What dreams former friend in dreams of Miller, Freud, Vangu, Tsvetkov


In the social environment, we used to interact constantly with someone, communicate, to turn by friendly or friendly connections. Some of these acquaintances go to the past, one of them accompanies us the whole life path. What dreams of a former friend will know in proven dreams.

General interpretation

Former friend in a dream carries a variety of interpretation. This may indicate the last unresolved deeds of the dream or remind him of the term of execution of his promises. A successful and wealthy former buddy will be a good sign. You will be given a rare chance to improve the quality of life and climb to a higher social status. For this you should not be silent and shy. These days you are most convincing and eloquent usual. Feel free to promote your ideas and projects, you will definitely find sponsors and associates for their implementation.


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The patient and the intimid man, with whom you had friendly relationships, dream of warning about the upcoming sad and disturbing events. Avoid overloading the body, stressful situations and unjustified risk within these days.

Prove something in a dream former friend - a symbol of loss of your significance among the circle of your communication. You are frustrating and disturbing what your opinion is often ignored, and they do not listen to the instructions. So, maybe you should give advice only when they really ask them? Take care of personal happiness - this is a sure way to get rid of Handra and depression.

An old friend leads his eyes from you, trying not to look into the eyes - a sign of the situation in which you will find a victim of deception and fraud. We will have to be disappointed in a close friend, since the reason for your trouble lies in its evil intent and behavior. Do not take to heart, just get rid of such communication.

Author dreams

Miller's dense

There was a meeting with a former friend, which was always happy to your communication - a sign that soon you will get a good news from relatives, acquaintances or colleagues. After these news, it is worth counting on the cardinal changes capable of completely change your lifestyle.

The sad and tired face of a buddy from the past reflects your real deterioration in the moral or financial situation. This may also testify to health problems, fatigue, internal tension and pessimism. Perhaps a strip of small trouble knocked out of you from the usual life gauge. And you can no longer restore your energy and gain strength.

Dreamed the old acquaintance on the top of the snowy mountain - an excellent sign pointing to a quick career takeoff, the implementation of conceived purposes. But for large achievements you will have to work hard. Your perseverance and patientity will be rewarded.

I had to part in a dream with once a close friend - Introduce in search of fresh thoughts, new ideas and solutions. You are accustomed to spontaneity and independence. Your actions sometimes do not have explanations, they are difficult to understand others. But such an indifference also deserves the right to be, as it leads to success and prosperity.


An old buddy was gracious - expect an ambulance and long-awaited meeting. If this person is trying to tell you something, but you will not discern words, it is worth analyzing your real affairs and actions. Such a vision can warn about rashness, short-sightedness and simply nonsense.

Friend childhood

Swear with a former friend in a dream - to be in contradiction with yourself. On the one hand, past incomplete cases will not be released. But on the other, it seems that, solving them, you miss the opportunity to implement plans for the future.

A married woman dreamed to get acquainted with a new friend - to replenish in the family. The long-awaited pregnancy will bring a lot of pleasant worries by changing your usual schedule.

The person with whom she once talked once, grated the dead - in reality it should be ready for heavy trials. These complex life circumstances can undermine your morale and physical health. Listen to the advice of wise and far-sighted friends. During this period, you should not try to radically change the unpleasant and disadvantageous situation. Attempts will be vain.

Young person kissing with a friend - in reality to say goodbye to him because of moving or a long business trip. See the sad and disturbing eyes of an old friend - to expect his request for help. Apparently, it is now that he needs your support. Do not think to refuse, it will negatively affect your future.

Sigmund Freud

Former friend for a woman dreams of her dissatisfaction. You lack the attention of the opposite sex, or you constantly compare the real lover with the former. This comparison occurs not in favor of the first. Attempts to return the past will not bring the result, but only aggravate relations with a partner. Open your feelings, desire, sexy fantasies and teach it to deliver you more fun. You are able to raise a knight in it, ready to go for you for any bed battles.

A married man was harmful as a former friend hugs his spouse, "you will have to doubt the sincerity of the feelings of your half. Perhaps excessive suspicion is caused by your special, loyal desire to fully enjoy the beloved. Most likely, jealousy will be completely groundless.

A girl to kiss with a friend who did not see for a long time, - to return to active sex life after a long forced abstinence. The reason for this may be a new romantic connection, which will be distinguished by incontinence and passion.

Girl and buddy

Evgeny Tsvetkov

Meet and kindly talk to those who have long been avoided, - to get rid of old problems whose solution was constantly postponed for later. For a dream, this will be a good familiar to the successful completion of all routine affairs. You can safely continue to escape the career ladder or develop your own business.

The old friend stretches you a ticket - a great reason to radically change the future. While you desperately hold on for your stability and comfort, someone next to embarrass your former dreams and aspirations. Practice courage and determination.

The buddy introduces you with a young special in a dream - it's time to think about family happiness surrounded by the spouses and your favorite children. Fate promises pleasant bonuses on a personal front. Care and attention will be the most popular qualities of your character these days.

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