Taoism - the way to achieve happiness, essence and meaning


Dao is the path of knowledge of things. Taoism is a traditional Chinese teaching with an admixture of philosophy and religious views along with Confucianism, Zen and Buddhism. The concept of Taoism includes shaman and magical practices, the doctrine of immortality and the expulsion of evil spirits, the rituals of predictions and the healing methods of qigong.


The essence of Taoism

Eastern mysticism has had a great influence on the whole world. Roots of Taoism go deepstairs, the first written artifacts are dated the second century to our era. So talks about Wikipedia Taoism. How is the word "Dao" translate? This is a kind of faceless force controlling the world. She is everywhere and anywhere. Also "Dao" is translated as "path", which determines the direction of human life. Thus, briefly the essence of Taoism can be described as faith in controlling faceless power, created the world and supporting everything and faith in endless bliss in a state of rest and inactivity.

The founder of Taoism - Lao Tzu. The main ideas of the exercise are the acquisition of internal harmony and peace through following the sacred path of Tao. Taoism is not a religion in its pure form, but a set of spiritual practices. Despite the absence of dogmatists of religious worship, there are many monasteries in which Taoi retired from the bustle of worldly life. This becomes clear if you consider the fundamental idea of ​​Taoism about the state of inner rest as the achievement of spiritual perfection. In the bustle of the days of rest, it is impossible to achieve, and according to the beliefs of Taois, the inner peace can give a long life.

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At the dawn of the formation of Taoism, there were no ritual and ritual ceremonies. The followers of Lao Tzu sought the right path and meaning of their existence. Over time, Taoism has undergone changes, but the basic idea has been preserved. This teaching time experienced the persecution of the official authorities that Taoov encouraged to hide and form secret fraternities. Tao preaches the suppression of passions and desires that he did not always find a response in the hearts of people.

Does Dao have its own sacred book? Yes, it is called "Dae De Jing", which means "the book of ways and dignity." In this treatise, the red thread is the thought of human non-interference in the action of the highest strength, because the will of heaven is over all.

Philosophy of Taoism

Way of achieving happiness

The philosophy of Taoism gives a certain recipe for the achievement of bliss and happiness in the earthly incarnation. To do this, stand on the path of Dao, to gain the power of DE and remain in complete inaction of the U-Vay. What is complete inaction? This is a state of contemplation, observing what is happening without any intervention. This contemplative attitude towards everything is happening in life.

Daoists believe that no good deed is capable of making a person happy. It can gain happiness only through inner peace and meditative condition. It is in meditations that can comprehend the meaning of the universe and gain bliss. According to the founder of the teaching, a person must cultivate three major qualities in itself:

  1. compassion (qi);
  2. moderation (Jian);
  3. Soul (Shen).

According to Taoov, compassion (love) makes the heart actively work, that is, overclock the blood. It is healing the body. Modeality in everything also contributes to health, and also allows you to reasonably spend the vital energy. The development of the soul is the path of self-improvement, without which it is impossible to achieve bliss.

The main ideas of Taoism:

  • the principle of non-interference;
  • nonsense;
  • spontaneity;
  • Turning things.

Taoists argue that the constant principle of the universe is a change, everything else is transient. A change controls the law Tao. It is impossible to resist change, you need to let them happen in life. If a person carries out any actions or wishes something, he violates the natural course of events and prevents the changes to realize.

Note! Taoism teaches not to interfere in the natural course of things and not attempts to correct the perfect world.

Attempts to change something in their lives are considered by Daus as an attempt on the perfection of the world, because perfection can be comprehended only in a state of contemplation. Desires, according to Dao, is the path to concern and misfortunes. A person should not strive for anything, but should not let it be happening. For example, Dao does not seek wealth, but does not impede him to come into life.

The main ideas of Taoisma

Yin and Jan.

What symbolizes the sign Yin and Yang? Some consider it a symbol of the day and night or good and evil. In fact, this is the fundamental symbol of Tao, in which the unity of opposites is concluded - a dark and light start. Dark belongs to the female soul, light - male. Women's essence is expressed in passivity, men's - in activity. Only the unity of two began to form a harmony and bliss, only in the unity of the opposites the power of the qi energy was concluded.

According to Taoov, the overabundance of one of the qualities leads to an unreasonable strength of life. Both principles should be in harmony and equilibrium, only in this case life will be fruitful and efficient. However, in this symbol, the idea of ​​the space principles of the movement, which carry out changes in the physical world are concluded.

The constancy of change symbolizes a vicious circle. Points inside each half of the sign symbolize interpenetration, the wavy dividing line indicates the absence of clear boundaries between the principles.

The principle of Yin and Yang can be found in Chinese art, national medicine and even science. This is the fundamental principle of Dao, which claims:

  1. opposites attract and complement each other;
  2. Everything is in the process of constant change.

The man following the path of Dao must constantly find the balance between Yin and Yang. This is the equilibrium of energies that leads to balance and harmony. Only balance and equilibrium of energies can give a person inner harmony and absolute health.

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