Folk signs and superstition about love for girls


Girls have always been interesting signs about love. Especially it concerned unmarried persons who dream of bringing their female happiness closer. After all, it is true that love not only raises the mood and adjusts to a kind way, it is able to inspire the achievement of incredible goals, to know ourselves and reveal the inner potential.

A lot of accepting exists about love, they can concern lonely people or those who have long been in a pair. On time to recognize such a love mark means to go on the right track, without missing the chance to meet the narrowed or preserve the previous relationship.


Folk superstitions or how to bring love

It turns out that the girl really fell in love with, she needs to become romantic and sensual. This very attracts the opposite sex. A man will not pass by a woman who is full of mysteriousness, shine in the eyes and is ready for love adventure. The young person is easy to understand what is ready and is open to new relationships, if she feels around himself pleasant aromas even where they can not be. I felt the smell of aromatic coffee or fruit tea in the office, pierced the fragrance of blossomed flowers on the roadside flower bed - it all hints that you will soon meet with potential lover.

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I wanted the cardinal changes of my appearance - it is easily explained. You pull on new love adventures. The sooner you carry out your transformation: Color or creep your hair, we lose a few kilograms, make a tattoo in a prominent place, the faster your personal life will become brighter, rich and active.

Young woman

Some pretty creatures suddenly begins to fall from hand in the kitchen. A common sign to reduce food during cooking dinner - than the disgusting will be food, the sweeters will be a kisses of a loved one. After all, you are on the way to meet him. Apple fell from a plate with fruit, poured sweet tea or kissel - wait for romantic adventures.

Love Peripetias are waiting for those who are often suspected of pregnancy. If you often ask the question of whether you, it means, get ready for a stage that will have a family stability and the birth of future heirs. If there is already a suitable candidate for the role of the father of future children, you must safely act on the conquest of the object of your heart.

A series of trouble, having overtaking a fragile girl in one day, can also become a positive sign that foreshadows the ambulance and marriage. Therefore, do not be surprised if after the chain of events in the form of a broken heel, being late for work, spilled coffee on the skirt you will suddenly be introduced to the new employee - a charming guy who will become your jarm fan.

Signs about love girls can easily recognize in their own dreams. To be in the new cabriolet with a pleasant stranger behind the wheel, which takes you out in an unknown direction, - a sign of a fateful meeting with his beloved. It will be exactly the person who is able to send your love ship to the right direction.

A stork nest was hardened on the roof of his own home - in the near future you are destined to poison your own family nest. Your love, respect for each other and loyalty will become a pledge of a happy marriage.

For unmarried ladies, the love will be the case will be the case of a pair of white pigeons. It is worth believing that very soon your loneliness will easily dilute a charming and decent young man. The same result foreshadows the script if the stork flew over you.


A pleasant superstition is bathing in the lotus during the flowering period of this amazing and rare flower. Fucking a cherished desire and touching pink petals, you can safely hope for the fulfillment of a cherished dream. In the old days, dozens of girls waited for the flowering period of these gentle lakes, returning from swimming with happy and spiritualized.

Unusual and modern signs for love for girls

One of the European will say it says that if the unmarried girl before leaving the house will not look at the north, she can stay old Virgin. And if two young beauties will simultaneously look into one mirror, the probability of falling in love with one guy. If the girlfriend got up in front of the mirror ahead of you, then the potential partner and lover would prefer her as his companion.

One of the modern love will take a tattoo in the form of butterflies, hearts or other paired signs, symbolizing happiness and family harmony. Such images are often tied to a hairdry shui symbols. This ancient philosophy especially attracts its magic content of young women. And indeed, adhering to her rules, you can significantly change your personal life and change your attitude to the surrounding reality.

One of these oriental will accept general cleaning in the house. In order to attract love energy along Feng Shui, there should be nothing superfluous in the house. Divided by unnecessary things, dust shelves with old newspapers or cracked dishes - all this contributes to loneliness and stagnation.

Good and reliable believe is also considered sports. If you have a desire to engage in active activities, then you are on ways to raise your sexual energy. Such women attract the attention of the opposite sex not only with a tightened figure, but also with their vigor and the living experience.

If you have already met and think about what to go to the first date, the warning superstition is considered to shove new expensive high-heeled shoes. This may impose disappointment in its own expectations. A person may not be at all for whom he gave himself.

Those who prefer online dating, it is worth listening to such a decision. If you simultaneously invited two fans on a date, it is worth choosing one who is more restrained and modest in words, but is open and kind in photos.

Other signs negatively affecting love

  • For those who have already decided on the selection and will be ready to create a family union, a vague will be considered to be considered a joint photographing before the wedding;
  • In love with a couple threatens parting if they kiss and hug on the steps of the house where the bride lives;
  • Giving a lover wrist watch, shoes or gloves, you can also complicate the relationship and bring them to parting;
  • Premature menstruation can be foreshadowed by shocking and suffering to experience the girl on the Love Front.

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