Pure Thursday to Easter: Signs, customs, conspiracies and prayers


Pure Thursday on the eve of Easter - a strong day for neutralizing the negative and attracting health, love and well-being. Our ancestors left a legacy many customs and rites that did not lose relevance and in modern times. So, pure Thursday before Easter: Signs, customs, conspiracies and prayers. Consider in order.

Pure Thursday to Easter: Signs, customs, conspiracies and prayers


What do what do rites and conspiracies in pure Thursday before Easter? Orthodox believers should visit the church, confess and coming up. On this day, it is supposed to make general cleansing in the house, the bake of cakes. Before dawn, you need to have time to swim in the river or at home under the shower to cleanse the negative energies.

In 2018, the Great Thursday falls on April 5th.

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After the ablution, it is proceeded to cleans the dwelling, washing the linen and decoration of the house for a holiday. According to the tradition of women, all the lingerie, clothing, towels, bedding, tulle and curtains, floor mats and bare officers were launched. On the night of Thursday, on Friday, all the households slept on the straw litter of pea.

Women worked the whole day in the house, because no dirty rag should have left before Friday - everything shone purity. Men worked in the yard and garden - cleaned the space from the dawns, residues of dirty snow and garbage. People believed that the global cleansing of the house in pure Thursday would bring happiness and good luck for a whole year.

In the great Thursday, people harvested a third salt for the coming year. To do this, it was necessary to pour salt into a canvas bag and attributed to the temple for consecration. All family members were poured in the kulischek. Sometimes the salt was stirred with poppies.

Folk signs in pure Thursday


Folk Signals to the Great Thursday were associated with the acquisition of well-being for the entire current year!
  • Who in pure Thursday in the dwelling is dirty, all year will live in quarrels and impurity.
  • In order for the hair to grow lush and shiny, they arched the tips of strands. The one-year-old toddlers are also for the first time. Thursday, too. Cuthes wool from homecutchinka - for well-being.
  • From the great Thursday to Easter, it is impossible to give any of the house, otherwise you will give your well-being.
  • To make money, you need to recalculate them three times. Also for well-being you need to shoot a gun and rearrange the furniture.

Get rid of disease

On Thursday you can make a conspiracy on health and getting rid of the birth. For this, exactly at midnight should be agonizing the tips of the hair and burn on fire. So that the hair quickly burned down and turned into ashes, it is necessary to split the cast-iron frying pan in advance and put the strands there. Fit your hair from the match - they will quickly turn into ashes.

Then the ashes need to throw in a bowl with water, look at the water and say:

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Put a bowl on the window to dawn, cross. In the morning, climb before everyone, again, read the conspiracy over the mission and splash the water with ashes outside the window. This rite will relieve you from many physical and mental ailments. Cut it every year. Until Sunday, do not forget to put a candle Panteleimon to the healer and ask him about the assistance.

Conspiracies for health in pure Thursday

Get rid of damage

The Great Thursday can be cleaned of damage by salt. To do this, purchase a new package of salt (do not take it), bring home and pour on a large frying pan. Turn on the fire, stir the salt with a wooden stick (bring from the street) and continuously read our Father.

Pour salt until it stops cracking and bounce. If the damage is strong, the salt will not calm down - take care of patience. The main thing is to constantly pronounce prayer. When the salt subsides, remove the frying pan from the fire. When it cools, wash the spent salt in the toilet. The frying pan can be washed and use in the kitchen. After that, read any conspiracy on health and thanksgiving prayer to the Lord.

To attract the groom

Young girls were turned into pure Thursday with a special conspiracy to attract the attention of the grooms. The words of the conspiracy are as follows:

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France on well done

How to attract love husband or young undue guy? To do this, in pure Thursday you need to wash your face and drag in the wind. When the wind begins to blow the face, say:

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Washer from witchcraft and damage

In pure Thursday, the dough was mixed with conspiracy words that protect the whole family from the goat sorcerers and witches. They baked so much breadpage, how many households in the family. Before baking on each cake, the cross was drawn and said:

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To protect the house from witchcraft, you need to bring candles from the service and burn the cross on the entrance door. They will prevent the penetration of negative through the doorway.

Conspiracy for money

Conspiracy for money and good luck as follows. It is necessary to put a handful of coins in a bucket, thread the little men with each other and read 33 times as a request for water so that she was afraid of bad luck and helped live richly over the next year:

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Then the money was counted three times, reading a plot:

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Then the whole house was filled with tables, windows and doors and ending with the floors. Floors soap from the entrance door. Attracting money in pure Thursday ensures a peaceful life for the year.

Conspiracy from drunkenness

In pure Thursday you can save your relative from the Criminal Habit. To save the Son or son-in-law from drunkenness, you need to buy a new towel and a piece of soap - do not take the delivery. Come to the house to the son and wash the whole house - windows, doors, tables and floor. Then you need to wash your son / son-in-law with a spoken soap. The conspiracy is:

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Leave the soap and towel in the house of the son, let him use them. This conspiracy gave us the Great Wang, he helped save many men from alcohol dependence. If the son lives with you in the house, spend the rite of the house.

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