What is the dream of bad dreams for dreams and the opinion of the psychologist


The world of our dreams is not always a bizarre and pleasant place. Sometimes, falling asleep, we are immersed in the most unpleasant events - you can dream your own death, the death of a loved one, the dangers of the real world or fictional threats - bring, monsters. Dream interpretation will help not only figure out what the bad dreams are shot, but also to analyze the reason for their appearance.

Nerves and fatigue

Bad dreams often leave unpleasant when awakening, and in some cases they are able to spoil the mood for the whole further day. It is also difficult for a person to feel rested if for a long time he every night watch nightmares. Understanding the reason for the emergence of such dreams will help get rid of them and begin to enjoy pleasant plots again.

  1. To see bad dreams is often brought to those who have been in a state of overwork or fatigue. In this case, the dreams are not symbolic and are only a reflection of the process of processing the brain of negative emotions. Night vision content is not important - it is better to think about how you can organize a deserved holiday.
  2. A deep problem requiring an immediate solution is bad dreams against the background of the common nervousness and alarming of the dream. If in everyday life, any trifle can knock out a person from a gauge, as it is accepted close to heart, experiences and concerns continue to be processed by the brain and at night. In this case, it is more serious to think about how to become calmer.

At night

Other reasons

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In addition to stress and nerve overvoltages, there are other prerequisites for man's sleep spoil.

  • The reason for the bad night vision can also be a banal view of the horror film - in this case, the nightmare has a one-time character, rarely repeating up to two or three times, it does not carry any symbolic importance, and it is not worth paying attention to it.
  • Bad dreams in a dream can have a completely random character - when their appearance is no reason. In this case, it is worth understanding that in real life nothing bad happened, and with a good way to continue your day.
  • Also the cause of bad dreams can be excessive alcohol consumption and a hanging syndrome.
  • Call a nightmare can cause diseases accompanied by an increase in body temperature, agents, ORVI or flu.

Bad dreams during pregnancy

Pregnant women often complain about violation of their sleep caused by the appearance of nightmares. In their case, it is very important not to attach any meaning to the unnecessary sleep and not be afraid of his repetition of the next night, as this can cause a new stress and, again, cause a nightmare.

It is worth referring to the negative dream of the naughty - dreamed, and let. The likelihood is that bad sleep is caused exclusively internal psychological and physiological experiences, - the body is now a very difficult period. The best way out will be a concentration on positive emotions and getting rid of all sorts of stress.

In which case does not foreshadow anything

The dreams, who happened not to observe not the most pleasant picture in his night vision, set as a question, was not a dream with a proper. There are three cases in which a dream, no matter how detailed and believable, does not mean and does not foreshadow nothing:

  • Sleep seen in the period of decreasing lunar phase. Lunar energy during this period focuses on eliminating the negative and unnecessary information from human consciousness. It is worth forgetting a donkey picture, as it is only the result of the work of the subconscious.
  • According to the dream book, bad dreams, dreamed of full moon, should also be ignored. As in the past case, they are the result of our subconscious about fears, complexes and other similar problems.
  • Dreaming dreamed of 29th lunar days. On this night, almost every dream is observing a bad dream, but not everyone remembers them. Night visions that have seen at this time are usually especially unpleasant and scary, but do not fear them, because they also do not foresee anything bad.


If they are shot by the child

Bad dreams in children are a normal phenomenon, since a large number of emotions and impressions of the unexplored world accumulate in the children's consciousness per day. If the child occasionally sees nightmares, do not worry and look for a special reason. Just the subconscious mind helps him cope with the abundance of information.

However, it is worth alert if the bad dreams acquire a regular character and your child complains of them more and more. In this case, it is primarily to think about the relationship between relatives - perhaps the child feels the tension available between parents, or often becomes a witness to the scandals.

If you have a friendly and strong family, you should look for the reason for nightmares in the children's room - perhaps the baby scares some kind of toy or the object, the outlines of which when the light is turned off look scary.

If there was no obvious reasons for children's nightmares, it is worth seeking advice from a specialist.

Psychologist's opinion

According to the Practicing psychologist Tatyana Danilova, dreams - the manifestation of instinctive cruel or indecent desires, which we osculate deep into the subconscious. The conscious part of our personality, brought up by society, does not accept instinctive desires, as they do not pass through the censorship of social fears and prohibitions. Therefore, the subconscious satisfies them through dreams.

Also, a prerequisite for a nightmare can serve as an unresolved problem or a number of such. Especially in the case when the dreams cannot solve them for a long time.

Another reason - experienced before the dream day. It is worth trying to find parallels between the unpleasant sleep and the events of the last day to make sure that the dream is only a reflection of the work of the subconscious and does not promise anything bad.

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