Folk challenges on pure Thursday and what to do this day in 2020


Consider signs on pure Thursday and what to do this day to ensure the well-being of the family. In fact, it is meant by passionate Thursday in the last week of the Great Post to Easter.

The next day is a passionate Friday, the day of a strict post, which in the idea should be devoted to the greatest pre-person memories, the idea is passionate Saturday, and on the night from Saturday to Sunday there is an Easter service, a procession, the declaration of the Holiday Resurrection. And so it turns out that a passionate Thursday is the only possible time before Easter to bring the house in order. That is why the name "Clean Thursday" appeared.

For 1000 years of Christianity, Clean Thursday became a tradition, customs, rites and folk signs appeared, partly from Christianity, partly from folk beliefs and local religions.

Washing windows

Folk Signals before Easter in 2019

  • Clean Thursday - general cleaning time. It is necessary to perform it with the whole family, believing and unbelievers. You may not believe in Sunday, not to attach importance to church holidays, but the rites that existed before Christianity were not made on scratch. In particular, existing hygiene requirements. Indeed, once a year everything needs to be well to wash. For this, a special day is defined - pure Thursday. Do not want to mess around in the dirt yourself - nothing terrible, call the cleaning company.
  • Cleaning be sure to start from early morning. This is a significant moment.
  • It is necessary to get to the storekeepings, antlesole, wipe the crystal and glass, clean the silver, wash the windows, throw away the dilapidated furniture, knock out carpets, permeate the mattresses.
  • Distribution of debts in pure Thursday to join the New Year updated, has the basis of times when the new year began in spring. To take and give a debt to pure Thursday extremely undesirable.
  • Floors are preferably washing "silver water." For the preparation of such a water, a silver piece for a day or night falls into the water. There are water filters that also use the useful properties of silver for cleansing. You can dial silver water and from the filter. Water with silver ions has a slight bactericidal action, perfectly absorbing and flushes bad emanations. The main task is the maximum, sterile cleanliness in the house.
  • Ends the day with bath procedures. After hard work, it is well clean. It is believed that the water is washes off all the burden, someone else's influence, conspiracy and gossip.
  • On this day, the children are cut "for good luck."
  • The next day you can start the bake of cakes and paint eggs - prepare for Easter.

How to cook a threshold salt

Thursday salt is used for seal, compresses, warming up for a year. Salt heats up, wrapped in a rag and applied to the patient. So the hymorites, bronchitis, diseases of the joints are treated. Traditional medicine refers to heating with caution.

To prepare a third salt, the usual stone salt is baked in the oven or in the microwave. Previously bored in the furnace. After replacing, the threshold salt is sanctified in the church and stored separately from the food.

What you do not need to do in pure Thursday

  1. In a passionate week, in particular, in pure Thursday, it is better not to joke with evil forces, fortune-laws, attractions and other occult practices. It is advisable not to play gambling, any games for money - you can lose luck for a year ahead, not to bet, do not argue about something and do not turn your head. In pure Thursday it is impossible to give even a minor amount. It is better to give up the conclusion of trade transactions for this day.
  2. It is impossible to share products, tools, kitchen utensils, equipment. If the colleague will ask you to borrow a pencil, you will have to refuse or wait until Friday.
  3. Conduct rites for marriage to a passionate week is undesirable. In case of success, you can get a pass except in Christ the bride, that is, in the nun. Unmarried girls these days it is better to stay as modest as much as possible, not to pay for too much attention, and already in Easter to unfold and begin to flirt. The Easter Week is considered to be better for tying dating, walling, engagement ads. On the passionate week of engagement, ads about the future wedding, proposals of the hand and hearts are a fairly risky step. Nothing terrible will not happen, and your love will not hang out how smoke, if you wait just a week to a favorable moment.


Signs for pure Thursday have cultural and social importance. The guidance of purity and order has not yet prevented anyone, regardless of religion. Meet Easter in a clean and fresh dwelling, without debt, getting rid of the old trash, is an excellent start of a new stage. Spring, the time of resurrection of nature, heyday - the best time to implement the most bold ideas.

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