What dreams of Baba Yaga for Sonorov's dream books, Miller, Spring dream book


In our dreams there may be anything, right up to folklore characters. The images of fabulous characters crashed into our memory from early childhood have their own symbolic importance and can help in predicting upcoming events. Dream interpretation will help to figure out what the Baba Yaga is dreaming is an ambiguous character from the world of old Russian fairy tales.

General interpretation

Baba Yaga in a dream can symbolize the suppressed desires and emotions of the sleeping person. It may be a desire to eliminate a competitor or fall in love with a person in real life. If this sorceress in your dream was in a lot, in reality you lack the authorities over people, and you want to get it, but in the period after such sleep you should not take any steps in this direction.

If you have dreamed of an unusual night vision, in which you are standing at the Stay of Baba Yaga, you will have to fulfill the task that only you. Because of this circumstance, no one can help you.

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A dream in which Baba Yana appeared on a broom, suggests that in real life you have to instantly make an important decision to achieve the goal. However, it is not necessary to prepare for a difficult choice - a bright thought will be visited, which will make everything clear and simple. This insight will help you avoid long doubts and in the future will save from extra affairs. Interpretation concerns in the particular people who work in the business sector.

Sleep, in which Baba Yaga flies over a sleeping person on his broom, says that in real life the universe sends a dream signs of fate. It is worth paying attention to unusual events that occur around to understand them.

Interpretation by actions

The right interpretation of dreams depends on what the sleeping person and the sleep object - Baba Yaga did it.

  • If she sitting on his broom, rushed high in the sky, in real life you will get a pleasant news related to your work. It is possible to promote up the career ladder.
  • To be at one's party - to go to a previously unfamiliar place.
  • Fly on her broom - in real life to detect superpowers.
  • Kill her - get rid of burdensive circumstances.
  • Finger with it - a warning that calls for caution in cooperation with business partners.
  • It is frightened - to uncomfortable or awkward circumstances.

Dreaming, in which this sorcerer fled from you, is a favorable sign. He foreshadows the victory over malicious people in reality. If Baba Yaga in your dream beat you, get ready for a difficult test in reality.

Old on the broomstick


If you dreamed of such an unusual dream, in which you, together with the Baba, a jaga fell into a fairy tale, a non-standard situation is formed in real life. If you walked with her through the streets of your city, expect new promising partners in business.

If this dual character was in the forest, revealing you should put your thoughts in order and regain the cold mind. Think over the arrangement of priorities before starting to act. Do not hurry, as it is now enough time for reasoning.

An extremely unfavorable sign is a dream, in which the sleeping man saw Babu Yagu on the cemetery. Such a dream warns a dream about threatening to him or his loved ones of mortal danger.

Spring dream book

According to the interpretation, which gives this dream book, Baba Yaga is an unfavorable symbol. He personifies the unkind intentions from the surrounding people who flow into malicious actions.

This symbol is also a harbinger of deception - think about whether your children lie to you. Also those who see this image risks the hostage of obsessive thoughts, fears and phobias, which for a long time will deprive the dream of spiritual peace. If you capture a similar condition, remember that all fears are groundless and caused, probably the fatigue of the nervous system.

Flying Yaga

There is another, the more positive value of this image. If you woke up with a good mood, a dream with a Baba Yaga foreshadows the resolution of the tightened difficult situation.

Dream Interpretation Prozorova

According to this dream book, donating Baba Yaga warns that the dream can be drawn into a risky adventure, the smallest consequences of which are cash losses.

Being a dream Baba Yagoy - the frankness and sincerity of the sleeping person will lead to a conflict situation. Save the flight from this character - to the deterioration of relationships with the surrounding people.

Dream Miller

This dream book gives a favorable interpretation of the image of Baba Yaga. According to him, the sleeping person who happened to see this sorcerer in his night vision and get positive emotions from this sleep, in real life will go on a fascinating adventure in a noisy friendly company.

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