What dreams of the Break of Miller's dream book, Freud, Tsvetkova


Meet the snake in the forest wilderness - it is not uncommon, usually she just tries to avoid a meeting with a man, consolaving in the bushes. But what if this predator turns out to be very large and will be aggressive? What is the dream of a boa, we will find out in proven dreams.

General interpretation

Break in a dream personifies strength and power. In Christian traditions, he always meant the devil, silent Eve in the Garden of the Garden. It can personify both male and women's start, and has a very multifaceted meaning. The snake has always been a symbol of wisdom, tricks. Curled by the tolter Python - a symbol of eternity and cyclicity of life.


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We brought in a dream to observe how the Break drops the old skin, is a sign of youth, renewal, rebirth, spiritual and physical growth. For a dream, such a vision marks the start of life from pure sheet, forgetting past mistakes, resentment, adversity. Taking only rich experience and intuition, a person can safely go further, counting on a long and long way, full of interesting events and joyful moments.

As a creature capable of killing a person, the boa means the destruction and tragic confluence. It can identify blind rage, cynicism, cruelty and vanity. A positive interpretation can be expected from the night plot, in which snakes lay calmly on the stone, curling away by the village. This dream indicates its inner strength, the years accumulated energy, the potential that you can only disclose only thanks to a non-standard situation. By attaching you to a state of stress or affect, you can truly surprise your abilities and talents.

To follow the trail of a dangerous creature in the jungle - strive to perform complex tasks, subject to its familiar habitat. You will instill confidence and the strength of the personal space that surrounds you. Support for loved ones also plays great importance.

The bright and causing color of the booth dreams of those who are not used to in their lives to limit themselves even in the trifles. Your desire for excessive consumption and enrichment can negatively affect the future. For you now more than relevant moderation in everything. It may concern health, food culture, physiological needs, sex, relationships with people. In everything must be moderation. Spiritual growth, enlightenment will better understand the reality of what is happening, gain internal freedom and stability.

Green snake

What else to expect from the boa in a dream

  • Snake hanging from the branch - to unexpected new duties that do not correspond to your former skills;
  • Predator surrendered the body and hands - the likelihood of losing control over those who obeyed you;
  • Kill the creature - return power into your hands;
  • Watch how Piton stifles his sacrifice, - to the pressure of a high-ranking official or power person. That period when you do not have a choice: to obey him or resist;
  • You came to the rescue and got rid of the sowing - circumstances will be in your favor, allowing you to positively influence your future;
  • Testing fear and numbness in the form of a spelling boost - to be a very indecisive and timid man. You are unable to defend your rights, even if you have great advantages.

Author dreams

Sigmund Freud

Break is a pronounced phallic symbol that means fertilizing male strength and energy. For a dream, this means that you are at the peak of your activity and always show interest in the opposite sex.

A woman unexpected meeting with Python promises a random acquaintance, which promises unforgettable sex and orgasm. At the sight of this potential partner, your suggestion of the lover will not let your assumptions about the high temperament. It will be quite demanding and persistent in bed, therefore it is worth helping the strength for rapid love battles.

Anaconda, who dropped the old skin, indicates a dream on the growth of his sexual potential. You are in that phase when the most likely conception of the future offspring. Children will have a sharp mind, excellent health and insight.

A woman to contemplate the dying snake - a sign that your spouse is experiencing an intimate sphere. His sexual impotence threatens impotence, which will certainly affect your relationship. Measures should be taken before waiting for the worst consequences.

The young person feel like her neck squeezes a major python - to have a powerful and influential lover who got used to dominate and manage his passage. You are not satisfied with such an attitude towards yourself, but it seems that you are unable to part with him.

Miller's dense

The boating personifies an unclean force that threaten the most negative outcome of the events. Attached and squeezing the neck of the predator in a dream will become a sign of a turning point in fate. Here either you are released from the difficult situation, or it will completely absorb you, depriving the opportunity to recoup.

Destroy the attacker Snake - a sign of good prospects. Your victory over difficulties takes place. You are not from those people who are accustomed to surrender, finding an explicit advantage of the enemy. Good opportunity to prove yourself that you are capable of more. In the future, you will raise the bar of your goals without being scared of troubles and problems.

Dreamed to observe the green python floating in the river, to suffer from alcohol addiction. Your facilitates and weakness can find a way to deal with heavy lifefronts in alcoholic beverages. But such a decree from existing urgent cases will only complicate your existence.

Yellow color of a predatory mammal in a dream indicates health problems. Avoid severe ailment or chronic exacerbation will be able to be hidden in the deaf jungle from Python.

Yellow Snake

Evgeny Tsvetkov

It was harmful to be afraid of the day in the walls of my own home - you should expect a trick and betrayal from the closest and relatives. Do not disseminate your plans and further prospects, talk about your ideas around. Wait for the successful embodiment and implement the tasks.

Before death, Python bites you - expect the consequences of recent heavy events. It may change the financial situation or worsen well-being. You should be prepared for the fact that you will have to spend a lot of time and strength to restore the former moral or physical condition.

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