Tantra Yoga - symbolism practices, nuances


Tantra Yoga is a totality of Eastern practices, which is based on the union of the male and female start. It is believed that regular classes on tantric methods help not only better know themselves, but also learn to feel other people that in the end makes your life happier and harmonious.


To deeper to understand the meaning of tantra, you need to study her a little. The birth of tantric practices began in ancient times in countries where Hinduism preached, Buddhism and Tibetan teachings.

Tantra yoga

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The goal of tantric practices is to help a person to achieve spiritual enlightenment, free from negative and to reach a fundamentally new level of development. For this purpose, special techniques are used, which change the inner state of a person, allowing him to feel like a filled energy, love and gratitude. As a result, you constantly feel in a state of happiness and harmony.

Tatro yoga is divided into three subspecies:

  • Indian;
  • Buddhist;
  • Bonskaya (based on Tibetan teachings).

Depending on the type of yoga, it can be learned in many different schools and centers. Teachers in these institutions assure: Thanks to their methods, you will learn to live in a state of harmony and complete satisfaction.

Features of tantric practices

The original source of any tantric practice is the teachings of Hinduism. Methods and techniques were taken from the ancient sacred texts. All sorts of rituals aimed at interacting with the ancient deities are described in them in detail. Shiva and Shakti symbolize male and women's start, respectively.


Features of tantric practices are as follows:

  1. Aims on the development and filling of the sexual energy channel, the second chakra. It is believed that it is located there is a feminine beginning, which symbolizes the ancient Indian deity of Shakti.
  2. Symbolism. Any practice is a whole ritual whose rules should be followed strictly. Therefore, before applying the methods, the theoretical base is necessarily studied.
  3. Tantra are combined with yoga, as a result of which the impact of the practice is directed not only to the spiritual part, but also on the physical body.
  4. The most attention is paid to the esoteric part of practices and rites.

Important: The main difference between Tantra from other Buddhist techniques is a refusal of ascetic. Man, on the contrary, you need to learn how to enjoy and enjoy all possible ways, not to limit yourself in anything. Thanks to this, the energy potential is activated as much as possible, sexual energy is developing and enhanced.

The main task of Tantra is to free the sexual energy in a person, fully disclose its potential. And then learn how to direct all these forces to implement in all life areas.

Another important point: spiritual enlightenment cannot be achieved without satisfying the basic needs of the physical body. Therefore, in the process of passing practices, it is necessary to follow the food, to play sports, swim, visit the masseur.

The body is a vessel. It should be healthy so that energy does not occur. If you do not follow the needs of physical, anything spiritual development can not be speech.

Symbolism of tantric practices

To start tantra yoga classes, you need to understand her philosophy, realize and feel some symbolic moments.

Tantric yoga

Here is some of them:

  1. In Indian culture there is a cult of the Mother's Goddess. It is the source, the beginning of all religions, life and the universe as a whole.
  2. A person is part of the universe, but at the same time it is enclosed inside him. In order to develop in harmony, it is important to feel and constantly feel the support and help of higher strength.
  3. Male and women's origin is in every person, regardless of its gender. It is very important to learn how to manage every part of yourself to live in harmony.
  4. The feminine start is a symbol of wisdom and at the same time emptiness. Its image is associated with lotus flower, personifying true perfection and reference beauty.
  5. Male start is unshakable confidence and eternity, strongest weapons. The symbol is a sword made from diamond, whose stronger is not anything.
  6. All tantra characters are found in the symbols of Indian gods: images, figuces and other things. United, male and women's start can create great things.


In Tantra, sexuality is not at all what we are accustomed to count. This is, first of all, the energy that every person needs not only in order to build a happy relationship, but also to be implemented absolutely in all spheres of his life.

What is affected by sexual energy:

  1. On the ability to enjoy life and everything that happens in it. This is the existence of "in the moment", the highest degree of awareness. When you live and enjoy every minute without thinking about problems and difficulties.
  2. On abundance. The abundant person never experiences problems with money. It is filled with energy, and his inner state attracts all the benefits you need. He easily accepts and gives money without experiencing financial difficulties.
  3. On creative realization and success in life. The more sexual energy in you, the faster and easier you reach the goals set, find your destination and your favorite thing.
  4. For happiness and harmony in relationships. If sexual energy in man is enough, he has something to share. It is filled, happy, satisfied, loves himself and the whole world. On such an internal state, flies like flies on honey, representatives of the opposite sex. It remains only to choose.

Tantric practices allow to awaken sexuality, teach to use this powerful energy, to get it right and give it. As a result, a person receives everything from life that he wants.

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