What dreams the ball in dreams of Yuri Longo, Meneghetti


For someone it is a symbol of sports, and for someone - a favorite children's toy. How does the dream dream look at the ball? What dreams of this sporty inventory, "hero" of the favorite game of our men - football?

Ball on line

General interpretation of this sports sleep

As a rule, esoterics are unanimously assured: the ball in a dream is an excellent sign. He foreshadows a cheerful pastime, a lot of joy, as well as one hundred percent health.

What was this ball?

  • Nursery. Often this toy means a future meeting with people with whom you are friends almost from the sandbox.
  • See how babies are played with a color ball, to a great, joyful rest.
  • What was the children's ball? Bright: Your plans will be brought to life. Ledged: You are restless on the soul (and maybe you are just lonely). Burnt: What you've ever conceived, will remain just plans. Large: Soon in your life there will be something very good.
  • There were a lot of baby balls, you could not stand because of them and step. Before reaching the conceived, you will have to overcome many obstacles.
  • Football. Most often it is the sign of your getting rid of the disease.
  • What was he like? Strange color: you are lucky in love. With a star autograph: you will become famous. Ledged: You can get sick. Strange Size: You can offer something interesting; Do not rush to immediately say "yes" or "no", we carefully weigh everything for and against.
  • They played? He got into the grid of the gate: you won your personal victory. It was an out (he flew over the field of the field): Sultious intrigues will be raged around you. See the ball just fluttering past you: you are seriously thinking about your future.
  • Basketball. You get rich, making a career. A dream is particularly favorable in business plan, in which the basketball ball hit exactly in the basket.
  • You saw the athlete "led" him: Let's take a right decision. It was your friend: you have to contact this person for help.
  • The athlete threw the ball in the ring and all the time missed: you are unhappy with your partner (partner). Perhaps this man seriously disappointed you.
  • What was he like? Figure: You will give you something.
  • What does the ball dream, lonely lying in the corner of the hall? You will fall into a very awkward, ambiguous situation.
  • See the basketball ball, which is spinning in one place: you will work almost to dayts like a workaholic. If it is stuck in the basket, sleep says: in your business (affairs) stagnation.
  • You have not seen a basketball ball, just heard how they were knocking on the floor: I will soon arrive at important news.

And what did you do in a dream?

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Child with a ball

  • Were playing football. You are worried about your health. If you (your team) won, your health will be stronger than everyone else. If you personally also scored a goal, you will be the winner in life.
  • Played basketball. And this dream hints: do business, work. You will work well, "include" all your talents, and get quite good "dividends". If you precisely threw the ball into the ring, you will take a good place in society.
  • Playing with a baby in the ball. Sleep says: Soon you will hang nicely.
  • Played a squeezed ball. Plans that you've had been "braking" and tried to implement, unfortunately, will remain plans. They are not destined to come true.
  • You pumped the ball of your child. There is a certain mystery that you dream to share with a comrade, but not yet decided to "open up".
  • You bought a ball: a happy event will enter your life.
  • He was presented with you: soon life will "give" a true comrade.
  • You kick him: the task of which you are driving will be resolved soon. You will think of how to do it, and the decision will be very original.
  • You twisted the ball on the finger: you are a very self-confident person.

And what do the books "named" write?

Dream Intercoms, quotes of which are listed below, are not written on the basis of folk interpretations, but are the result of many years of their authors. They do not lose their relevance for many decades ... maybe not in vain?

Soccer game

Dream Interpretation Yuri Longo (White Maga)

  1. According to this dream book, the ball you played is the symbol of the upcoming meeting with someone, about whom you miss you very much. Maybe a person with whom you closely friendly in the youth will forever move to your city?
  2. If you do not have any childhood friends, sleep can be interpreted differently: you will get to know the person who will become a close friend.
  3. If this sports projectile in your dream lay motionless, this is a sign: Changes up with hundreds of problems and daily hairstyle, a peaceful harmony will come to your life.

Dream Meneghetti (Italian)

  1. If in a dream you won or lost with the help of a ball (billiard, football and so on), this means: that's how your ego interacts with life.
  2. If you played the ball in a dream, just for pleasure, you get rich.
  3. If you are aimlessly rolled it back and forth, it means: you will simply waste time on some nonsense.

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