Easter: Signs, Traditions and Customs, which can not be done


Easter, commemorates, traditions and customs come, which cannot be done, - all this should be remembered so that not only to celebrate this day, as the ancestors bequeathed, but also to attract more happiness, good luck and heavenly grace. And even if you did not refuse meat all seven weeks (Sedmitz) of the Great Post, it was certainly bathed in pure Thursday, thought about sad and eternal on Good Friday, and on the night of the resurrection of Christ (at the end of the morning of this day) prepared thoroughly.


Russian Easter traditions and customs

  • On the night of Easter, parishioners gather in the church to consecrate the cakes, Easter, painted eggs, as well as baked buoyenin, fat - in general, everything planted to treat their relatives to this morning.
  • Many carry salt with them to be sanctified and her too, it is customary to add to dishes throughout the year. Especially consecrated salt is important if someone sick in the house or a small child goes by a progress (in this case, the head of the baby sprinkles a pinch of salt - they say that so you can probably get rid of the evil eye).
  • In the morning, people greet "Christ Rissed!" What you need to answer "truly resurrected." However, joker-atheists came up with another answer: "truly sausage" (after all, the post ends, and you can enjoy your favorite meat dishes).
  • In the morning you can talk, that is, allow yourself any free dish. Although, of course, it should be remembered about the sense of measure in order not to add work to the therapist and the ambulances (who have a lot of worries in this holiday).
  • On this day, many times rest from work. However, there is no strict church ban on work or home affairs.
  • Recently, the Western tradition was transferred to our country to give a rabbit or bunny figure (chocolate, toy) at Easter. This animal symbolizes fertility, but many believe that the Easter bunny serves as a talisman to attract money. However, this is not at all the church tradition - rather, comic or half-tech.

What can not be done?

  • To be sad and spoil the mood of native, friends. Easter is one of the brightest holidays, so that day it is better to rejoice. Do you have a holiday? So go to visit or gather your family and look at a good religious film.
  • There is no sleep in Easter night, because you can sleep your happiness. It is better to go to church and defend the service there.
  • It is impossible to hunt, as well as to score livestock. It is believed that animals (and homemade and wild) are also celebrating Easter, and you can not disturb them.

Painting Yaitz

Prash and Pianci

  • The first product that is eaten from the consecrated basket is considered to be the EAC.
  • If there are children in the family, Krasanka (Pianks) are not about the table, but a friend about his friend. All homemade is disassembled by the egg and in turn hit them with each other. The one who wins the egg is fastening the others (experienced "Easter workers" even know special ways to keep eggs so that they remain intact after impact).
  • If you cross the daughter or son with a consecrated egg, give a child to kiss him, and to say "like this crash to no one will smooth, and my blood is unintelligible," you will protect your child for the whole year.
  • The girls on this day threw a red (painted) egg in the water, and then wash this water. It was believed that this "procedure" added their face of beauty.
  • The shell from the consecrated eggs in no case can you throw on the garbage. If you have a farm, give it to the chirms or livestock. If not, scream under the alive tree.
  • Children and adults, healthy in the church or on the street, can exchange pussy (straws, paints).
  • Children's fabrics were traditionally made by cherry, with bright drawings. Adult patterns carried a certain meaning. Yes, the points or bumps of hops mean development, fertility; Flowers - virginity and purity; Pigeon - a light soul; Mesh - fate; oak - power; pine - health; Berries - motherhood; Plums - mutual love.

Folk signs and beliefs

Easter egg

  • If one of your relatives died on this day, you should not be very killed by his soul. It is believed that God revealed this person a special mercy - the souls of the dead in this bright holiday immediately go to the sky.
  • If at night, the child says that he saw a light in the ground, ask, where, it is, that is an important sign on wealth. The fact is that in the Easter night, terrestrial treasures are shown in the form of lights - however, only the most worthy of children can see them.
  • Rain went - Rye ends (and spring will be rich rains). Sunny weather - warm, yield summer sign.
  • In the villages, people try to convey their basket to the house first, before the neighbors. It is believed that who will be shuntering, the crop will be richer.
  • You will make an awning thing on this day - you will remove sin from the soul. That is why many are trying to submit to begging (or helping charitable funds) it is in a passionate week.
  • In the morning look at cattle. If he sleeps peacefully, this is a good sign. If it turns, turns around in a dream, no place to him in your yard.

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Not the whole week before Easter is considered a festive, and many modern Christians are generally limited to the celebration of the nights of Christ the Resurrection, skipping and verbal (Palm) Sunday, and pure (passionate, great) Thursday, and a passionate Saturday.

But this is not right - you should not pass the Easter week, because each of these holidays has been created for the gradual cleansing of the soul, after which the person comes out of the church enlightened, happy and healthy (and bodily too, because most of the diseases "from the nerves", that is, From a rolling soul).

Fall by a passion week, tell your children about the lives of the Son of God, and let the Lord always shines over your home!

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