Wedding traditions in Russia, the most ancient customs


Modern wedding traditions in Russia for the most part borrowed from the rites of the wedding of ancient Russia. But time does not stand still, and from year to year wedding traditions are modified. Every young couple who made the decision to tie himself to marriage, choose which customs to observe her, and what to miss. Some couples, having the tradition of their people, try to organize a festive celebration in the original Russian spirit, others, on the contrary, borrow the wedding rites of other peoples. There are no framework and restrictions in the organization of modern Russian weddings, everything is determined by the fantasy and the possibilities of the bridegroom, the bride and their parents.

Flowers of the bride

In the morning of the wedding day, the future spouses, having received the blessing of the parents, dress up and worshiped. The groom goes into the costume, and the bride is in a wound dress. By the way, the wedding dress of the bride was not always snow-white. Old Russian girls went under a crown in a scarlet outfit. And the tradition of going married in the color of the color of purity and immaturity introduced Empress Catherine II.

The groom should also take care of a flower bouquet for its chosen, who will give her after redemption. Friend friends and guests are engaged in the decoration of cars in which young and invited to the wedding ceremony will go. Bridesmaid girlfriends either do not sit without affairs and prepare tricky questions and tasks for the groom, who will have to redeem his beloved.

Redemption of the bride

The traditional wedding in Russia begins with the repurchase of the bride. Here the bridegroom has to show all his smelter and resourcefulness to prove that he is worthy to take her wife.

The rite of redemption of the bride is rooted in ancient times. If now comic tasks and competitions for fun to guests, and the received "ransom" enters the budget of the new family, then in the ancient Russia, the bridegroom really redeemed his pupils from her parents.

Passing all the stages of redemption, the groom finally enters the room, where the bride was waiting for him all this time, and her wedding bouquet was in hand. After a small buffet can be held in a narrow circle of guests, singing young before a visit to the registry office.

Coming out from the parent house of the bride, future spouses sit in the wedding car decorated with ribbons and rings and go to the registry office. On the way, drivers of the wedding cortex cars will signal that there are strength. It turns out that this tradition is also not new. In ancient times, a loud ringing of Bubarenz, who adorned wedding horses, wanted to scare out an unclean force.

Exchange of wedding rings

Entering the sounds of a wedding march into the wedding hall and expressing its consent to marriage, young people fasten the union with signatures, exchange rings and give each other the first married kiss. By the way, the tradition of sharing with wedding rings, taking its beginning in ancient Egypt, successfully passed on almost all nations and is considered almost the main wedding rite. Putting on each other on a finger ring, lovers thus bring an oath of love and loyalty to their chosen. Going out of the walls of the registry office, the legitimate spouses fall under the rain rice, flower petals or coins, which are shoved by the newlyweds their relatives and friends, wanting to live in love and prosper.

In former times, when there were no regulations, the sacrament of marriage was performed in the temples. Nowadays, after the marriage ceremony, some couples are wary, uttering vows of love and loyalty not only in front of people, but before God.

Upon completion of the official part, the guests led by the newlyweds are cleared of their cars and go for a walk through the attractions of the hometown, accompanied by photo shoots and champagne drinking.

After that, the wedding procession is sent to the place of the banquet .. as a rule, in our days, the wedding is celebrated in the restaurant.

Wedding loaf

Among the traditions of the Russian wedding should separately allocate a wedding loaf. Nowadays, they rarely bake a loaf independently, it is usually made to order, it often takes the restaurant in which the celebration will be held.

In ancient Russia, only women living in a strong happy marriage and raising a bunch of kids were allowed. It was believed that through the bread a happy spouse and mother will give a part of his well-being of a young family.

With the help of karabav, you can find out who will be in the house main. The bride and the bride bite off from him on a piece whose more - he will be the main thing. Custom comic, but he will allay the guests, and the youngsters themselves.

At the wedding in Russia, do not do without a tomada. From his skill depends on how the celebration passes. Russian Wedding is not only a powerful table, but also fun. Toasts, congratulations, contests - all this is headed by a leading holiday. Newlyweds begin to take congratulations and gifts from parents, after close relatives, friends and other guests.

The first dance of young spouses is another favorite rite in the Russian wedding. To demonstrate to guests their choreographic skills, the bride and groom spend a long hours of workouts before the wedding. Nowadays, the dance does not have to be classic, like a waltz or tango, are increasingly young suitable dance pots for famous melodies.


Throw bouquet and garter brides

This tradition came to Russia from the West. Bride's young girlfriends are looking forward to the moment when she will throw a bouquet. It is believed that that of them, which was lucky to catch a bouquet, will soon go to the altar.

After the bride abandoned, the bouquet comes the turn of her garter, which the bridegroom should gently remove from her legs, without submitting guests to the eyes of nothing "superfluous." Then, unmarried guys are built behind the back of the groom, and that blindly throws a garter. According to tradition, it is believed that the guy who caught a garter will soon discern with a bachelor life.

The second day of the wedding

Now not everyone celebrates the second day of the wedding. Instead, newlyweds prefer to go on a journey. And in former times, the continuation of the festivities was mandatory. On the second day, guests met and treated a new-minced family. A young hostess had to show all her best qualities. On the second day, the celebrations are customary to dress in funny costumes and walking down the street, treating passersby.

Wedding in Russia is a bright and cheerful event. Russian people love and know how to walk with a scope. And the centuries-old wedding traditions of the Russian people are able to make this holiday special and memorable.

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