Conspiracies and prayers Fisherman on successful fishing


Fishing is a favorite men's hobby, which helps to relax after a hard work week, and the catch is only a pleasant bonus. But what if the main task is not a rest, but get additional food and financial income?

In such cases, fishermen are carefully prepared before each campaign to the river to bring as much fish as possible. To increase your chances of success, they do not rarely use a special prayer or a conspiracy on successful fishing.

Prayer Fisherman.

How do prayers and conspiracies help?

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The key to successful fishing is favorable weather conditions, the right choice of reservoir and bait. Also important is the experience of fisherman and tackle used. However, not always observance of all rules helps to catch a lot of fish. To come home with a good catch, some fishermen resort to the help of prayers and conspiracies that used their great-grandfathers.

A conspiracy or prayer for good fishing is a simple magical manipulation that does not harm neither around him who applies it. There is a fairly large number of magical texts that need to be pronounced at certain conditions. For example, some of them should be read before leaving the house, others directly near the reservoir, and the third - above the first caught fish.

The conspiracy or prayer for fishing primarily give a person with confidence in itself, and set it up for a good catch. In addition, fishermen notice that the reading of special texts is not rarely creating real wonders. For example, after pronouncing the spell, an active cool began, although before that, several hours did not have any fish. Either instead of small fishing began the coarse of large individuals.

Plot fisherman

Strong conspiracies and prayers

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Fishing is usually prepared in advance, usually from the evening. In addition to the preparation of the gear and bait, it is recommended to record strong conspiracies on a piece of paper, so as not to forget their words and read in a timely manner.

Universal plot

Before leaving the house, you need to read a universal conspiracy. He is a call for help on a good catch, and addressed to underwater residents.

Prayer for fisherman

Ritual and prayer for successful fishing

Before the onset of dawn, you can spend a small ritual, during which a special prayer for fishing is read on a good catch. To do this, it is necessary to become an open window, take a lit church candle into the right hand, and pronounce the following text:

Prayer for successful fishing

If you have a ritual for some reason, it is impossible to spend it, it is recommended that you read the prayer "Father our" prayer, and then speak:

Prayer for successful fishing 2

Crossing 3 times, you can go fishing.

Conspiracy Before throwing fishing rods

Having come to the reservoir, and having prepared everything necessary for the beginning of fishing, you need to read a conspiracy that will attract fish to the bait. It must be read before throwing fishing rods.

Prayer for successful fishing 3

Another, no less effective conspiracy to attract fish read on the fishing rod. It is recommended to learn it by heart, and during the pronouncement of words to look at the water, imagining how to the place where you are located, the fish begins to flail.

Prayer for successful fishing 4

It is important to remember that the first caught fish should be released, otherwise you can pour out water, and you can go home with anything.

Rite of the growing moon

Very effective is a conspiracy to catch fish to read on a growing moon. You need to read it at night on the eve of fishing, before the open window, and read the words, looking at the moon. It is desirable that the Moonlight gets to you.

Prayer for successful fishing 5

This spell will be especially useful for those who fish often, because With it, good catch will be ensured regardless of weather conditions.

Prayer for a big catch

Conspiracy on the catch of large fish

A simple ritual will help to catch a lot of large fish. It takes a small fishing fish for him. As soon as you do it, read the plot, and then release it into the water.

Prayer for successful fishing 7

According to fishermen, after performing a ritual, an exceptionally large fish falls on the hook.

On rich catch

To catch a lot of fish, it is not necessary to be an experienced fisherman or have a professional spinning, because Much depends on luck. A special prayer of a fisherman can achieve success, which can be read both at home and directly at the reservoir.

Prayer for successful fishing 8

There is also a ritual for a big catch. To carry it, it is necessary to take 2 coins with you, several wood chips and a piece of dry bread. Having arranged at the reservoir, you need to throw listed items into it, and read the conspiracy with a whisper:

Prayer for successful fishing 9

Full moon rite

For help to those who are often fishing, will come a special rite that needs to be fulfilled on the eve of fishing. At night, you need to become an open window, from which the moon is clearly seen, and say such words 5 times:

Prayer for successful fishing 10

It is recommended to learn the text by heart, because During their reading, you need to look at the moon. The rite will be even more efficient if the selected day of the week for fishing will be used.

Conspiracy on tackle

Before leaving the house, preparing tackle, you need to read the following magic text three times:

Prayer for successful fishing 11

Conspiracy to bait

The number of catch largely depends on the bait, but its chances of success can be increased if it is to speak. If you decide to fish in the worm, then before planting it on the hook, you need to cry on it three times, and say:

Prayer for successful fishing 12

If another bait is used, the words of the conspiracy should be as follows:

Prayer for successful fishing 13

It is believed that the first caught fish can become a talisman, and will bring good luck during the next fishing. Therefore, it must be postponed to take them another time. If in the near future you do not plan to re-fish, then the first fish is better to give the cat. There is a belief that it will protect the fisherman from damage or the evil eye.

Conspiracy over the first fish

Since ancient times it was believed that the first caught fishing effect affects the entire further catch. So that he was as successful as possible, spell spell over the fishhead, and then they released it into the river.

Prayer for successful fishing 14

Signs for fishermen

Each fisherman knows about the existence of a number of adoption, which affect the number and quality of catch. If it becomes strictly followed, then each time the fishing will be successful.
  • You can not blame your fishing gear, otherwise the next time will not be a catch.
  • Do not wait for a large fish if someone wished the rich catch before fishing or said "no tail nor scratch." To return good luck, you need to send a person to hell in response.
  • To quickly begin to peck, you need to shove your worm before planting it on the hook.
  • It is impossible to prepare tackle a few days before fishing - this is to failure.
  • Luck will leave if you look back over the shoulder during Kleva.
  • The first small fish is necessarily released, otherwise you do not like larger fish.
  • Recalling catch can only after the end of fishing.
  • The catch will be good if in the morning in the street is stuffy.
  • Do not hope to catch the fish if you accidentally come on tackle or fishing rod.
  • If there is no Claus for a long time, you need to distract to the snack, but it is not worth it with a fishing rod - this is not to fail.
  • A bad sign is considered to forget tackle at home. To avoid trouble, you need to return, look in the mirror and show your reflection language.
  • Before leaving the house you need to go on the left foot.


  • The conspiracy or prayer of the fisherman on successful fishing will help to tune in to the positive way, and to gain confidence in a successful outcome.
  • Some texts need to learn by heart.
  • Do not forget about the signs on successful fishing, they also have a big impact on the quantity and quality of the catch.

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