Perfumes day signs and customs - weather challenges, rain


Orthodox people are useful to know the obstacles and customs in perfume. This holiday follows the trinity, and its essence is to remind Christians about the trinity of God living in three horses - Father, Son and the Holy Spirit.

Special attention is paid to this date by the Holy Spirit. In the church, the holiday is called - the day of the Holy Spirit. This significant holiday, in many countries, is considered a weekend, has its own traditions, customs, signs and prohibitions that are useful to know.

What is the perfumes day

It is believed that the spirit of the day is a holiday in which the believers remember the events that gave the beginning of the formation of the Christian Church. According to the Gospel, on this day, Jesus Christ pronounced a Nagorny sermon, and before his apostles in the form of a flame language, the Holy Spirit appeared. He gave them the opportunity to talk in different languages ​​so that they could carry the Word of God all over the world.

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Perfume Day is celebrated every year for the next day after the Trinity, and in 2018 this date falls on May 28.

Customs and traditions

Orthodox people knowing the traditions and customs of this holiday can bring a lot of benefit. Their observance also strengthens faith and will be pleased with God.
  • In perfume, the day believers are not recommended to work, and in some countries this holiday is considered an official weekend.
  • This day will be especially favorable for collecting healing herbs. Fees harvested in this holiday are particularly powerful. They should be consecrated in the church, dry and store during the year.
  • In order to cure any disease, bumps assembled in perfumes the day of herbs and reading prayers are used. You can also apply the enucleation of patient with these herbs.
  • Another tradition is to gather with the whole family on the feast. Pies, beautiful caravas, pancakes and other baking are served on the festive table. It is not necessary to get together at home - you can get out of nature.
  • After holding a worship service, which begins on the trinity, branches adorned home from the church, and put them in one corner with icons.

What is forbidden to do

The church categorically does not recommend working in the spirit of the day. This is especially true of work related to housekeeping or apartment, as well as garden and household. It is worth refrain from such actions as sewing, ironing or washing.

If you follow the rules throughout the rigor, it is forbidden to even touch the earth to do it, so digging it, replant plants or plant them stands to another date.

There is an old Slavonic belief that has come down to this day, prohibiting bathing in reservoirs within a week after the Duhow of the day. This is justified by the fact that, according to the belief, the mermaids are especially actively and aggressively and aggressively conduct themselves, who must necessarily break the unfortunate, who violated the ban.


Also in this holiday it is not recommended to disrupt the fruits of plants, flowers or branches, with the exception of healing herbs.

Signs and beliefs

According to the beliefs of our ancestors, on this day strictly-setting it was forbidden to look into their own reflection in the water. According to believe, this action entailed the loss of real love.

We also exist, according to which it is possible to predict its changes. For example, it is believed that the weather, which stands in the spirit of the day, will remain such for the next six weeks.

It is also believed that rain or thunderstorm on this day is a good sign, since with their help the Earth is cleared of evil spirits. Since ancient times it is believed that these elements are able to drive malicious entities and protect against them.

According to another belief, the soul day of the dead are going around birch or sit on their branches.


Also, according to the legends of our ancestors, it is believed that on this day, the Earth is, and that is why it is not recommended to interact with it - it is better to give her a rest.

Evil from evil spirits on this day, according to believing, it is possible with the help of strongly smelling plants - garlic, bow or wormwood. They do not need to carry out special manipulations - just just carry them with you.

Also on this day it is not recommended to run, as you can escape from your happy fate. On the contrary, there is a way with which you can speed up a meeting with your own happiness, - Early in the morning is a barefoot stroll along the dew.

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