Affirmations for women for every day - self-confidence


Positive affirmations for women are an excellent way to tune in to a wave of good mood and embody all your dreams into reality. Formulating and repeating the right settings daily, you can radically change your life with the best.

Affirmations for every day

You need to remember that once repeated thought has no power. But said repeatedly, it is able to transform your desires in really fulfilled dreams. Or materialize fears that you constantly think.

affirmations for women for happiness and love

Therefore, it is so important that your thoughts most of the time have been tuned to a positive wave. This can also be monitored so that desires are performed using affirmations quickly and easily.

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To train positive thinking, use daily universal affirmations during the 21st day:

  1. "The universe loves me, there is always a huge support for my back, I'm full of security."
  2. "The world and people love me, and I answer it with reciprocity."
  3. Repeat in the morning: "Today will be happy, light and cloudless."
  4. Before bedtime: "I will see beautiful, pleasant and bright dreams that we remember and can tell."
  5. "I am a magnet for good, love and happiness. I radiate love, thanks and get them in response in a triple size. "
  6. "I am completely and absolutely healthy, always feeling perfectly, full of energy."
  7. "My life is happy and harmonious, it has everything that I need for a full existence."
  8. "I completely love and accept myself."

Positive affirmations will make you switch from negativity to positive, and this is a huge step forward, towards your happiness.

Important moments:

  1. Watch out what you think during the day. If you caught yourself on negative emotions, scroll it in my head as follows: "I admit that now I am evil and annoyed (example). This happens because ... " Slash your feelings completely until you stop feeling them. You will feel ease and free yourself from negativity quickly, and you will not hide him in the subconscious.
  2. Use any free minute to scroll into the head of affirmation. The more often these thoughts will arise in your consciousness, the sooner wishes are fulfilled.
  3. Use also visualization: Draw in the imagination of the picture of what you want to get. Imagine that the desire has already come true. Feel that you are experiencing, what emotions fill you.

After training on universal affirmations, you can go to more specific formulations.

Affirmation of a happy woman

The concept of happiness is different. Therefore, in order for exactly you felt happy, first sit down and think what should happen in your life, what would you like to get, what makes you be able to happiness.

affirmations for women for every day

After that, begin to formulate affirmations aimed at fulfilling your desires. For example:

  1. "I completely love and accept myself." A woman who does not love himself will never be happy. If she does not accept himself, she will never have a healthy relationship with others. Love for yourself is the first reason for happiness of any person.
  2. "I am in happy and harmonious relationships with a man who fits me in all respects." Working personal life is relevant for almost all women. Therefore, if you are still alone, try this statement. But it is important on a sheet of paper to register, what "parameters" chosen is important to you. Set them to the smallest details.
  3. "My life is abundant, I always have enough money for the desired purchases, I am in the way of life of a rich woman who does not refuse him." Happiness is not in the money, of course, but without them it is impossible to feel easily and freely. Therefore, it is so important to work out this scope of your life. Interestingly, money can start coming from the most unexpected sources.
  4. "I am always in a beautiful mood, I am pleased with every moment of this day, I enjoy life in all its manifestations." This statement will help to tune in to a positive way and stay in a good spirit.
  5. "I am healthy, slim and attractive. I completely love and take my body, I radiate beauty and gratitude. " It is very important for a woman not to cultivate complexes about appearance, but on the contrary, get rid of them. Consider yourself with beautiful - and the surrounding will think the same way.
  6. "I attract decent men in my life, and my heart is open to love," use this option if you have long been lonely and can not understand what's the matter.

Check out video with examples of effective female affirmations:

For self-confidence

Sometimes your life is satisfied with you, but there are not enough personal qualities to enjoy all that is fully. The most common problem among modern women is a lack of self-confidence and many complexes. This is solved with simple affirmations.

affirmations for women


  1. "I am confident one hundred percent, I radiate with the energy of confidence."
  2. "I put the right goals and easily achieve them."
  3. "I completely accept myself what I am, and I love myself unlimited."
  4. "I am a unique person, I'm individual, every day I become all the best version of myself."
  5. "I love this life and realize her incredible value, so I use every moment to be happy."
  6. "I am worthy of the best, and it does not cause me any doubt."
  7. "I admit that only I am responsible for everything that happens in my life. I can achieve everything I want and necessary. "
  8. "I am a person with a strong character and a huge power of will, I am the mistress of my destiny."
  9. "I express my thoughts and feelings freely, I have a wonderful relationship with everyone who surrounds me."

Choose any affirmation you like and repeat it daily for 10-15 minutes during the 21st day. You can then choose another statement. Practice regularly, and over time you will learn how to correctly formulate your desires and quickly perform them only by the power of thought.

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