Name of Gleb: Compatible with Women, Character, Luck, Fate


This name is the perfect solution for a couple choosing how to name the Son. On the one hand, it is rare, and on the other, worthy. Still, it was worn both Russian princes and modern rockers, directors, inventors! It remains only to figure it out, whether it does good energy and whether the child will be able to "program" a good fate.


What language came to us the name, how it translates

Like many older names, this name has the main version of origin - Scandinavian. However, the lingules have another couple of entertaining theories relating to other languages. Consider them all.
  1. Scandinavian version. Since the active trading path of "Varyag in Greeks" went through Russia, that is, from the Baltic Sea to Byzantium, then the Vikings on these lands appeared more than often. They traded here and hired to serve - what is there to speak, even the founder of Rurikovich's kind was Varyag. So in the course of many families of Scandinavian names - and among them Gottlib, "Loves of the Gods" (Vikings were pagans, like Rusichi of those times). Later this name fell and began to sound like Gleb.
  2. Slavic version number 1. The name went from the Russian word "Blub".
  3. Slavic version number 2. The name went from the word "Gleb", which meant "Earth", "Field".

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Want to turn to the guy affectionately, say : Glebchik, Glebushka, Glebich, Glebik, Glebun.

This name gives patronymic : Glebovich (Glebich), Glebovna.

The secrets of the character of the carrier of this name

Strong Parties character: Gleb has a strong inner rod. He is very economic and practical, friendly to friends (and even a random acquaintance). At work not vain. Since childhood, he can decide who wants to become, and all his life go to this goal. This is a very serious man, and so he may seem already in three years. When other guys are constantly sitting behind computers, he can gladly clog nails or repair furniture like dad.

Weak Faces: It happens with a duct and self-width. Often such men are conservative, difficult to rise. Familiar can celebrate too seriously the guy - it would be at least a bit of smiling, sense of humor!


  • The first years of childhood: kindergarten, junior classes. As already mentioned, this is a real "little adult". When others come around the room and do not sit down at the table with crafts, Glebushka will gladly hide something to make something. He is very kind, often asks the parents to buy him a puppy or at least hamster. He is a real little knight, never leave a friend in trouble. If it believes that rights, will argue to hoarseness, even with adults. He is serious, but not in the games - to run and okay, he loves like all the boys.
  • School age. He learns well. The best marks has in a foreign language, as well as accurate sciences. The fact that he loves is, and what not, only the closest friends of Glebki know - with familiar and others, he does not share emotions. He loves to communicate with many people, not conflict, but there is only 2-3 real friends.
  • Youth. He is calm and a little kopeck. If friends try to make him take a hasty, rampant solution, most likely, they will not succeed. He rarely promises something, but if he gave the floor, it will definitely hold it down.
  • Mature age. A serious man who behaves with dignity, almost always grows to the head. He is strict with subordinates, but fair. He sincerely believes that "Men from above," therefore, a woman is extremely difficult to make a woman in his company (office).

Astrology and esoterica

  • The best zodiac sign: Cancer (birth period from June 22 to July 22).
  • Planet named: Moon.
  • Blub name color: light shades of blue.
  • A stone that is ideal for energy this name: Moonstone.
  • Patolers among the plant world: clover and apple tree.
  • Totem from the world of animals: this is an insect, grasshopper.

Day Angel

Church name: Gleb

Meaning of the name: Heir, heir to God (Read the full name of Gleb)

Nearest birthday Gleb: August 6

Name day

strong>Gleb in 2021 for the church calendar
  • May 15

    Gleb (in the baptism of David), Passion Merpets, Prince

  • 3 July

    Gleb Vladimirsky, Prince

  • July 19

    Gleb Vsevolodovich, Prince

  • August 6.

    Gleb (in the baptism of David), Passion Merpets, Prince

  • September 18

    Gleb (in the baptism of David), Passion Merpets, Prince

  • 23 September

    Gleb Apukhtin, Sacred Martyr, Ieria

Bear behavior in different life situations


  • Love. It is very difficult to fall in love with this phlegmatics - the guy is not conducted on typical female tricks such as coquetry or brand clothing. But if he gives his little heart to the girl, she will be enjoyable - it turns out that in this quiet "waters" there is a very hot temperament! From the mistress, the guy is waiting for sincere feelings, as well as sophisticated love affairs. And not only in youth, but also in a very migrated age!
  • A family. Offer your hand and heart first got the girl - it's not about Glebko. This guy is very fastidiously choose the future life partner, understanding that marriage - not for one year. He - my husband, who has always sharpened knives, hammered nails and all equipment is working. Children he loves. It educates them strictly, but fairly. With mother-not quarrel, do not drink - a miracle, not a husband!
  • Career. Man will master any profession, only that it allowed him to earn. The main thing for him - not career achievements, and the stability and the full purse. He did not accept the risk (and in vain, in the business of some of its fraction is needed).
  • Health. As a rule, it is a good childhood. If an early age begin to drive him to swimming, boxing, aikido and other active sports, as well as instill love the guy to move, he and an adult will not be enough to hurt.

start a family (named Compatibility) What woman

A happy marriage: Anna, Alina, Alain, Victoria, Galina, Elizabeth (Lisa for Hleb and a lovely couple, and an excellent business partner), Daria, Irina, Natalia, Hope, Maria, Marina, Lyudmila, Christine, Xenia.

Long-term relationship that can both break off and become a family: Alexandra, Olga, Love, Svetlana, Sonia, Tatiana, Juliana.

Relationships, self-defeating Anastasia, Elena, Eugenia (this is the ideal lover for Glebko, but for a short time), Catherine, Julia.

Namesake, made the whole world to admire a

From the movie

  1. Princes Boris and Gleb, the children of Vladimir the Baptist of Rus. They were killed by their brother Svyatopolk (descendants then gave him the nickname Damned). Both brothers were named among the first Russian holy.
  2. Gleb Uspensky (1843-1902) - Russian writer and revolutionary democrat.
  3. Gleb Panfilov (1934) - Soviet film director and screenwriter. It is to him that we should be grateful for such films as "The First Circle", "Guilty Without Guilt". Director business card can be called a film adaptation of novels by Russian classics.
  4. Gleb Samoilov (1970) - Russian rock musician and former frontman of the cult group "Agatha Christie".
  5. Gleb Matveichuk (1981) - Russian singer, composer, actor and movie theater.
  6. Gleb Strizhenov (1925-1985) - Soviet film actor and theater. Starred in "Red and Black", "Garage", "Teheran-43."
  7. Gleb Kotelnikov (1872-1944) - scientist, inventor of the USSR. I created the first knapsack parachute for aviation.
  8. Gleb Lozino-Lozinski (1910-2001) - Doctor of Technical Sciences of the USSR, a developer of space technology. Born in Kiev, he worked in Moscow. Winner of many awards (including Stalin), Hero of Labor.
  9. Gleb Krzyzanowski (1872-1959) - academician, politician.
  10. Gleb Zheglov is a cult hero of the novel "Era Mercy", written by brothers Wairen. Interestingly, in the book he was a rather controversial character, but thanks to the talented acting game and Charisma Vladimir Vysotsky, who played this hero in the film "The meeting point cannot be changed," became one of the most popular heroes of the USSR of the late 70s-early 80s.

On other well-known names of the name, as well as the additional qualities of a person called Gleb, you can learn from this video:

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