a possible protest against an imposed opinion, a controversy that becomes an internal dialogue due to the lack of a real interlocutor. Consider what the TV is dreaming.

Child at TV

Main values

Dreaming shows dreams, fears and aspirations. In the actual value, as an item, a good TV can be a matter of dream. For example, if you dream to play FIFA on a huge plasma. But such dreams are peculiar to children and adolescents, this is a sign of infantality.

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For children, such desires are allowed, because such expensive purchases they are not affordable, respectively, the dream has a development - grow, earn a lot of money, buy a huge TV, play games as much as you like. By the time of the appearance of work and money, the dream is loss of relevance.

In other cases, the TV acts as replacing reality, crowding out interlocutors, hobbies, hobbies. To see a TV - a sign of excessive attachment to this subject. Looks like you are wasting in disabilities a lot of time to the detriment of communication and life as such.

  • The non-working antique television box issues an ironic attitude to life, especially if it is made in a mahogany housing, with carved decorations.
  • A fairly frequent plot is a TV instead of a fireplace that has a family that has gathered, everyone is silent and looking to the screen. Allusion is simple - your life burns in the invisible fire of advertising and meaningless information.
  • Black and white image - you are trying to find an excuse for some actions in the past.
  • The tv's noise in a dream interferes and annoying, but in fact this noise you dream - get ready for the reflection of serious attacks gossip. You do not prevent self-confidence, healthy complexion and charming smile. The guilty or sick appearance will be convicted of the most ridiculous rumors others.
  • The old antenna does not catch a signal, and it has to be corrected - in real life there is no normal connection between management and employees. Perhaps the lack of a normal connection and understanding belongs to the family. You do not hear each other.
  • If you see your cute and cozy house, the usual evening in front of the blue screen, being on a business trip or on vacation, you miss the house and dream of returning. Take care of your family and find the time to rest in order to have to get bored.
  • A broken screen indicates ambitions that were failed.
  • Switch channels - Testing boredom, the inability to focus.
  • Watch the sports match in a cafe or in the club - an atmosphere is really important for you. You would go to the stadium, but not always the championship spend in your city. You are precisely waiting for success, regardless of the winning team.
  • If you are shooting news, especially frightening, you have uncommon creative abilities. You are quite capable of independently invent the continuation of news plots, just grabbing the overall stylistics and tone of the messages. Nothing prophetic happens, but I would like to recommend a more decent sample to imitate. For example, you might be perfectly writing plots for TV shows.


Interpretation of authorities

The great dreams of the past did not have time to leave interpretations about such an ambiguous device like a TV. Let us turn to modern dreams.

  • Modern dream book interprets watching a telecast in a dream as a dependence on an outsider.
  • Family dream book claims that you are too submersible in current experiences and try not to look at tomorrow, do not stand serious plans, do not think about career, you will be filled at the current moment of time like fly in amber.
  • Male dream book paradoxically assures that if you dream of a house with several huge TVs, you have a tendency to one-sex links. Dream interpretation explains that household appliances demonstrates the male start. Excessive demonstration is characteristic of non-traditional inclinations.
  • Dream of a wanderer interprets a dream of two. On the one hand, it may be too lazy, reluctance to change, a huge number of small interference and insignificant difficulties, for which you do not want to take. On the other hand, in rare cases, the TV can become a channel for transmitting important information, akin to clairvoyance. Unfortunately, it is almost impossible to distinguish an important message from ordinary nonsense and advertising.

TV remote


If you dream of a TV, you look too much. As a result, you get the illusion of life filled with events, it seems to you that you are in the epicenter of the most important and interesting.

In fact, your life is empty, and nothing happens in it absolutely. And can not happen. What can happen to a man who sits on a chair for hours and not even talk to anyone?

Absolutely nothing. Take time for walking, make a photo, go on an excursion at interesting places, Meet interesting people, spend time in good and different companies and communicate.

In this case, you can count on the fact that your life will move from the dead point. You will find new opportunities, interesting offers. Perhaps you will have new ideas. Many people generally refuse television to live their own lives.

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