Independent training of Teta Haling


Teta-Hiling is one of the most effective techniques for personal growth and transformation that arose relatively recently. Many people are wondering if independent training is allowed to theta chilling or is it just a myth? You can learn about this from this article.

Vianna Stubble photo

A little about the technique itself

The Teta Haling Method in 1994 created a resident of the United States of America by Wianna Stabl. This technique has gained success in a huge number of people around the globe.

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Teta-Hiling is based on very rapid changes in human life due to the use of a special theta wave activity of the brain.

In recent years, a variety of courses have come to appear with trainings designed to train the Teta-Chilinga of everyone. They all love customers with bright slogans, promising various "bonuses", "upgrades" that you get after they are passing.

Some types of courses are sufficiently generalized, and on other participants are engaged in the study of certain areas of life or specific areas. Often, newcomers in this area are striving to visit all seminars on this topic to find out all at the maximum.

The only nuance here, of course, is the presence of a sufficient amount of time and finance, because everyone knows that Teta-Hiling is not the most budgetary pleasure.

Therefore, people are wondering: how many courses do they need to go and can they do it on their own? About it we will tell you next.

Self-study of theta Haling

Of course, the main point here is your goal you put in front of you. After all, training will be somewhat different in cases where you apply for the role of a professional healer or instructor, or when you want to work with your internal problems and establish your life.

It is necessary to immediately say that to achieve the state and start in it correctly work is given to each of us. And here your experience or completed courses and trainings are absolutely not important.

It may happen that beginners who have a canal will be revealed, will show the best progress than "old people." We all have the right to use the unconditional Energy of Love.

But at the same time, of course, there will also be needed at least minimal knowledge on this system, because without this your efforts will be ineffective.

These knowledge can give a basic and advanced level of Teta-Khaling. It is very similar to learning in primary or secondary school classes.

Courses learn how to work properly with convictions, how to use traditional Teta Haling techniques, plus a tour of the concept of building peace.

When a person finishes such courses, he is issued a special certificate, and it can now be practiced on other people and at itself.

Teachers in the learning process should separately tell about the security technique. And although theta-chiling is a safe technique, but any ignorance can be dangerous. It is very similar to the medicine that, of course, helps, but if you use it inappropriately, you just hurt yourself.

In subsequent training, there are highly specialized trainings designed to solve problems of a specific plan. For example, "manifestation of abundance" is a highly specialized training that allows you to achieve material success due to work on negative installations regarding finance.

photo from the training on theta chilling

How to independently comprehend theta hiling

Teta healers often use the phrase "ask the creator". This means that the best and effective way to get the necessary information on the disturbing soul issues is directly to ask the creator of this world.

After all, all information obtained from other people or from publications has significant deviations that imposes a personal perception of a person who transmits her through itself and their views and beliefs.

The second point - by spending a session on Teta-Chiling, you will not be able to ask social networks a question for what reason your client has encountered any problem. For this reason, a very important ability - to listen and correctly perceive the Creator. Only he can provide the most detailed information on your issues.

God acts as a source of absolute knowledge, which is available to us twenty-four hours a day. And if you need some kind of practice or technology to work out a certain sphere of your life, then, having a "harmonious communication channel" with the creator, will be able to do without teachers and needs in passing new seminars.

You will get all the information directly, without the participation of third parties. And only your negative installations will be able to break this process that violate the process of interaction with the subtle peace, and the disbelief is due to the Creator.


But trainings or courses will be useful in cases where the person has a lot of "clogged" channels or there are powerful "blocking" concerning the development of various spheres. In this case, training will contribute to the increase in spirituality and obtaining a new experience.

It is also necessary to mention that training occurs even in cases where you are just next to a person possessing some knowledge, even for a short time. It will definitely be useful for you.

7 reasons why prefer training self-study

  1. The masters with experience make an accent only at the most important points and present information in the form in which it is easiest to learn.
  2. If anything for you is incomprehensible or does not go out, you have the opportunity to ask questions and immediately "on the spot" to deal with all the interests of interest.
  3. In the trainings you will lead new interesting acquaintances, and at their end you can share your results and experience. Or just enrich your circle of communication with new friends and like-minded people.
  4. The teachers are engaged in the selection of special, personal "chips" and practical developments for their students who largely facilitate work with them or with others.
  5. While in systematic practices in one energy circle with a master and a group, you will actively engage in various issues (many problems that have been worried about you for a long time) and you can significantly grow as a person.
  6. The obvious plus is a significant savings (in some cases calculated for years), because on an independent search for information on the Internet or in the publishers you will have much more strength and energy, plus you are most likely to make different errors.
  7. You can officially practice theta hiling for your customers, because it is a registered trademark, only certified practices that have a documentary confirmation of their knowledge can be engaged in training.

It turns out that nevertheless, although the independent training of Teta Hinging is quite possible, it will be much better to go to courses or a seminar, where experts will disperse you in all the details of this technique and will help you become a real master of Teta-Khaling.

At the end of the article, be sure to review the interesting thematic video. Footage:

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