What dreams of glass, interpretation from different dreams


What does glass dream, what does such a vision mean and what should be expected in reality? To create a right interpretation, it is necessary not only to decipher the value of the main part of the plot, but also to recall what circumstances were, resurrected in the memory of the details. Glass is a fairly controversial symbol. When trying to decipher dreams with this part with a dream, it should be relying not only on the main part, but also to take into account the nuances, your mood and attitude to the items of the dreams.

What can mean the symbol

Broken glass

Glass in a dream is most often broken. It is about a broken and ask questions a dreams who want to clarify their own future. Glass fragments in many cases are a symbol of the need to cope with obstacles that lie in real life. But often the person is expected and irrepeble losses in life, because it is impossible to restore the broken glass.

Other options may occur in such images:

  • Cracked glass that acts as a deception and the associated danger.
  • Many fragments are a symbol of wrecking hopes.
  • A large number of glass - your plans are impracticable.

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In order to correctly assess the reasons for the appearance of one or another image in dreams, pay attention to external signs. In cases with glass, it can be:

  • Dirt on fragments - a harbinger of conflict situations involving strangers.
  • Shards are clean - you need a sober look at the situation that expands at the moment.
  • Brilliant glass - you are very lucky in love.
  • Matte glass wreckages mean false illusions.
  • Colored glass - you are waiting for a series of diverse events that will be very interesting.

What will happen if you smash the glass

Glass in cracks

Bringing glass in a dream, the rehabilitation may be in bewilderment regarding the interpretation. You can try to compare the preceding circumstances with what happens to you in real life. Most often, such visions mean that in reality there is a case that can not be brought to the end due to certain circumstances. Beware - the guilt for it will certainly be laid on you, so it is necessary to prepare for the disposal in advance.

If the glass is broken down as a result of a dream actions, conscious or unexpected, know that any of your undertakings will bring an insignificant result or go as shock. Vision should be considered as a harbinger of unwanted events that can be avoided. But for this, it is necessary to show more accuracy and prudency in the actions and conversations - even the unnecessary word can turn into problems for you.

Splitting around the fragment - a symbol of the fact that you will not succeed in achieving goals. It is worth considering a dream as a warning - soon you will have to survive quite difficult tests. To overcome them, attach more physical forces and spiritual energy - then there is a chance with honor to overcome all obstacles.

If the glass was not divided, but they were accused of this, in reality you can expect over and gossip. Make yourself correctly, and you don't have to fear that other people's conversations will damage you.

It may affect the interpretation and what glasses belongs to:

  • A window crashed - in reality, you need to urgently correct errors.
  • If the window is not in the house, but in the car - the road may be trouble.
  • The glass doors are broken - in life you can successfully cope with a certain obstacle that interferes with achieving the target target.

Website objects - a symbol of obstacles that can meet on your way. Sleep warns and that it is not necessary to make destruction and chaos, breaking everything on the way to the goal. The greatest results brings attentive attitude to the problem, preservation of equilibrium, an attempt to bypass obstacles by applying diplomacy and selecting compromises.

What do different dreams talk about dreams with glass

Broken glass

In the dream of Miller, the glass are more often an omen of good luck, but if there are other signs, it can become precursors of a whole period of failure. If in a dream a man is trying to look through the glass, it is likely to be awaiting misfortune. When you are making sleep circumstances and break the glass forcedly, this means that a certain goal, the achievement of which you gave a lot of time and effort, will not be achieved. If you cut a broken glass, it is, on the contrary, to a successful coincidence. Soon your business will go uphill.

By the dream book Vanga, clean glass - a symbol of purity of thoughts. Your life will not be overshadowed by sad events, it will be possible to avoid bad deeds, bad events. Often dreams with clean glasses are considered to be prophetic, foreshadowing the scenery old age and the calm end of life in satiety and prosper.

Dirty glasses - you are waiting for an ambulance payable for the deed before. In the old age, you will have to have a miserable existence if we live in before it. Chopped with glass fragments in a dream? Wait for a series of small and frequent troubles, tests, failures will be chasing you.

To see the glass, crashed or cracked, not good to good, after which you will still have to repent in the misdemeanor, the result of which it was. You may have to completely change the entire lifestyle.

According to the flower, dreaming glass means the fear of something. Look through the glass - to expect something.

Islamic dream book - here glass is considered a symbol of a woman, and it is recommended to do with it in a dream as softer.

Dream Interpretation Contemporary - Dreams in which glass is involved, warned against lies, disorders and fraudulent actions around. If your view was directed through the glass, you will have to expect when an unfinished case comes to the final. Magnifying glass is a frequent panic due to trifles, diminishing - excessive frivolity. Worked or crashed glass - obstacles to your success.

Glass in the mouth - trouble, negative, bad events. Split pieces - a sign that you can easily get rid of trouble. Often chewing fragments means that the body is not in order.

To determine the interpretation of a donent plot, it is worth thoroughly analyze all the details. Then it will be possible to make an approximate concept that will help find out what exactly awaits you in the future.

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