What dreams Salute for Miller's dreams, Freud, Longo


Fireworks always cause delight and joy. By tradition, it is customary to launch in honor of a significant event in the life of the country, city or a separate family. What dreams of salute, we learn in proven dreams.

General interpretation

Salute is a symbol of a holiday and successful achievements. Such dreams can reflect the impulsive nature of the dream. If you have to independently let the losses of the lights, you strive for independence and push all attempts to take the patribution and all kinds of custody. You strive to feel self-sufficient and trying to realize everything conceived in the near future. During this period, listen to the call of the heart, and do not go to the voice of the mind. And despite the combat mood, do not look for reason to get involved in disputes and adventures.

Salute over the river

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Watch in the sky thousands of multicolored flashes, being in the crowd of people, - you will be attracted to participation in the grandiose and sign event, which will bring a new unique experience and expand the horizons of your desires. At the same time, not only professionalism, but also honesty, sincerity will become your trumpors. Allow yourself to express your opinion and say what you think.

Salute a young person who tries to build a career, is a sign that these days need to be useful not to society, but to itself. Get the time of health and personal life. The brief paints in the sky, the greater the chance of real life to find truly women's happiness, which before that you did not care at all.

Hear a volley, but not to see lights in a dream - a symbol of deception and disappointment. Such a vision on the eve of the transaction can warn about its fakes and unprofitability. It is worth more carefully check all the documents before signing the contract. Special attention should be paid to your obligations to creditors or investors. Do not give promises, in the execution of which are not sure.

Unmarried beauty This scenario warns to be less trusting to new fans who seek to continue in trust, win your love and appreciation. This union is capable not only to break your heart, but also bring large material problems. It will take a long time to solve the issues of financial instability.

Lonely lady see how the salute illuminated everything around, - a good dream, which will give hope for the best times. You will not be afraid of the future. Everything will become clear for you and obviously. Predictability in this case will benefit, bringing stability, harmony and wealth. Meeting with a pleasant stranger will become a real chance to find a strong and happy family. New work does not frighten the volume and complexity of tasks, but will be interested in its prestigidity and fee.

Evening salute

What else to expect from salute in a dream

  • Watch out the falling lights - to the successful completion of the stage, which will bring a lot of change;
  • Bright flash - to incredible motivation and a new source of inspiration;
  • Elderly to let fireworks - will be a reason for the feast and pleasant communication in a circle of relatives and friends;
  • The student was brought to watch a colorful outbreak before the exam - to admission to an educational institution;
  • dreamed by smoke from the branch of the guns - to losses and loss of the source of income;
  • In honor of the state holiday, the Lighting Lights - the dream foreshadows the opportunity to show their potential opportunities;
  • The church holiday dreamed of salute - to enlightenment, illusion, spiritual enrichment. Vital energy you will receive from communicating with enlightened people who will involve in the world of other values ​​and life plants.

Author dreams

Sigmund Freud

Salute symbolizes the increased erection of a man and its abundant ejaculation. To see a man in a dream fireworks - it means to lead an active sexual lifestyle. A healthy lifestyle contributes to the fact that you will be at the peak of your popularity for a long time among the female half of the population. Continue to delight them with your male sexuality and strength. It's time to think about the future healthy offspring.

Bright salute

Woman to hear the shots of the salute, but not to see the shine of the lights - there will be a disappointment in intimate proximity to the man, which was imposed serious hopes. You have long wanted constancy, stability and comfort of a homely hearth. But feeling my wife and mother in the near future is not destined. Perhaps your rock-based meeting is still ahead.

Fireworks to scare the fireworks of a young person - in reality to put artificial obstacles on the way to implementing their sexual fantasies. You want to experience love and passion, but Puritan education and moral principles restrain your harmonious sexual development. A mature woman such a plot may impose a unwanted pregnancy during this period. Be reasonable, keep security measures.

Married lady dreamed of watching a multicolored flash in the sky - wish to get pregnant from a man who is right now. Your goal will be achieved if you confess in your feelings and tell your satellite your dream.

Miller's dense

Positive moments in the future are waiting for the one who saw in a dream salute. The plan to conquer this world should be drawn and proceed to its immediate implementation. Modesty and shyness during this period will be the most unclaimed qualities. Be afraid to declare yourself - it means to miss profitable offers and promising opportunities.

The man to let the firefight in the air means being overlooking and rude to their loved ones and relatives. You should be softer and indulgent. Now attention and care are waiting for you, but not criticism.

He dreamed of rejoice in Salute married individuals - to be fruit and enjoy excellent female health. It is time to become a mother. Your long-awaited pregnancy will leak calmly and harmoniously. And the birth of the baby will bring many new impressions and change the current lifestyle.

Yuri Longo

Salute personifies a bright and significant event in the life of a dream. These changes will affect both work and personal life. Take care what you are most interesting. Only it will inspire and bring the fruitful result. Attempts to engage routine affairs are doomed to failure.

For a business man, to independently let the fireworks - in reality, ask the rhythm of movement and work to colleagues, subordinate and just around. You inspire confidence and are able to influence the opinion of a large mass of people. Your optimism, energy and orientation on the result will achieve the success of the team in any field of activity.

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