What a female striker in character and what partner she needs


Sagittarius are the most straightforward sign of the zodiac from all other constellations. They are distinguished by cheerfulness, optimism, as well as a lung attitude to life and some dreaminess. Sagittarius woman: what it is in different areas of life, the peculiarities of her in the same way and behavior - that's what we will speak in this material.

Sagittarius woman saying

Characteristics Women Sagittar

Sagittarius girl acts as a real explosion of emotions, to predict which is not possible. It is characterized as a changeful mood that it often tires even her. But with all the same, the Sagittarius woman has powerful natural optimism, which is easily transmitted to the surrounding people.

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In nature, such a lady is characterized in the following features:

  • emotionality;
  • sensuality;
  • It is not inclined to wear offense for a long time, since they are quickly released from them;
  • quite friendly;
  • Always ready to help everyone in need;
  • very original;
  • gentle;
  • seeks to be a leader;
  • very extravagant;
  • independent;
  • has natural enthusiasm;
  • He has a very rich fantasy.

In such women, there are little typical female character traits, namely: stubbornness, humility, robility and diplomacy. They are distinguished by straightness, frankness and are able to injure their interlocutors in a conversation.

The data of the fair sex is used to always do what they want. They rarely suffer from prejudice and are accustomed to a fairly relaxed lifestyle, complete independence from other people.

Sagittars are not inherent in depressive states, as a rule, they have a positive attitude and are accustomed to easy to overcome difficulties with a smile on her face. For them, life is a fascinating game, such women easily attract people to themselves.

Since the Sagittarius from nature is very inquisitive, it is interesting to communicate with him, it easily supports a conversation on any subject.

Features of the appearance

The girls of this zodiac constellation have bright external data. In young years, they differ in proportional to the physique, have a magnificent chest. But Sagittari women are not very interested in fashion, giving their preference to the convenience and relevance of their clothing.

Upon reaching the middle age, such a lady is likely to add a few extra kilograms, since it is difficult for her to control its nutrition and the refusal of loved ones.

Having from nature a good condition of health and ignorant metabolism, the Sagittarius woman often manifests a somewhat irresponsible attitude towards himself. She simply does not have free time for illness, plus she is experiencing disbelief in front of people in white coats, so sometimes it can bring itself to critical states.

Sagittarius is very important to control its nutrition, in no case to overwrite its body and not to give an increased load on the nervous system.

Healthy food is very important for Sagittarov

The sign of the sign of the zodiac Sagittarius is always easy to learn in the crowd, because it is distinguished by very swinging, non-groty gait and got used to the constantly hurry. Therefore, it is very important to be careful and carefully move to protect yourself from possible injuries.

Sagittarius woman in career

Communication and active social life is vital to the Sagittarius. Such ladies are rarely delayed in maternity leave and turn into housewives.

At the same time, the duties of the head are well suited. But the Sagittarius girl can be equally well the organizer, and the performer.

The only thing that has extremely negatively affects the deterioration of its activities is the presence of a constant routine and boredom when there is no possibility for self-realization. The Sagittarius girl will never agree to go to the unloved job, it should be interested and is passionate about what it does.

In the quarry, Sagittari was accustomed to overestimate their resources and often load themselves with impracticable tasks. Such girls seek creative professions that have a connection with public activity and are not deprived of some risks.

Of these personalities, excellent journalists are obtained, translators, publishers, porchikists. But to gain a sustainable financial situation, the fracture woman will have to work very hard and use all its enterprise.

Girl-Sagittarius - What is she in love and marriage?

Love is able to surprisely transform hot Sagittarius, because everything that is connected with emotions is her element. She completely gives up himself to feelings, and no logic will help to understand the actions of the faded.

At the same time, Sagittarians are distinguished by straightness in manifestation of their sympathies - this is the typical behavior of representatives of this sign in all areas of her life. The behavior of the fervent shooter will scare away from her weak or indecisive men (however, why are they needed?). But the strong representatives of the opposite sex is such a frankness, on the contrary, will attract to themselves.

In an intimate plan, Sagittarius rarely suffer from complexes. In sex, such girls are characterized by temperament and energetic, but they need the same active and passionate partner, as they themselves. If there is no romantic feelings for the Sagittarius, it is unlikely that it can get real pleasure in bed.

According to the astrological characteristics, the lady-Sagittarius will put forward his freedom to first place, so prefers to marry a little later than his peers. She likes to feel in the center of male attention, but her loneliness is not too much.

It is very important that the man next to her can provide her sufficient freedom and personal space. In return, the Sagittarius promises him his loyalty and devotion. If such a lady understands that the feelings have passed, it will not be pretending, but it will prefer to break the agonizing relationship.

In love with Sagittarius not easy

It is also not recommended to impose any restrictions on the shooters, because otherwise, sooner or later, such relationships will come to no. Thanks to the natural optimism, Saglovarov does not frighten love mistakes and failures. Therefore, such women often get married several times, but every time they treat relations with all seriousness and hope to become very happy in love.

It should be noted that Sagittari women are far from delighted with harm on the housework. They love to decorate and change the interior of their home. A beautiful mother comes out of Sagittarius, because thanks to its natural cheerfulness, it easily copes with the whims of their kids, and the presence of creative veins helps to invent interesting lessons for the defers.

In the case where the representative of the sign could not fully realize in his life, it can try to fulfill their desires in children. But, in general, Moms-Sagittari do not too insist that the children are engaged in unloved classes. A woman dreams that the baby show his personal potential, while not harming the character.

With whom it is best to build relationships

The sign of the sign of the Sagittarius will feel best with other fiery constellations - namely, haired and lion. All the element of fire is characterized by dynamism, independence, so they are easy to find a common language with each other, there is no desire to limit the freedom-loving woman-Sagittarius. Such unions will be long and happy.

But the gentle men are better not to choose into potential grooms: two leaders will be problematic to get along with one roof, and regular clarification of relations negatively affect the general atmosphere in the house. Therefore, we can say that there is a friendship between the two shooters, but not love.

It is also possible to achieve harmony with water and weights, but only if representatives of the specified signs are not boring and can fully divide the interests of Sagittarius.

But Virgo, Capricorn and Taurus are quite complicated partners for Sagittarius. These marks refer to the earthly elements are houses, and it will be difficult for them to understand the eternal travel of active firing.

In the Union, the shooters of the lads will constantly try to take away the freedom to beloved. But if partners succeed in reaching harmony in domestic issues, such a couple can become very successful.

Sagittarius - bright and extraordinary personalities with which it is very difficult, but if you learn to interact with them correctly, you can create harmonious friendly or love relationships.

And at the end of the topic, we recommend that you have an interesting video:

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