Store a veil - bad or good sign and how to get rid of Fata without consequences


According to Christian beliefs, the bride should keep a veil after the wedding throughout the lifetime in full submission to her husband, dense and initial innocence. Let's try to find out, keep a veil - the bad sign.

Recently, many women have doubts about marriage. Indeed, it is strange to obey only for the reason that someone is born by a girl or a boy. But if you stick to one of the patriarchal religions, you can store a veil as a sign of holiness of marriage.


Why store veil - bad sign

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Bad news - with long-term storage, snow-white fabric inevitably yellows, heat, covered with dust. Agree, it would be strange to periodically wash and bleach your veil throughout a long family life, in which you once got married. Even the most careful dry cleaning over time will lead to a spider veil, especially decorative elements, beads, colors, embroidery. If you tremblely treat marriage, the appearance of the fate will inevitably cause frustration, depression - it is difficult not to see an unpleasant hint. No one has a young and does not fit with time, fabric winds.

According to the signs, the fabric turns yellow or gray as a result of the treason of the spouse. But in fact, any tissue loses white with a debt of storage. Why do you need any doubts?

In any case, Fata's storage will cause ambiguous emotions. If you have your home, you can do, like the Victorian Bride, - Take the servants to remove the wedding dress and never remember about him, let them dust somewhere in the long dressing room, which then your children or grandchildren come across. In your memory, Fata will remain a charming white loop, which enveloped your maiden's head in the happiest and joyful day.

In the modern world, when a young family often changes housing, removes an apartment when baggage compactness is one of the important comfort factors, the careful conservation of Fata and the carriage of the wedding dress will require too much trouble, will cause irritation. Nothing terrible will not happen if you forget the wedding outfits at the next crossing.

How to forget the wedding dress

To wear someone else's wedding dress - not good. If someone uses your veil, even a joke, it may be bad to reflect on your life.

To safely part with the Fata and the dress, you can perform a simple ritual:

  1. You will need manicure scissors, candle and lighter. On a growing moon, in the dark and preferably, it is preferably needed to carefully turn the subject with which you plan to part, seams outward.
  2. Little scissors perform an incision seam. So you break the magic connection with the subject. Little scissors are needed precisely to ensure that the subject does not lose values.
  3. After performing this simple action, you can do with former wedding accessories all that is pleased to sell, give, forget in the closet when moving.
  4. On the incision you can drop wax - to secure action. After the ritual, the dress is considered to be used that have no mystical properties. Just a lush white dress and a pretty cape on the head.

Why do you need Fata?

  • According to traditions, Fata had to protect the bride around others from the dazzling beauty, so that no one fell in in love with the beauty and did not suffer, because the girl marries and could not answer reciprocity. In any case, these are unnecessary problems that do not need anyone.
  • The groom opens the face of the bride directly in front of the altar as a sign that all this beauty from now on belongs only to him.
  • According to the signs, the veil is and a security guard, closing from envy.
  • Snow-white veil - the sign of virginity of the bride. According to some traditions, the bridegroom does not push a veil, but takes it down. The action causes unequivocal associations.


There are many cultural traditions. In some of the best riser of a happy marriage, a pregnancy of the bride is considered. For example, in Orthodox Greece, the bride proudly demonstrates the rounded tummy. Fatu - a sign of innocence, can be replaced by a wreath - a sign of fertility. Unlike Fata, the wreath has practical application - it is a powerful guard that can be hung on the bedroom door or at the front door of the house. As the wreath is treated, you can replace fresh. The main thing is that it be fulfilled with his own hands, with love and care.

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