Bird rushed on his head, sign - what is the evaporator clothing, car


Our contemporaries say: if the bird rushes on his head, the sign is kind, which is rich and (or) good luck. However, do not everyone know that in such a way it does not always work. What cases are considered anxious, and what, on the contrary, you need to rejoice?


"Like snow on the head" ...

  • Most often marked head, evaporated hands or neck means: Soon you will fall on you a big amount of money. You do not have to work hard to get them, - maybe you will win them, and maybe it will be a challenged inheritance.
But it is important to remember! During the bird "shot" you must be dressed in the usual, your daily costume.
  • Did she get to your hand? This is a sign of fate: the talent is deeply in you, and soon he will reveal. By the way, it can be favorably reflected on the thickness of your wallet.

What kind of clothes "shot" feathers resentment?

  • For military uniforms. Your career will go uphill. It is possible that you will assign a new title.
  • On your ordinary working suit or outfit in the style of Causual. Excellent sign: You will get something valuable. It may not necessarily be money, but also an expensive gift (for women - precious decoration).
  • On a wedding dress (suit). It is possible that your elect (chosen) does not love you and wants to connect his fate with your only one of the calf. It is believed that if you immediately remove this thing and caustize, it will be possible to neutralize this unpleasant sign.

Or maybe the bird "Creament" your car or house?

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  • If Pichuga has dried the hood, roof or bumper, this is not the most positive sign. She can warn you about an accident that shut up with the radar of the DPS inspector. So if you can, do not go anywhere today - well, or use public transport.
  • And if you wash the car, it will only be worse, so do not do anything until your iron horse is raining.
  • If the "sighting fire" fell along the window of your apartment (or on the windowsill), this is a positive sign that promises the rapid parish of the welcome guests. Which way of the world is watching the injured window, from there and the expensive people will come to your heart.
  • If the pigeon marked your balcony (and then the Sil somewhere there in the corner of the nest, which means it is thoroughly "painted" every chalkboard on this balcony), it means that you are kind and bright person. Only with such people they stretch pigeons, and they face evil and soulless.

What was it for the bird?

  • Peaceful bird (sulfur city sparrow, quietly walking dove, sea gull). This is an excellent sign. Such beings carry positive energy in themselves - that's it a little bit of you. A snow-white pigeon is considered the best sign.
  • Bird-predator, also black (raven, rho). On the contrary: the malicious bird arrives all the time, having honed the human misfortune, and their whole "heavy" has already selected. Something from her "collection" can fall out on your share.
  • By the way, the Voronius "Shot" has another explanation. Bird, living a hundred years, can warn you: Speak less and listen more, this is true human wisdom.

And if this just dreamed you?

On the shoulder

  • If in a dream on your head or on the clothes "shredded" a bird, this is a great sign. Especially successful such sleep can be considered before a long trip. In addition, this dream promises good luck (even in the game of the card).
  • If you were dirty on people, it is also a wonderful sign: Soon those surrounding will see your talents. Maybe even, you will get a reward (say, a premium at work or a valuable gift from my spouse self).
  • Have you seen yourself in the forest more often, and a wild bird has gone to you? This is already a rather ambiguous sign. On the one hand, he promises the problem unexpectedly fell on his head, and on the other hand, faithful friends who gather to help you, so you will bypass "low blood."
  • If you got from Owl or Filin, such a dream already says: you will be in danger. But if you are as careful as possible, you can dodge it.
  • If you were angry in a dream and drove (hit) This is a harmful being, it's bad: you have moved away from yourself.
  • The bird is drunk, but did not get to you: you could hardly take a lot, but luck went past.

There is another curious sign. True, it was created not folk wisdom, but modern jokers. They claim: if the bird has gave you on his head, it is to a quick visit to the bathroom. Well, what to say: this sign is also true!

And what do you believe in rational or inexplicable? Choosing only you!

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