Wires in the army: traditions, signs and customs of ancestors that have come down to this day


The young man begins to think about the service in the army, already receiving an agenda from the military registration and enlistment office. The service for the benefit of Russia has always been a large test for young men who only become on the path of adulthood. It was considered a very important event, and preparation required a serious approach. After all, with what attitude you will send the future warrior, with that he will be held a long and harsh service. Wires in the army have their own traditions and signs.

Before departure

It is always taken to collect a feast for the closest and most relatives of the future recruit. Only these people can give a truly useful advice, to say part -ile words and sincerely believe that a person, passing the service, will become a real man, the defender of our Fatherland.

So that the Novogrena went to the army with the heated spirit, a good mood and desire to serve a dedication, it is important to make this day festive for the family, to meet him joyfully, fun and trust. The memories of relatives who have long received a military ID help to tune in to the desired way. Their stories about the valiant and sometimes dangerous service will give more responsibility to the guy.

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Mama and sweetheart should restrain tears on this day and not to show their suffering related to the future separation. The army should not have a dramatic character for the young man. The consciousness of the future fighter should postpone the memory of the ancestors of the war, the feats of friends and acquaintances participating in recent hostilities. They serve as a farewell, betraying courage and rear to a young man.

Customs of our ancestors

The wires in the army became known since the time of Peter the first. It was then that a decree on the recruit set was issued. It was a truly serious test for the recruit and his relatives, since the service life was twenty years. This inevitable separation from the relatives has always been accompanied by female bales and tears. Fathers also could not restrain their emotions, as few people hoped to see again. Died in the service in the army often from executions, diseases, participation in wars.

So that the soldiers returned to the father's house and he did not break this cruel test period, the people were kept and carefully performed certain traditions. It was customary to give amulets and overalls on the road. One of these was with the image of the god of Perun-Thunder. This Slavic symbol marks strength and protection against any uncleanness. And the drawing with the image of his horse gave faith to the fact that the trouble would bypass. The wobbling helped on his chest helped for a long service and gave faith in a speedy return.

The claw or fang of the wolf on the pendant was also considered a strong defense of the future fighter from the enemy and disease. He could give wisdom, dexterity, endurance and tricks of a predatory beast. The wolf, devoted to his flock, will never leave and will not leave the family. This sign will always remind a soldier that he remembers him, are waiting for relatives and friends. And he must safely defend the honor and dignity of his people.

Special craftsmen wishing to overcome the unclean strength and evil spirits, made a figurine from clay, similar to a copy of the future recruit. They wrapped in her clean sitherium and drove alongside the front door of the house. At the same time, it followed the words: "Take it, and my son is not touching."

Going for a long service, it was necessary to leave the parent home back forward. It inspired faith in good, lightweight service and happy return. And after the warmed, it was accepted to throw a barbecue rice, millet, buckwheat. Thus, it was believed that the soldier would not be hungry and need her needed.

After the care of the young man in the house three days were not touched. It was considered a bad admission to sweep the floors and wash the corridors at home. Thus, they did not eliminate the good energy of this man so that his return was fast and benevolent.

It was customary to cook porridge on this day and abundantly water her before eating honey. So that fasteners on the lips of the recruit. It promised more joyful events in the fate of the soldier, worthy of awards for his bright feats.

Dejections always baptized the back of the son three times so that he did not notice. And after asked the power of the power and health to her child. Such a custom has been preserved to this day. In the church, people order prayers for those who are now on a difficult, thorny path associated with military affairs. The main images capable of bringing faith mothers to the well-being of our own Chad is the icon of George Victorious and the icon of the Mother of God with a baby.

An important tradition was to eat in a water well and put his thing with his future soldier. This should be something personal and self-associated home. Such a ritual is aimed at maintaining the energy of a young fighter. At the subconscious level, he could gain the strength of this place, remembering parental love and care, coolness and freshness of pure water of these places.

The symbolic item was also a loaf of bread, which was taken to bite the front service during the feast and speak loudly with all relatives, which will definitely be delighted when it returns. Then the bread was wrapped in a clean towel and stored in a dry place until the soldier returns.


Special attention paid to the hair of recruit. Two curls cut off and crucifically laid behind the icon. This charm promised to preserve the life of the young man and give him the will to victory.

Get a blessing from the father and take a bag of the Earth, on which it was born and grew up, is also one of the symbolic adoption that came a little later and still in many of many.

In the church

Modern traditions

The current generation is not so serious about the traditions of the wires into the army, since the service life of the service is significantly reduced, and the conditions of stay in the service have become much rare. But the instability of external political ties, terrorism, permanent internal conflicts contribute to the fact that some rites are fulfilled to this day.

The recruit is made to go to church, listen to the service, accept the communion and confession. Parents of the Conscript can enjoy fortyst for health. Conscript must be taken with me to service a native cross.

A good chance of a quick return will be hanged by the young man on the wall of the ribbon, which he will remove on return. Before calling, it is impossible to wear a form - this is considered a bad admission that attracts trouble.

Another tradition of our days is to sign on the bottle of vodka or champagne to all relatives and friends who sincerely wish the good and the speedy return of the soldier. Open this bottle after the return of the soldier from the service.

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