What dreams of the towel on interpretation of values ​​and for dreams


A towel plays a huge role in a person's life. Douglas Adams, the author of the "travel in the galaxy hitchhowing", assures that the most necessary on the journey is a towel. And he is right. It is a sail, and clothing, a distress signal and the ability to lift out after swimming, sit comfortably in any terrain. A towel in a dream is important and means internal intimate comfort. Consider what it means to see a towel in a dream by dreams.

Colored towels

Main values

  • The main value of a towel in a dream is homemade comfort, privacy, comfort. The softer and tender fabric, the better you treat yourself and carefully keep your secrets. The extensive canvas and more opportunity to wrap up, the more closed character it hides.
  • The presence of sleeves, hood - ingenuity of character, special tenderness and vulnerability that you want to hide.
  • Waffle short towel, rigid, cruste and crystal white means steel Spartan character.
  • A small, similar to a dust rag, but from absorbing soft microfiber issues extreme practicality without prejudice to its own convenience.
  • Bright or causing pattern - outaturation of nature. This applies to the Big Punnels. Little bright canvases give a cheerful and optimistic attitude.
  • Gray towel, styled meant undemanding, negligence, inaccurability and inattention. Holes, cutters, scuffs - a sign of poverty and even poverty. You lack no means or mental forces even to the most needed.
  • Wet - to possible trouble. Possible quarrel with friends, deception, draw.
  • Dirty - scandal will be difficult to avoid. Better and do not attempt. If you blame you - in slurry or insufficient accuracy, it is worth reconsider relations with the prosecutor.
  • Kitchen or embroidered - old-fashioned, conservatism, practicality. You cannot confuse, although many are trying. Wedding trees - to loyalty to traditions, a kind of game in the old days.
  • An exorbitantly long cloth means sadness about the future parting.

Different towels

Value of action with a towel

  • Give the towel in dreams - touching care. Such a sign means good luck and help in all good endeavors. A gift from the soul will be a faithful companion on travel and talisman.
  • It is believed that it is impossible to wipe hands simultaneously with the other. In fact, if the friendship is sincere, such an action will only strengthen the feelings, because it means split fame, joy and sorrow.
  • Buy - get ready for serious change in life.
  • Complete, pack - gather on the road. Turn on a nail or dryer - to be comfortable, without worrying about violation of privacy.
  • Watch - the need to hide from annoying attention. Taste on the hips - full confidence, easy bravada. Put on the shoulders - doubts. Watch with head - a sign of depression.
  • Wash, add a fragrant rinser for maximum softness - it is a pity that your concerns are perceived as proper.
  • Spray tissue on bandages or for compresses - you are preparing to complex situations in life.
  • To throw under the feet - wastefulness. To quarrels, ruin, failures. If you dream that you throw under your feet someone else's towel, this means hatred, contempt, meanness. You dream to make a nastyness, but do not decide on an open confrontation.
  • If someone spoiled your towel, you have an awesome-sleeve, which is not ashamed to even climb into dirty underwear, and if you need it, it is so hot. Naive, brazen and stupid envious has a good chance of success and can oust you from a spaced place, the bluntstick is the most incredible and nasty rumors and exposing you in the most unsightly light. Take advantage of the attacks calmly. You can deny everything, including those particles of the truth that the gossip is skillfully fall into the narration. Agreeing even in small with the accusations, you completely disavow yourself.

Towels on the table


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To see a towel in a dream means light anxiety and dreams of comfortable and comfort. Favorite towel means that you want purity and privacy, swim and stay alone with your thoughts. To see the favorite towels of family members - to miss them, take care.

A towel in a dream has the most positive value, it is a sign of the most kind and soft care, tenderness, love. To see a whole stack means good wealth, which will certainly be multiplied, in many ways thanks to your concerns. Elegant and beautiful towels in a dream - good sleep promising a prosperous period.

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