Effective apple conspiracy to attract love and health


Conspiracy on the apple can be done on love or health. Talk about the rules and features of the implementation of this magical ritual. And also share the most proven and efficient methods of conspiracies.

Rules and recommendations

If you want a conspiracy to the apple to accurately affect, follow the following rules:

  • To make a magical rite Try to choose and buy the best apple. The fruit must be fresh, ripe, juicy. Look, so that in the apple there is no wormochin or rot.
  • Your attention should be most concentrated on what you want to achieve. Therefore, try to abstract from any extraneous thoughts. Select a time when no one can prevent you from, - no one should enter the room during the ritual.
  • Do not use apples to read a plot that can cause someone harm. You must pursue our good goals - otherwise the perfect evil will return to you in a triple size.

Conspiracy on apple

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The most appropriate time to read love plots - evenings and nights, when the moon is declining. It is at this time that the lunar energy is directed to the creation. If the purpose of the conspiracy is to get rid of the disease, it is better to read it on a growing moon.

Love conspiracy on the apple

Apples are often used in love magic, because this fruit is endowed with incredible energy. No wonder the juicy and tasty fruit appears in a variety of ancient legends and legends: it was the apple who took Adam in the paradise bunks, because of the famous apple, the Trojan War began, the mention of the fetus occurs in the ancient Greek myths (Heperd apples).

Share the best recipes for love conspiracy with apple.

Conspiracy on an apple for love

Conspiracy to attract love chosen

To make this ritual you will need:
  • Photo of beloved. The image must be high quality. It is advisable to find a portrait photo on which your chosen one is clearly visible.
  • Freshly large apple.
  • Thread from natural material.

What to do for a conspiracy:

  1. Prepare the fruit and cut it into four parts. Core remove.
  2. Picture gently fold several times and put an apple in the "heart".
  3. Connect the fourth fettes and tie up an apple thread.

After all manipulations, they certainly say the text of the conspiracy three times. It sounds as follows:

"With every day, an apple will dry, like the Slave of God (the name of the beloved) will continue to dry, the servant of God (your name). Amen".

After the completion of the ritual, remove the apple into a secluded place. When the fruit will see the fruitful, the young man will begin to experience a strong attraction to you and will have any attention signs.

Conspiracy for love for lonely girls

If you are an unmarried girl and you want to quickly meet your chosen one, you will suit this version of the conspiracy. Thirteen wax candles and an apple will be needed for making a magical rite.

Conspiracy on an apple on health

Cut the ritual late in the evening. In complete darkness, you need to light the candles and put them around, in the center of which you will set and put an apple next to you. After that, you need to fully expose and mentally imagine what kind of man you would like to see next to you. It is better to practice in advance and form an accurate image of a potential lover.

After you present a man, say the following words three times:

"As the sacred fetus by force is pouring, and love in my heart ripes. With the first rays of the Sun, you, beloved mine, come to me and love at first sight. And as soon as an apple, I'm tired, you will be connected with me forever "

After that, it is necessary to slowly, biting small pieces, eat an apple. It is believed that within three weeks you will meet a man who will become your second half in the future.

Do not forget to repay the candles after the rite. It is better to go to bed right away without putting on my clothes.

Conspiracies for health with apple

An antiquity apple was considered a sacred fruit, a symbol of vitality, energy and health. Therefore, with the help of this fetus, you can make rites to return the health of the patient. We share ways.

Conspiracy on weight loss

This conspiracy will suit people whose health problems are associated with overweight. You will need a large red apple. Before committing a ritual, separated from the fillement of the stalk and throw away.

Early in the morning take an apple in your hands, go to the window and try the cherished words three times:

"The Round Apple, Red Rake and Lose Weight will help to lose weight. I will sacrifice the fruit to get rid of and health to get rid of the sore. Amen".

After reading the text, it is necessary to eat an apple entirely, including the core with seeds. Every day your health will improve, and excess weight leave. A few more ways to get rid of excess fat read in this article.

Watch the video Protective conspiracy on the apple:

Conspiracy from warts

The rite for the removal of warts is very simple: cut the apple in half and wipe the wart halves. After that, it is necessary to link halves with natural thread and bury into the ground, mentally representing how the growths disappear from your body.

The text of the conspiracy needs to be read about herself, without saying words out loud:

"Fruit juicy and fresh in the ground I buried, he will take a wart of a wart. As soon as it rotches in the ground, a black apple, then the skin of clean will become and warts will not remain. May it be so. Amen".

After the fruit is increasing in the ground, warts from the skin will come off. Follow patience and wait.

It is important to believe in what you do. If you underestimate conspiracies or treat them with distrust, magical rituals will not have the desired effect. Therefore, try to trust the magical strength with all the soul - and get the desired result.

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