Wonders of the amazing method of healing Hoponopono


"Forgive me" and "I love you" - these are magical words that allow man's life to change the human life. They relate to the famous method of HOOPonopono, whose wonders we will tell in this material.

Man - the creator of his world

If we consider the laws of the Universe, and specifically the law of implementation, it can be said that a person himself creates his life and his reality. Our reality is a picture, the creator of which we personally speak. And wonderful when we get an attractive and harmonious picture that brings us real satisfaction.

But how to act in cases where we are not very, as well as with the feeling of harmony, as well as we do not understand the colors and proportional ratio? Yes, and with the composition somehow not very. Because of all, we get a completely wrong picture of the life that you dreamed of.

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What is customary to make artists in a similar situation? That's right, they begin to erase the fragments that do not suit them and draw them again or on top of paint the new layer of dye. Or, as an option, you can simply throw away the canvas in the trash and start drawing a new pure pattern. We will deal next with the two first options that are quite real performed.

Man - creator of his life

Ways to correct life, the drawing of which we are unhappy

The most important point - you must clearly understand that no one is to blame for the current situation. You also have to take all responsibility for what is happening personally. After all, your life was created by relying on your thoughts, emotions with desires. So, the condition of your physical shell, health, the state of the soul, relationship with other people, work, material position: these are all the options for dyes that you use to create your picture of life. Agree that you did not know this information more recently.

Yes, what is there to say - you almost did not have any knowledge concerning your life. And even now we own far from all information, we are not known all moments, but we can already actively use something.

Of the latest popular methods for changing your life for the better in the first place, the famous method of Hooponopono is perfectly deserved.

What is the method of Hooponopono

The basis of the Hooponopono is the main law of the universe, about which we told at the beginning of the article. If you are unhappy with anything in your life, then you are able to change this situation using the same tools that our life was created. You need to go deep into yourself and make a change in your subconscious program, that is, change yourself on a very deep level.

No wonder there is a popular expression: "You wish to change your life - start with yourself." This means that, wanting changes in the surrounding reality, people with whom we are closely related, you should first look at yourself. After all, they are displayed by ourselves. Our world is actually our mirror, our reflection.

The method of Hooponopono became popular thanks to Joe Vitaly, who did a titanic work to discover this method and the doctor who practiced it.

Joe Vitali photo

And the history of the method leaves the roots to the Hawaiian doctor named IIALAKAL Hugh Lin. The latter, using the HOOPONOPONO method, was able to heal from almost all mentally unhealthy patients in the hospital. And everything would be nothing, but the most unique that the doctor never communicated with them personally!

The action took place in the disadvantaged branch, which contained mentally unhealthy people. Some of them were in handcuffs. The situation was so deplorable that the staff of the hospital feared to go to the department so that they were not attacked, and the doctors fired from there one after another. All the staff with the help of any methods sought not to go to work, or pretend to be sick, or invent other excuses, or dismiss forever.

When Dr. Lin began to work in this branch, he did not inspect the patients. He only studied their medical records while in his office. Studying information about patients, he did not stop working on himself. And the more he was improved, the better the situation in the hospital became.

After several months, especially dangerous patients contained in handcuffs were able to get rid of them. And those who were attributed to the gigantic dosage of medicines, began to be content with much smaller or even moved away from them at all. And others who have not hoped to never get out of these walls, were able to discharge from the hospital.

Employees of the hospital began every morning to joyfully come to work, the hospital finally was able to fully complete the whole state needed to fully care for patients. And after some time, the department was closed. For what reason? There remains only a couple of people in it, everyone else came out of here completely healed. And those who remained, distributed over other branches.

What is the basis of the method of Hooponopono?

What was needed to make Dr. Lina with him to radically change all these people? According to the healer himself, he was simply engaged in the treatment of those of his parts, which created them.

The doctor explains that, taking fully responsibility for his life, implies responsibility for everything in it that happens. After all, your life is only your responsibility. To be more accurate, you are the creator of your world. And it is you who are responsible for everything that they say and do, as well as for what they say and do the surrounding people.

Dr. Lynn and Joe Vital Photo

And this means that everything is not satisfied with you in your life comes from you, and you should heal it. If you dream about improving your life, you need to heal it. And if you wish to heal someone, even insane, you can do it, healing yourself.

What concretely did Dr. Lin, how did he heal himself? It turns out that he was simply systematically engaged in repetition of the words "Forgive me" and "I love you" again and again. The word "HOOPONOPONO" is translated as "love for himself." And it turns out that love for himself acts as the most effective method of improving itself, while improving itself, you improve your reality.

This is how this technique is just explained. You just need to repeat the phrases "Forgive me" and "I love you." You can explain this technique for a very long time, this explanation would take not one volume, and well deservedly. But enough to say that everything you wanted to improve in your life can be found in the single place - in you themselves.

Therefore, try, first of all, learn to love and appreciate yourself, your life and our own interests, and with the help of this love heal everything that happens with you and in your reality.

And let your life will always be the one you want to see her!

At the end of the topic we advise you to view an interesting thematic video. Footage:

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