Value name Elina - options for fate and character features


Ealina's name has an ancient Greek root and means "Greek". This name was very popular in post-revolutionary Russia. Then he invented a different decomposition of interpretation associated with the first letters of words - electrification and industrialization.

Elina does not celebrate the day of the angel, since it is not included in the list of church soles. Short smear forms named: Ale, Lina, Lena. They are also independent names.

General characteristics and interpretation

  • Zodiac sign - Virgo.
  • Planet, patronizing Elina, - Moon.
  • Plant, restoring health and strength - heather.
  • Totem animal - horse.
  • Color attracting good luck and well-being, green.
  • Stone-charm - Yasma.

Features of Elina's behavior in childhood and youth

Ealina grows with an intenseed baby. Since childhood, she shows his nestures, independence, quick temper and irritability. At the same time, it can be quickly removed, lazy and kind.

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Baby Elya will never share his toy in the sandbox, demonstrating a bright sense of property. And its mood swings, bursts of emotions, whims will take place in the behavior of an adult girl.

In school years, Elina can spoil relationships with the mother. Since Ella will try on independence and self-expression. She is completely unaccustomed in his words, actions, can easily hurt a loved one, defending a fair attitude and independence.

In the senior class Elle, do not take stubbornness, perseverance, but it becomes more calm, power and learns to control their emotional intelligence. Showing leadership among peers, it builds relationships from the position "His" or "Alien". She sees only good qualities in man or only bad. Those who are not suitable for the positive criteria for its assessment, it tries to ignore, avoid or not notice.


Teen Elina does not try to find contact with his parents, they, in turn, are trying to establish relations with her daughter through a dialogue, communication on equal footing, without applying pressure or punishment.

Study Lina is easy. She does not make much effort to get good marks. Possessing a wide range of good communicative skills and natural charm, it quickly conquers authority among teachers and teachers. She seeks to get a decent education to find prestigious future in the future.

By nature, Ealina - a man of a creative start. She is interested in music, art, fashion. She likes to attend exhibitions, premieres of fashionable shows, concerts. It also has sensuality, easy excitability and emotionality. But now she has already learned to use her. It will not be lazy to write out loudly or ring it will not be difficult for her and it will look so sincerely that those surrounding will not suspect the trick.

Having learned to manipulate people, it does not always adequately perceives the shortcomings of others. It can tell about it directly by showing incontinence and aggression. At the same time, the negative qualities of its character can not notice.

This wayward feature is of great interest in the male half of the population. It has many fans who admire her beautiful features, a slim figure and a high temperament.

Often it uses male weaknesses in their personal interests. In the energy plan, Elina's name characterizes a person of a soft but possessing hidden intuition, cunning and agility. This is its main weapon in achieving the goals.


Family, Professional Sales, Health - What will become most significant for Elina

The older Elya becomes, the more wisdom and prudence wakes up in it. She seeks to marry early to get rid of parental care. The spouse often chooses with a complex and authoritarian character, but influential and secured. It is satisfied with this state of affairs, she wants to feel weak and protected.

Good compatibility Alien is expecting with Alexander, Andrei, Maxim, Vyacheslav, Yaroslav, Vladimir. An unfavorable union may arise with Cyril, Leonid, Ivan, Denis, Danil.

Ale is a good mistress, caring mother, but she does not put home care, cleanliness and order in the house above their personal interests and desires. A woman named Elina rarely becomes a housewife devoting himself exclusively to her husband and siblings. It is always important for her to deal with something for the soul and self-realization.

Elina values ​​family relations, his personal intimate life will always keep secret from the girlfriends. She will not allow conflicts or sorry with his spouse, harmony, well-being and harmony in the family.

In the house of Eli is always beautiful, cozy and modern. It is distinguished by the exquisite taste in choosing the interior, furniture and various household items. She does not like litterness and avoids mesh happiness. Electric processors and expensive multicookers are not about her.

In the work of Elina is often successful and sometimes reaches good results where others cannot show themselves. For money, the girl belongs quite economically. She is calculated and prudent, knows where to save. But if she wants to spend a round sum, she will not deny themselves.

In the professional sphere, Elina can take place a good teacher, a doctor, art historian, a journalist. Career model, actresses or singers are not excluded.

Among the colleagues, she is always restrained and cold, knows how to keep this word, honest, straight and principled. Sometimes it seems modest and quiet, but it's just a mask under which a fighter is hidden for justice and beluters.

In solving important tasks, Alina can not be convicted or inclined to their side, it does not tolerate interference in their professional affairs, in which he considers himself an expert. Find a compromise and getting it approval is possible if you have undeniable evidence relating to the problem situation.

Elena's health will not disturb if it will pay more time sports and physical exertion. Since since childhood, it suffers with colds, is subject to various seasonal infections and has a weak immunity. It is suitable for hardening, swimming, table tennis. In adulthood, she will be able to maintain a magnificent figure thanks to fitness and yoga.

Lina's ability to endure difficulties, help others in solving complex situations over the years negatively affects the nervous system. The accumulated negative energy in its body will look for exit. It will be more difficult for her to restrain and control your emotions. It may unexpectedly cry or cannot be kept from anger and irritability.

So that this does not happen, Elina, you need to come up with ways of emotional discharge, which will only help her. The stability of its mental state will help for many years to preserve the world, peace and harmony.

Famous and talented people named Elina

  • Elina Bystritskaya - Soviet actress of cinema and theater. People's Artist of the USSR, singer, teacher.
  • Elina Suni is a Russian director and screenwriter. One of its famous films "Moscow, I love you."
  • Elina Garant - Latvian Opera Diva. Singer mezzo soprano.
  • Helena Christensen is supermodel and photographer from Denmark.
  • Elin Brodin - Norwegian writer.
  • Evelina Khromchenko - TV presenter, expert in the fashion world, writer, was the chief editor of the Russian version of LOFFICIEL magazine.
  • Evelina Bledans - actress of cinema and theater, TV presenter and singer.

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