Sights on the spirits day - what can and what can not be done


There is a lot of adoption and rituals on the perfume. What can and what can not be done in this holiday, learn from ancient attachment and modern Orthodox rules.

General interpretation of the holiday and its tradition

In Christianity, it is customary to consider the Trinity and Spirits day a single holiday of Pentecost. This day marks the descent of the Holy Spirit on the Apostles for the fiftieth day after the resurrection of Christ.

Spirits day celebrate on Monday immediately after the Trinity and fifty-first day after Easter. Like other Slavic holidays, the Day of the Holy Spirit has pagan roots. It has various folk names: Rusmannica, name of land, lives of mermaids, Ivan-da Maria.

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The celebration of the Day of the Holy Spirit falls at the beginning of June, and on folk traditions it is believed that during this period, the Mother's land is pregnant with the future harvest. In the evening, the Holy Spirit is descending from heaven in the evening and everything that grows on it. In all Orthodox churches, the service in honor of the life-giving spirit is held on this day.

On this day, believers are customary to visit the church decorated with birch branches and freshly ached herbs. Be sure to pray in the Holy Monday for the souls of the dead. You can remember the departed in the cemetery and at home, arranging memorial meals.

What can be in perfume day

Women traditionally under the evening of the Day of the Holy Spirit needed a rite of feeding the Earth. To do this, customs were published in the field, spread a large tablecloth and laid out various disasses on it, arranging a festive lunch. Young girls diverged over the field and laid out the pieces of food, sprinkling them neatly the earth. This was done so that the harvest of this year would be especially pleased with his fertility and no element destroyed him.

The pagan and Christian starts of the holiday strongly intertwined. This is evidenced by the procession, which carried out the church on the plowing fields. It was a call for blessing to land and people processing it. After such prayers, the Earth necessarily pleased with the large harvest of wheat, buckwheat, barley.

One of the required rites was considered to remember the good word of all the dried relatives and acquaintances, even those who were buried without funeral and repentance. In the temple, candles were put on the soul. And the parishioners left after the service with barks birch, consecrated and married from various misfortunes and ailments. They were put on their houses next to icons. Some believed that the souls of the deceased close were flown and sat on the birch branches.

Traditional was to collect healing herbs, but not damaging land cover. Herbal fees on this day possess a special healing force. They were brought to the temple for consecration and then used a whole year, brewing infusions and teas for the family.

Girls in wreaths

The whole grass laid down on the trinity at home, also gathered in the spirit of the day. They could be focused seriously ill and suffering people, it contributed to a speedy recovery.

They were going to dinners with families, covering rich and full of delicious food tables. Pancakes, pies and caravas with meat, fish were an indispensable treating friendly feast. Often such feasts were organized in nature, thanks to the land for everything she sent to the dinner.

Young people at that time went to the field to drive mermaids, running on the grass and swinging on the air birch rods. It was believed that the mermaids came out of the water bodies during this period and swung on birch branches or wreakchi willow.

Another tradition was the morning washing with well water. It got rid of his pigeons, misfortune and attached to a cheerfulness and energy of the believer.

Bereza was the main attribute of rituals for the day of the Holy Spirit. Young girls spilled from branches wreaths and allowed to the river. If the wreath immediately began to float far, be a beauty married to a good and secured person. And if it stood on the spot and broke it, it means that we expect a turn of obstacles this year, with whom the Device will have to cope. Wreath of Potonul - wait for the misfortune or deep shock.

If the weather pleased with the sun and a warm pleasant breeze, such a grace to wait for the six subsequent weeks. This day, people met the summer, spent the spring by songs, dances, games and universal fun.

The girls were undesirable to run in the spirits of the day. It threatened the fact that you can run away from your destiny. And in order to bring your female happiness closer, the young people at the dawn passed by barefoot on dew. It foreshadowed an ambulance with the narrowed, to which the bare feet would find a path.

But the most important thing is that the Orthodox man should do on this day is to keep faith in the soul, strive for good thoughts, the creative beginning, the mandatory visit to the temple and the prayers for granting the grace of the Holy Spirit.

What is impossible on the day of the Holy Spirit

In this holy holiday, first of all, any agricultural work is prohibited. To dig the land, plant the plants, stick the stakes, so far and at least somehow disturbed the land of the feeder was considered a great sin. People believed that it means to lose the integrity of the earthly cover means to lose the future harvest, applying heavy harm.

All homemade women's work were also banned. It concerned the cleaning and washing of floors, laundry, sewing and embroidery. Women behaved especially meekly and modestly on this Monday. It was not accepted loudly talk, provoke quarrels, conflicts and clarification of relationships.

Not accepted on perfumes day to overeat and abuse alcohol. This is a feast of the soul, the crankshaftful prayer for the forgiveness of sins and the commemoration of the departed.

It was dangerous to swim at this time. They believed that mermaids are especially mischievous in the spirits of the day and can drag the batcher under the water. Especially this concerned young unmarried young people, whom girls with a fish tail could easily seduce with their long hair and rounded form.


Do not visit the church was a bad sign. As if a person was not busy in his affairs and concerns, he had to go to the temple service.

Modern switches on perfumes day

Many signs were also revered and traditional today. On the days of Pentecost, it is customary to decorate the apartment with freshly abusive grass and barks of birch, praying in the temple and put candles behind the deceased relatives.

As for restrictions in work, this is already at the discretion of the believer. In the modern world a lot of responsibilities, the execution of which is extremely necessary on time. Therefore, if circumstances do not add up in favor of recreation, you should simply learn relatives and if possible, order a prayer for resting their souls.

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