What characteristic features is the dream of Smurova


Dreams are an integral part of each person's life. Every night people travel in dreams by different realities, receiving signs over, concerning the improvement of their lives, as well as warning signs about what is worth fear. To date, there is a huge number of different dreams, each of them is distinguished by its characteristic features. In this article, we will consider the distinctive features of the dreams of Smurova. But first, do a small excursion in the overall concept of "sleep".

Sleep photo

What is dreams

If we turn to the opinions of scientists, then the dreams act as a natural physiological state for which a reduced reaction to the surrounding reality is characteristic. Mammals, birds, fish and other animals, including insects (for example, drosophila) can be included in sleep state of sleep.

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In addition, the concept of sleep means also a sequence of images that are formed in the rapid sleep phase and remain in the memory of a person when it wakes up.

From the testimony of physiology, ordinary dreams have differences from similar states (for example, anabyosis is an option of hibernation in animals, hypnotic sleep, coma, fainting or lethargic sleep).

When a person sleeps, he has an occupational level of anabolic processes while reducing catabolism.

In normal condition, sleep should occur around every twenty-four hours. This cycle is called a circadian rhythm. The latter predetermines every day, while the most important factor is the amount of light in the room. It is the natural cycle of illumination that has the most strong effect on the concentration of special photo-dependent proteins. Normally, the circadian cycle is adjusted to the length of the daylight. But besides a full-fledged night rest, many cultures promote a variant of short-term daytime sleep or siesta.

Sleep acts as a special state of human consciousness, which is divided into several stages that replaced one other per night. The occurrence of these stages affects the activity of different structures of the brain.

So, for example, a dream should begin with the first stage (slow dreams). Their duration varies from five to ten minutes.

After that, the second stage begins, the duration of which is about twenty minutes. Subsequent half an hour-forty five minutes are replaced by about three or four stages. And then the dreams again returns to the second stage of the slow dream, which is replaced by the first episode of rapid dreams (they are very short, they take no more than five minutes by duration).

The described sequence is known as a cycle. One cycle along the duration equals nineth students a hundred minutes. After that, there are repeated cycles with a decrease in the phases of slow dreams and an increase in rapid.

If there is a full-fledged healthy sleep, you can talk about five full cycles. The sequence with which one stage is replaced by another, and its time duration is conveniently illustrated by the hypnogram where you can see the structure of a person's sleep.

Gypsy sleep

Why do you need a dream

Sleep is necessary in order to:
  • provide a full vacation organism;
  • Process and maintain information (especially for slow dreams). Sleep contributes to relief and consolidate the learned information;
  • Also, sleep acts as adaptation of the body and its reaction to the change in illumination (day and night cycles);
  • Sleep helps to restore immunity, largely due to the activation of T-lymphocytes, which do not allow the appearance of colds and viral diseases;
  • In a state of sleep, the human brain is exempt from malicious products of life.

According to a sufficiently popular visceral theory of dreams, in the process of sleep in the central nervous system of a person there is a constant analysis and adjustment of the activities of the internal organs.

Dream of Scharova

The author of this Sonic is the famous writer of Esoteric literature Olga Borisovna Smurova. The book is also known under the other name "Family Dream Interpretation".

Dream interpretation is characterized by a certain originality and stylistic uniqueness. It combines a harmonious main directions in the interpretation of dreams. At the same time, the dreams in it are pushed in such a way that everyone can easily get answers and explanations on what he seen at night. Also, the dream book is a series of its characteristic features, in more detail that we will consider further in the article.

Main Features of Family Sonic

In this edition, all dreams are divided into an indicator of the average duration and degree of immersion of a person in sleep.

We can distinguish such varieties of dreams:

  1. Fast dreams - for the most part, they are abounding with particularly unusual images and plots that are completely not fitted into the framework of ordinary logic. Such dreams are still known as "paradoxical dreams".
  2. Slow dreams - possess their characteristic differences. So, in the process of slow dreams, a person does not receive new information, and his consciousness analyzes what it is of particular importance, referring to the last bright events, as well as on the tasks that are put in front of a sleeping person. After a slow sleep, a person is immersed in a rapid dream, in which it can draw conclusions represented by all sorts of symbolic and figurative patterns.

In addition to such a separation of dreams, in the family dream interpretation of the smash also uses fundamental techniques in the process of interpretation of dreams, namely:

  • It is not necessary to pay attention to the inadvertent dreams in which a clear main image is not manifested, and there is also no plot or another understandable picture.
  • On the contrary, it is worth a separately staying on the dreams, in which you feel your presence especially brightly, and also actively impact on what is happening.
  • The dream category also falls in a dream, in which the sleeping person receives news from close or expensive people (very often from those who are no longer alive).
  • Pay attention to the fact that consciousness sometimes tries to play with us a sinker, offering dreams in exactly the opposite right.
  • Taking care of dreams, it is worth paying more attention to an intuitive approach, as well as treat this process creatively.
  • Those varieties of dreams that are not fully filled are not subject to interpretation. After all, by contacting a similar interpretation, you just confuse yourself.

Dream of Scharova is an incredibly useful edition for those people who pay attention to the recommendations of their subconscious, taking important decisions in different spheres of their lives.

Dream of a smash photo

Although the dream book works on a very generalized, universal approach, even beginner interpreters and just curious people will be able to use them. For greater convenience, the dream book is equipped with a complete alphabetical list of interpretations of night dreams.

If you want to find information about the phenomenon you are interested in or subject, just find the first letter from this word in the alphabetic list, and then select the desired word from the proposed list and refer to its interpretation.

Dream of Scharova is an incredibly comfortable and useful book that will overcome the light on the information sent to you over needed to improve the quality of your life. Take advantage of it to reveal all the secrets of your subconscious and protect yourself from possible trouble.

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