Conspiracies and rites for baptism on January 19


The Baptism of the Lord is one of the most significant holidays in Christianity. Orthodox Christians celebrate it on January 19. The baptism is preceded by shints, which are traditionally considered the most favorable period for all sorts of magical rites. Various rituals associated with magic can also be held on January 19, and in the evening the day before - the powerful positive energy of the holiday will contribute to success.


Conspiracies and rites for baptism are most often related to water acquiring miraculous properties on this day. According to the reference, the water becomes magic on the night from 18 to January 19, from 00:10 to 01:30 - the time when the sky and any prayer addressed to God will be heard.

Conspiracies and rites for baptism for healing and health

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Mandatory Epiphany tradition - ablution, so most conspiracies read on this day are aimed at healing and improving the body, an increase in vitality. Omotion is desirable to produce at a specified period of time (from 00:10 to 01:30). Or can be done differently: to gain baptic water into clean dishes at that time (at least 3 liters) and use it in the future.

Important about baptismic water

  1. Water is best to dial from well or natural sources. In the extreme case, in the absence of such an opportunity, you can assemble the usual, from the crane.
  2. The liquid needs to store in a dark and cool place, in glassware.
  3. To pour undiluted baptized water into the sink or in the toilet cannot be. It is best to dilute it with ordinary water, and then pour flowers or apply for other purposes.

Drove for bathing

Epiphany water retains its healing abilities throughout the year (and even more). She has a strong energy. It is often not desirable to drink it, but best to use as a medicine: add to the bath, sprinkle the whole body, wash, rinse your mouth. Remember also that after applying the baptized water, it is not recommended to wipe out that the skin can absorb miraculous liquid.

Conspiracy on health

The rite begins with staying in the church service - it is necessary to defend it completely, after which take the holy water in the temple. Having come home, you need to read the prayers of our "Father", "believe", "God will resurrect" - it is in this sequence that every 3 times. Then the Wick need to speak in a whisper, saying words with warmth and sincerity:

"Heal, Lord, my body and soul, for sin (sinning) I, and my soul and my body hurt in sin. Allow, I ask, Lord Jesus Christ, our eagle father of the Heavenly Son, the body is mine from the pigeons, from dry and lobs, from blood and pain. My soul healed from envy, hatred and malice. Heaven on this day open on us, sinful. Lord Jesus Christ, please, fill my body with strength and health, and the soul - calmness. In the fame of the Heavenly Father of your and the Holy Spirit. Amen!"

Plotted water, by making 3 throat, and the remaining part of Wash your body. The ritual will protect the whole year from diseases.

Rite for health and mental harmony

It is recommended to carry out this rite on the night from 18 to 19 January or January 19. Procedure:

  1. Type in a bathroom with a comfortable water for your body temperature, add a few consecrated water from the church to it (the glass will be enough), also lower your native cross in the bath.
  2. Lie into the bath - so that the water covered your entire body, lie for about 10-15 minutes.
  3. Get out of the bath, do not wipe the towel - let the water dry yourself.

Conspiracies for baptism for wealth and financial well-being

Effective conspiracies aimed at finding material well-being and wealth are obtained in the Baptism of the Lord. Many of them are also performed using Epiphany Water. I will give one of the popular rites.

Conspiracy to attract wealth and damages

On the night of January 18-19, take consecrated water in the church. Bring it home and go around the room and premises, pronounce consultation:

"The holy water in the house came and the well-being brought. Losses will be the house of this power, and the prospect will come every day. Good luck in all of me will accompany me, failures I will not know! "

Holy Water for the night leave to stand in the place of the house, which is considered the most important. In the morning of January 19, I will smell it.

Ritual to eliminate loneliness

Verified by knowar practice ritual. To fulfill it, collect consecrated water with 7 temples (churches), mix in one container. Prepare also crucifixion.


On baptism, January 19, in front of the dawn, sharing Donaga, stand up in the bath, pour yourself to the top of no less liter of the type of water. The process is accompanied by plotting:

"Chur your blood is yours, Chur's blood is alien to you. Slave of God (own name) Clean. Amen!"

Then take a crucifix in your hands, turning his face to your side, and once again, looking at him, say a plot. After the ceremony, thank the saints for the help, sacrifting money into the temple (any amount) and putting a candle (any number).

A few more rituals for health, cleaning the house and the fulfillment of desires, watch in the video:

Epiphany conspiracy

To baptism, beware of consecrated water, uttering a conspiracy:

"The Lord in Jordan was baptized - the world appeared to the world. As it is true that Jesus Christ is the Son of God, as true that I have enough strength. The Lord reigns and commands, the Lord helps me in all matters. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

Total plot needs to pronounce 3 times. After him, luck will be your companion in all matters.

More rituals and baptism rites read in the articles:

  • Conspiracies for wealth with the help of baptic water,
  • Conspiracies for love for baptism.

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