What dreams sex with a friend in the dreams of Miller, Freud, Tsvetkov


Intimate intimate brings a lot of pleasure when you feel unity with the expensive and beloved man. But spontaneous connection with those who were a good friend to you can be very reflected in further communication. What dreams of sex with a friend, we will find out in proven dreams.

General interpretation

Sex with a friend in a dream personifies the strong spiritual intimacy of a dream with this man. Perhaps your attachment to this personality is associated with common interests, lifestyles, similarity of values ​​and goals. In the desire to self-realize you always feel support and impetus to motivation from this person. Such a need for permanent meetings, communication can be reflected in the subconscious level and go to our dreams.


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Similar vision can also point to some feelings that have already come beyond friendship. You can trust this person, but to be with him next to the private atmosphere for you is very painful. Hard sex, where you played a major role, can talk about your jealousy and desire to dominate. You have to guide the path that you considered is really right. You are accustomed to sustain and listened to your position. In making decisions, you are not successful to trust a friend's opinion, and you persistently promote your decision.

For a dream, such behavior in a dream can be a precursor of future exacerbations and conflicts. A friend will not tolerate your egoism and totalitarianism. On time to change your attitude to the partner means to preserve sincerity and respect for each other.

On the other hand, an active position in sex indicates a tide of strength, the vigor of the spirit and the energy of the dream. You are confident in your abilities, you are not afraid of obstacles and difficulties. The moment when it is necessary to focus on a promising project. This promises future financial independence and independence in decisions.

In bed

Passive position in bed with an old buddy is a sign of your indecision, reliability and modesty. You are not accustomed to being the leader, submit bold ideas, develop partnerships in equal positions. Therefore, very often you simply take advantage of those who call themselves each other. To eliminate such behavior in relation to yourself. To do this, you need to safely and persistently declare your rules of the game, defining its goals and desires in advance.

What else to expect from sex with a friend in a dream

  • Passionate kisses with a close friend - to the implementation of the planned plans;
  • Proximity to the friend who became your husband, indicates the stability and reliability of family communications. You are ruled by love and serenity;
  • BBATAL with a long-time friend - to a mutual physical impulse, which can push you to create a strong pair;
  • A close relationship with a business partner is a dream indicates that you can trust your friend. This man strives for general success and is ready to support any minute;
  • Sex with a former classmate reflects your nostalgia in former life. You whip about the past or about what could happen to you. Your regrets do not fix the existing state of affairs, live and appreciate the present.

Author dreams

Miller's dense

Testing pleasure from sex with a friend in dreams - a symbol of the stability of your affiliate. You are always ready to support each other in a difficult minute and never give will to fleeting selfish desires. In essence, your friendship moves you to a common goal, which will still unite you for a long time.

By the seaside

Do not receive pleasure from an intimate connection means to have some complaints to a friend who strongly undermines mutual respect. General promising plans can drastically change if it does not voice the problem on time.

He dreamed like a friend forcibly trying to master you, - the reason for your future quarrel will be buried at the wishes of a friend to dominate you, subordinate your will and consciousness with its own favorable goals. Perfect attempts to influence your voice and opinion, otherwise do not notice how you will be completely in his power.

Watch in a dream for intimate links of friends - in reality feel your loneliness. You begin to realize that you do not have a close circle of communication, you have no one to trust and empathize. You are independent of the circumstances and liberal in your actions, actions. But more and more look at the full family relationships of other couples, where there is love and children's laughter is heard.

Sexy relationship with a close friend in public place indicates that you will be very shameful for something. Your actions and actions will receive universal renewable and condemnation. Fear your own carelessness and frivolity. Serious attitude to life will improve the financial situation and achieve stability.

Sigmund Freud

Sex with a friend in a dream personifies the dissatisfaction of the dream of sexual life or a secret sexual desire for this person. The attraction can cause depressive behavior and overall depression. Do not refuse regular sexual relationships with other potential partners. And to the one who excites in you passion and fire, open your feelings, because they can be mutual.

A woman dreamed of making love with a colleague - a friend - a sign that much unites you not only in the business sphere, but also in intimate preferences. Perhaps to experience the moment when the desire to conquer the temptation will be especially great. Corporate ethics holds back your dust, but, on the other hand, an office atmosphere can only glow your temperament.

A man to watch in a dream, how his girlfriend has sex with another, - in reality to experience the problems of sexual powerlessness. You are not ready to put up with the fact that your sexual activity is gradually decreasing. Male strength and restore health will help a small rest and abstinence.

Evgeny Tsvetkov

Sex with a former friend in a dream reflects the very unstable dream position in real life. After such a vision, you can expect a delay in financial income, barriers to the resolution of complex cases, health problems. If the bed scenes in the night Gresses you are very tired and you woke up broken, it means that I need to gain a lot of strength and patience to cope with a series of trouble. Good opportunity to test yourself with endurance, will to victory and perseverance.

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