What dreams shirt for dreams and interpretations of authorities


Until recently, the shirt was just the lower linen, the fact that the body is closest. The shirt in a dream has this value. Washing in the absence of automatic washing machines and powder was not carried out too often, and therefore shirts were not so lightless, like modern T-shirts that carry half a day or one visit to the gym.

By sight and the state of the shirt could be said to a lot about a person. The shirt absorbed the sweat, perfume, smells. The middle class has changed the shirt once a month, aristocrats once a week. We'll figure it out what dream of a shirt in dreams.

In a dream

Main values

  • Wear a shirt - defend. Invent excuses for the outside world, having to have their own actions in a decent form. It is possible to invent excuses for self-deception. Hide the motifs, hiding behind the shut-down forms.
  • Choose - you have good skills, you can be taken into reconnaissance or diplomatic corps. For all you have no one explanation, but several ready-made and thoughtful options ideally tuned to the target audience. For the family, for the authorities, for employees, for subordinates, friends and for themselves - you have your own convincing version. Or are you on the way to creating such a complex scheme. You probably wounded, convinced that no one will love you so much, really does not need anyone, you need to provide for everyone the most convenient version. It works, but you risk losing yourself in the variety of versions, become an interpreter, who does not trust too much.
  • Email the shirt in a dream - destroy the evidence, traces of their presence, get rid of bad memories.
  • The dirty shirt has the same meaning as dirty underwear, - gossip, rumors about you or other people. Scroll - with pleasure to repeat rumors. Rinse in the water - improvise on the topic of the existing rumors, invent new variations. Hide, shove in a dark angle or in a basket - to hide an unsightly truth.
  • New shirt - fortunately, sign of excellent health. It is not necessary to unpack the shopping packaging and turn the label. If the shirt in a dream looks fresh, clean, it is new.
  • It dreams to wear the thing inside out - you are charging because of an empty oversight. Be careful, do not give in to traps and provocations. Learn to pose and not show your incompetence.

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Different shirts

What does the shape of the shirt in a dream

  • A comfortable homemade shirt that is hoping for you - you are quite satisfied with life and are not going to change anything. If your shirt is on another person, there is a reason to alarmed. Someone plunges unkind.
  • The girl dreams that she is in the guy's shirt, - the struggle for power in the family, you defeat with a huge margin.
  • The nightie - at this place could be a stunning erotic dream, which would give you great pleasure. But you shy your desires and are not ready to consider the details at the moment.
  • The office shirt suggests that the work among the White Collars is very tired. You are disappointed and, perhaps, look after an inexpensive woodworking machine - for a hobby.
  • You are trying to wear your old or children's shirt and understand that she is small to you - your views have changed. Those things that have pleased you in childhood, no longer bring the same pleasure. Indeed, you can buy at least 10 chocolates or portions of ice cream, but it will not deliver much joy. Some are trying to replace sweets on beer and alcohol, buying it with packages, but it is not entirely that.
  • You fit your children's favorite shirt - yes, it would be nice to return to childhood. Nothing needs to be done, the minimum of requirements, but all prases, rejoice in your existence and cute smile. To cause a wave of lunizing, it was enough to show the heel from under the blanket. Now, so that everyone is lost - what kind of smart and glorious are you, - you will have to get a Nobel Prize and touched on touching speech.
  • Ripped, covered shirt means that your lies are cracking on the seams. Maybe not a lie, but just a life position loses relevance and can no longer serve you to protect and comfortable asylum.

Gray shirt

Interpretation of authorities

  • Miller's dream book interprets shirts as a sign of disclaiming in the family, betrayal and excuses.
  • A girl who dreams is that she puts on a guy's shirt, can acquire a rather strange, inexplicable and almost unlimited power.
  • If a man trys on various shirts in a dream, he is waiting for a passion at the same time with several women.
  • Dream Interpretation Ezopa interprets the choice and shopping of a shirt as a difficult choice of several angry. In real life will have to sacrifice something significant.
  • Female dream book considers people in clean expensive shirts that you see, as envy. You seem competent to you, smarter and lucky you. To try on a shirt - to the selection of the behavior line. Sewing a shirt in a dream - to how your further life will be. No matter how surprisingly, turning into all sides of the thread, the seam curve means a long happy life, rich life. This means that you think about each step and make the right choice. Smooth perfect seam - to smooth linger and failures on a personal front.

White shirt


Shirt in a dream - a man's protectedness sign from an external hostile medium. Its appearance shows what mask you prefer to wear for the outside world. If you see several shoes, you have or a very rich life that requires several images, or you are confused in lies.

Sleep warns of possible dangers of incorrect selection, warns from errors. It is possible, options that seem to be an ideal solution that suits everyone will actually lead to a complete confusion, and your dirty underwear will rinse on every corner. Not always a quick and comfortable solution - the most faithful one.

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